Advertisements & Notices

... ublic Jjotficeo. This Day is Published, A CHARGE to the CLERGY of the EAST A IDING, at tIhORDINARY VISITATION. By ?? ISAAC WILBEkRFORCE, Archdeacon of the East Riding. A PRtCR TlISEEPENCE. London: JoaN MNIURIAY; York: SUSTEr; Hall: b. UI] a SKELTON haa the honollr to p 1 amuotice to his Friends and the Public that ha has ltide arrangements for giving tb THREE GRAND CONCERTS, s daring the SeaOn ...

NOTICE. 31 coN oaseq

... uence of the great Im~rovemen b Iin ?? Deiartnent of D1NTISTRY. jj y. DUTTON, Suaoasot-DatireVss,(formerly under . Pupil of Mr. CART Wka00fis). is enabled to Reduce hi ein Charges for the INCIORRODIBLE MI4NER A 0 CO TEETH. N.B. Attendance at BEVERLEY'(BPaistn 51r Assis) every Saturdsy, as usual. ' 5, George-5treet, Hull, Sept. I8th, 1844..- TIplRViUD 8PIRIT LAMPS-DEQI DEiDLY I, /THE MOST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'llHE est penentand Artfifiilout; Med ?? 7iEPbRTmAMPTO'zNt FILL of HEALTH, which har fonrmany U T Years received the approval of the most reepoetable ?? hsociety and iii confirmation of its effiracy, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lt (Krs or TRADe -One of our contemporarles, whose manners it and honesty we bave more than once had noogslon to call in !0 queostoi, piacarded tha iowa yesterday week with announce- r. ments, to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rpriar Bte tc a-tte ndrFri, o ot5~~h o rt.OYarssgoteRfrn LtObzal ~R ~ ~ iandd W -A Winoth It es. PAeeeyI Ofuse, Gardnd Pertd nnpi ndpar ~e,,de~f reacapitaOlOO and ma011 be1, taed~l th eso w na co tts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EA T 12 ER 0 Y A L' I EL WILL AMSON-SQARE. e1,,-$4JfDADMI VELESTE anid MIR. IVEBSTEB. By doetir. and tinder the ratronage of IIE STEWARDS OF THE RACES. 7Hr T BENEFIT OF MRS. NISBETT vThIS EVENING. (Fr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, _DUBL~ZN. pirpeara, but One of ILR. COLLINS, who will t ?? Favourite Pieces. I ,PriSENT EVENING, May the lOth,! NHS Ijll be Performled the Comedy of SIMIPSON AND CO. r Baker; Bronsley, Mr. Chute; Foster, fiaprl'D M .Mrs. Simpson. Miss Pelbam; M *9 1 lur1h-&S]3 rnhrjlms:. Mrs. Fitzalflan,Mr. B LaTrappe, Mlr3. Barrett. gorrihi-;~ rpe BAfter which HOW TO PAY THE RENT. It A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRST NIGHT. ROTUNDO PROMENADE. rCA.L AND INSTRUMENTAL CON-| Ci ERTS EVERY EVENING in the ROUND 0O01C To commence on THIS EVENING (Monday), JolT1 2lerfsrnaers..Miqs Woulds. of the Theatres Royal 1r°, giroaineb and Dublin; Mrs. Haydn Corri, late 0f tte Theatre Royal, Dublin; Mr. W. H. Reeves, of the *Cncerts, London; and Mr. P. Corri, of the treel Rosl Edinburgh, Birmingham, and Dublin. oD of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEA TRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. I, Public is respectfully informed that the 9 'flatre will re-open on MONDAY NEXT, 22d of 684 i4on wvhicl occasion v,cr '11oil'O Sivori, the unrivalled Violinist (Pupil rc~~ ?? cf Paiianiri), whose performances on the dn 9 i las- seaeon excited the most enthusisatie ccoO' and who is engaged for Four Nights onlzy (which oP'lienOO On oxionet possibly be prolonged) will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0Y1AL' NATIONAL- 4IEAL, @5HE LOYAL`XkAMXNALEPEAL ASSO. U CIATION oF IRELAND will meet orb MOND)AY NEXT. the 25th March. instant, at ONE oCloek, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. o The principal door in front to the groundfloor la free for ASSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve Montha; they will occuljy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end galleo, and al80 thle benches of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | LEATRROYALJDUBLI^N. AISS. VANDENHOFF I S respectfully to announce that her BE. fu FITand Last Appearance of herself and Mr. Pp liI OFF, will take place on THIS EVENING 'sD ~ 9th), on which occasion the performance lurc pe~nc with (not acted here these ten years) Ill camH, ;stor1 Plav, in three acts, of earee KING HENRY VIII. eroatunO with the Fall of. Cardinal Wolsey. TrdilgWolseyy Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOWA, NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATIO)X. jHIE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL A 0- El CIATION or IRELAND will meet on Tll1DAY (Monday), the 26th August instant, at ONE o'QlocI8, at the CONCILIATION H C O R N -E X C H A NG E W The principal door in front to the grout oo is free for ASSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve ont; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end gallery, and also the ...