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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... LITERARY ASSOCMATTON OF THE FRIENDS OF I P 0 L -,POAND. The annual general meeting of this association was held on Friday, at their rooms. Sussex-chambers, lDuke-street, Saint James's, London, and was numerously attended._ Among the noblemen and gentlemen present were, Lord D. C. Stuart, Vice-Predident; Lord Robert Growve'or, Lord Foley, Lord Kinnaird, the Hlon 'Mountatuart Elplirsntone, the ...


... 7c' F7SHIONA,4LBL INTELLGECE Timu COURT--MONDAY .-Her Majesty and his it Royvl :Highness Prince Albert, accompanied by the infarnt Ro'yal a fanily, will take their departure this mornjng fron. Clareikoint for iuilsinglism Palace; where tfle illustrious party will arrive to luncheon. Early to-moryow morning Prince Albert will pro. I. ceed in the state carliiage of the Great Western Railway Com- ...


... I inj CAPTAIN PIDDING'S CHINESE OLIO AND Oil TEA-TALK. WI Our readers may recollect the announcement we made W! some time ago of the intended publication of this periodical, Pe be and our speculations as to the value of its contents, from ne the well-known character of the editor, his long residence a amongst the Chinese, and the opportunities he possessed Et: for the appreciation of Chinese ...


... I . IT-LTERA TURE. : ' C & THE PRESENT STATE AND PgQ0ECTS OP ;TH POUT T PHILIP DISTRIdt ObF NEW SOUTHI WALES. By CHAB.LES G3tIFFITII, A.M., (Dublin: Curry.) The district of Port phi ip, or Australia Felixl an it has been styled, was first occupied as a British settlement in 1836, in which year a few huts were thrown up by the government employes on the spot where now stands the town of ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIQRNeg VICERntOAL CouRT .is Excellency the L Lieutenant and the Countess D~vey entertai&e th.f 'llo W at dinner on Tuesday evening bishop of Dubli , Baron Brady, Baron Pennefatner, on clards th i of the Rolls, the SolicitorGeneral Sergeant Warren the of Cork, Sir Henry Marsh, Hart., Sir Wmf.e BthavSirS ahe Burgoyne, Judge Keatinge, Mr. Brewster, Mr. K2Y a ob Luca,, Captain ...


... ThhTALI-L~7NR WtXDSOP, SUNIOAy.-Her Majesty, aceompairniid A by the Prince of Wales, rode out In a pony phaeton, Prince ' Albeit being on horseback, .and 11er Royal Highness the Dashess of Kent arrived, yesterday this forenoon tit the Castle, and breakfasted with the Queen and yac Prince Albert, and the Qucen Daweiger. the The Archbishop of Canterbary, the Earl of Liverpool, the a I Earl of ...


... A AtlSMEREC DRAMA YoeGiHAL PETTY SEssioNs, T1HUsvDAY.-The pre- siding magistrates ?? John, Esq., chairman; Colonel Faunt, and John Kelly, Esq. The most intense interest was manifested by the inhilbi- tant of this town and neighbourhood, in consequence of the celebrated inesmeric performer and some of his corn- peers being summoned for assaulting one of his patients, John Hallahan. Messrs. ...


... LITERARY REMUNERATIO. l ., - - At Guildhall London Police-oflice on Saturday, Mr. Thoass HIoreft, son of the 'dramatist, 'was Ā¢harged by 'Ptai, Polhill with detaining some manuscripts containing hs autobiography. Sir Peter Laurie, the sitting magis- trate, said he bad no jurisdiction in the rnatter, and he C Ped the parties would come to an amicable arraugemept. aptaia Polhill stated that his ...


... I ;FASHIONABLE INITELLIGBE.CE. I ARRIVAL 01' THE QUEIRN OF THE BELGIAXS.- Her Majesty the Queen of the Belgians embarked at Ostend, at half-paqt seven o'clock on Tuesday morning, attended by the Baroness ?? and Major A. ?? de Moerkerke, in the Princess Alice steam-packet for Woolwich. The Princess Alice arrived off Woolwich dockyard at a quarter past five o'clock. Her Majesty on landing was ...


... I . LITRRATURE. I WANDERINGS IN SPAIN. BY MARTIN HAVEmrY, ESQ. (London: T. C. Newby; Dublin: John numming.) It is a strange fact thatithe country whose name is, be- yond all others, the most associated with chivalry, and romance, and song, should be the least known to the other countries in Europe. Some of the leading facts in the his- tory of Spain are familiar to all persons. The treachery ...


... I a, ,. F ASHIONS sFUX APRIL. , I (Frosnthe. 'London and Paris Ladies' Magazine of Fashion.) i -Thelmake ofthe new spring redingotes and dreses is with J tight bodies; open in a lengthened caeur, something' rebemr. blng the straight waistcoat; they are either plain, without lacing or reverv, or have a narrow revers forriog small c7als; or are with 'small collar forming' lengthened V, with An ...


... : . . I TR RA TURTe. SHAWN NA SOGGART11, TIlE PRIEST HUNTER. AN IRISH TALE OF THE PENAL TDIES. t lBY I. A15CUDEACON, ESQ. (Dublin Duflfy.) e The author of this deeply interesting story has sought for e his materials in a period of Irish history that teems with painful interest. There is no romplication of woe and mis- r fortune, inflicted by savage and unrelenting crueltlon the one side, and ...