Advertisements & Notices

... 4Jfte0lltuuouF. AIrR. LOCKWOOD, F.S.A, has a lvi VACANCY in his Of floe, for a Well-educated yOUTH as an ARTICLED CLERK. Ilull,.Feb. 27th, 1844. IIUtL OPERATIVE CONSERVATIVE I,/ ASSOCIATION. JOHN HARRIS, ESQ., PRESImDEN. NNIVERSARY SUPPER, THURSDAY, A 7th March, 1844, at the CoSIEsoiAL INN, Dry- ?? on Table at Seven ?? precisely. RICHARD CONKERTON t JOSEPH COWLEY, Hon.Secs. T1 GLAZIERS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *f ?? jFotICs0. _ rTHE NOR O' K STEAM PACKET -IL COMPANY beg to announce to 1ho Pliblic thiewaitlidraival ofl thir Steauner, the ALB ATROSS, a from the Hull and Yavrronth'Statipn, for the purpose of undergoing a thorough Rapair and being RIetitted with rvatire new Machinery; during which period theo Steam Ship, WILLIAM IV willunpply her place. el Due Notice vill ?? roeaming thc Station.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I !Sy gb R. COCKLE's ANTIBILIOUSP~ wre vATROItOEtBOSY THtE 7SPL an DI~uk of Grafton ' Bishop of Bath and Wals, k' Duke of Manchester B1iS110Pf ric 4sDuke offtcdd~rd dish p o atb Ad Dake of ArgyII Bishop bf Peterlrorsah 3' ;Dukls of Beaufort Bishop of Ely ~Y; Duke of Rutland ltlao Of Gloocrater D3 Duke of Moriboroagit Bishop of Chicelaimer Duke ?? bisop of Worcester - Duke of Devoniahire Bishop ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VNEWN YORK. 'fIrle sindermentiotred VBSSELS are engaged tb SAIL ucticallyen the Days stated, FU L L .01EOT FULL. J The C~pier.Bottonled English Ship lhtS J3 , Li I SO N; Jr ( Capt. POWoDxILL, 350 Tons; To Sail 17th February. A Fnlst Siling Copper.Bottomed AineiIn Brig A b ~T U S a, dA Captain PanIvlO 320 Tong' To Sail 4th March. ?? ThVe English SbiP, Regular Trader, SIR EDWARDHALTN Captaill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * .j tubt fitfltttntd. E A T LI E 0 Y OL L L A31ASON-OQUARE. jet,,_HfDAAME CELESTE and MRt. IEBSTER. Fifth NSigt of l be Engagement of Mesrst, STRtICt(L_%ND, sTrUAur, II. HOLL, HOWE, fesfsiIiFi'D. C -lI~K and litr. CAULFIELD, iD the Ii eatrynteirket. who iure ougage d her e for r lirorted peio;1o' tird will appear THIlS EV ENING, OF . tire a6yb instaint, thetornedy of the M EERRY WIY Ws QI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lie OTICE. IA figTASURQU II AR'~'SOriginal Wholesaile rLF either XtEUUVEDt from LoK.Oj5-TA31T to Iliii CK&OebilV'3 Walre- ~ his 13. BOLD STREET ,r he wiirah6biS: eck!9r ,le ~ ,IG.lo 1~avd the ether Ilrsnuo';eo of biii Trade thtit to yew, elegant. and N,. Ir. f gnood vain-; firdt senacure anid csteni. thaernand fsr lis no & od No. he0)ir. oitettytl 1,ae' odvtontsli with liil own, iiy No. 1w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALTERATION IN THE MAIL TRAlNS. To ADERRTISERS, SUBSCRIBERS, We. We particularly request the attention of our advertis- Tng friends to the recent alteration in the despatch of the maie The letter box for the morning despatch is now etosed at twelvc at night, instead ofut half-past one o&clock 4n the morning, as formerly, and, of course, it is incum- bent on the proprietors of the Mercury to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5. by. ?? the dolhool lately msulerilotendled T byhe'Mie- rs Earox Srr epcfhalltO e that GAD an he MlN~GSHO o ON AI S will be RE-~ Tb Cars. ontloig trmsma ?? MIN WOOD. - egCLASSICAL,' M TE AICAL, :A ,DCOX-. I MERCIAL EDUCATION Isum ad MfR. W. Al.. F ISHEkH will RE-OE i ef ?? . ACADEMY, 39, 1Great George-irtrOet, OnL WilDNE5DAV, ve the l7th January instant. ?? .I;k r I N, er In ?? young ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ifler withI the w an o heMl550 r Sott, ?? AloafOW Choice andi Fine MODERN ENRVNS and 'eJtvalvvuablel PAINTINGS, in Gilt Frames. my be T obvw Ell bade! ot T. B rl =11t FURNITU 3E SHIPS' BLOCKS, &O. Ron BY RaM T. BIIANCHI.Stt 0o Londay, the 19t1 ianttst Eleven ' clock, at the HanoverT A Considerabl Asoteto aubeHOUSE- IN li0LD FURII IiouitateEfrsof a Fatally cres baying Liverpool. seea ?? jsntt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *aj~es~thieg5*ffO~ed wa thinek It Is, imptosible but I A1*TN0.8,0CLA YTON-SQUARE.LSO , ~i j~M R. THOMP~iON, the real inventor and Head , Teitr ?? of a nlow and slsrdoior system of sir is Welting, enables say Person In.0 ?? a, expedlitious, 011 5 aied coosnmatiding Style of PliNIMA ISaIH1' in a few PrIvate ?? on, eereib rI ~ h Mr. Tuouoapokhaving had twenty'-11111U years' Oxi erienesas a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AY GOLDEN LION INN, LITHBRILAND ALLEY, SOUT1h CASTLE STREET. = Ong MltRS. ASdcTON SUT TON begs to inform her our L..Friends, and the Public in genorsi, that sthe has taken thaboveli Inn, and trusts, by assiduity and attention, to obtain Niha shlare'at their patronage. one Dinners provided at any hour. A chloie collection of Wines to] one and Spirits. bly, SPLENDID STOCK OF TO nied, WINTER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UtNWHOSOMcoEr MEAT.-A Subscribier assures tie that on Monday 5 warnings there is quite a trafif carried on in the unwholesome g1 t residue of the Saturday markets, to tho great injury of health, Gra and tito obsltruction of the thorouglsfareo in the neighbourhood of H-cnry Edw-ard-street, Fontenoy-street, isv. Ho ought to sent F direct the attention of the police on the spot to the subject. ...