Lancashire Lent Assizes

... ?? Kert Usije. JOHN FOWDEN HTINDLE, Esq., Woodfold Park, near six Blackburn, D11gh Sheriff. JAMIES NEVILLE, Esq.. Blackburn, Under Sheriff. Ti ~t SOUTHERN DIVISION.-.LIVER POOL. Wn ilee. CROWN COURT. tlb ?? ?? the BEFORE AIR. JUSTICE COLTMAN. Ca Sala FRIDAY, April 3, an 7 to 'ho I No lisa LORDSHIP took his a at on the bench shortly after one. bu loopl NON-REPAIR OF A ROAD. an lit., ~REoGIA V. ...

Lancashire Lent Assizes

... ?? tent %oqije4. (Co,,linuef dfront page 112.) SOUTHERN DIVISION-LIVERPOOL. NISI PRIUS COURT.-WED:;ESDAY. BEFORE MR. BARON RIOLFE. lils Lordship entered the Court at nine o'clock. Pow v. TAux=Ne-Thls case, which had been a ljournoafrom the previous day, was firet proceeded with, and several, more witnooses called, who were oross-examined at great. length by the defendant's counsel: he ...


... L - O--nS IJVERPOOLc BOROUGH SESSIONS- The foltcoavng is a surnmary of the sentences of the prisonera Hried at the late Borough Sesdions, before Gil bert Henderson, Esq., Recorder: - Mary V'alle1, 21;, for stealing a purse and £7 Ie.-One month. William Bullen, 43, for ste!iing si trowels, &c.-Four months. Frank V illinams, 37, for stealing a quadrant &c.-Four months. Jaines 1Cing. 37, ...


... R HoBssrY BY Fr.MAts.-Mr. Phillip Smith. provision dealer, Ji of IFInglon, having lately missed various sums of nloney from 0 his shop, marked seversl pieces of coin on Monday Inst, and slept 3 under tho counter during the night. Between six and seven : o'clock on Tuesday morning he heard some person enter the shop 0 by a kind of side door, and after taking something out departed. Ile then ...


... 011 MEETING OF MA GISTRA TBS. Sa i- On Monday last a ting of the borough megistratee was held Po - in the mesgistrates'i o at the Sessionobheuse, to toake Into con. the eideration two choarges, of interference onr the part of Mr. Jenses boc Parker~one of the councillors for St. Aneae Word, and a member we- 5e of the Watch Committee, with certain ~offcrs of the police force, twt ad In the ...


... cen Tsrsrso aessionsommenced at Beverley, on Tuesday, before ar It, BocTHULL, Esq.. of Rilse, tire Chairmate. arid the following plj, Bench ?? :-Chorien Grinmetan, Bsq., OfOclinstont ;co Yarburgh Greome, Esq.. of Sewverby; the Right lion. Lord ~ Wenlockc, of Pcrick Park ; Josaph Smyth Eggirtora, E010,, hat of Kirkloln; Henry Itroadley, Eeq., M.P., of Bleverley; the th R~ev. John Ilonnsihard, ...

Published: Friday 12 April 1844
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4407 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... node-I tood MANSION.HU~tSE, SATURDAY, APRIL 20. Ight. Before Jiessrs. T/tompij,.Wk, idnson, .Eggiulou, and Aleiwinarch, the BETTER hiAvE A Pr.otion roiNG THAN Two CnI.. i dbe U4t,nu._'-'ro truth of this old saying was verified in the caiet ore f a ?? ,kmuril, who wans in the tistof disorderlles. Illief Ho had tbeent oarried a twrelcomonth, and his wife hadl borile I thle hire a child, tyliajls ...

Published: Friday 26 April 1844
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4296 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... THE STATE TRIALS. DuDLIN,MnOY 7.2 Fiirlher Posisonement.-Fornearly an hour before the time their lordships usually sit, the Court of Queen's Bench was this morning crowded by the pub. lic and those members of the junior bar who had motions to make in the exercise of that precedence of their elder brethren which Us conceded to themi on the last two days of term. The public were, no doubt, ...


... (Before Mr. JUSTICE WIGHT51AN.) EX PARTE THE LORD OF THE MANOR OF ROCHDALE. A rule had been obtained during the term calling upon M Mr. Ferrand, an attorney and the late steward of the manor, to r deliver over to the lord the court-rolls of the manor. Wr. WATSON ?? to Show cause against the rule, and stated that Mr. k errand had no objection to hand over the court-rolls if his bill as an ...


... .jTHE WVILLS FORGERS. Th? ?oUo Wing i? a brief but correct hist6*y of: et the pi-in?ipa1 actors in thelate extraordinary scenes To ? which have just taken place before the public in the ?? at' Central Crirnia?l Count- lowli, The prisoner Jo?hria Fletcher, who is the grand con- belor ?. euctor of these felonies, ond whose history it iS ilCecs- it WO.l ? wry to trace in soirie 'pee top the ...


... AM -1n11-1 Ve.--o -1e R ?? ?? _ er ?? Au Adjourned Court of Quarter Sessions for this County was holden on Tuesday last, before William Henry Ashliurst, Esq. Chairman, the Rev. A. H. Matthews, Clerk, the Rev. Richard Harrington, D.D. Principal of' Brazen-Nose College, R. Bullock Marshamn, Esq. D.C.L. Warden of Merton College, ?? Thornhill, Esq., C. Cottrell Dormer, Esq., %V. 11. B. Earle, Esq. ...


... or The following is an abstract of the thiirdreport from the Lords I. 1 Select Committee on tire Laws eT) Gaining:- - 0; | That the Committee have met, aid considered the sulbject t in matter to them referred, and examined several wvitnesses in rela- ft s- tion thereto ; and thie Committee have inqurired into the extensive lo franids which heve of late been perpetrated en the turf, and %reiich ...