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... HER'MAJESTY'S THEATRE& The first operatic trial of the season was wnade or Saturday. A new prima donna was to make ber appearance, and, moreover, oue aboot whm the, pubic had been uttering divers coniectures for. tnotilis'ha t. Mademoiselle Faianti (o. is the lady called, though she is of Engli, .birtkh) ha; been tfllked about aimostsince thexconclusion of the season bt 1843; anwsheslbeeo ...


... I T E-SI.. WEST MEET, The greatest-excitement continues to prevail in the neigh- bourhood of West Street, Smithfeld, and the applications to Mr Wakeling, the vestry clerk of St John- Square, are becoam- ing more numerous daily for tickets of admission to view -the. ttwo strangely constructed houses at the northern end of New Farringdon Street. VD to the ?? sessions, the houses were inhabited ...


... The second concert of this excellent Associatimn, which com- mands nearty the whole strength of our local inl-trunmental performers, took place in the Music Hall on Saturday. The audience was both numerous and select, the body of the lla'l being completely filled. 'This is us it should he, and we are sure that no one left the concert room disappointed, as Lockee s music of Macbeth, and ...


... FIDIE. ATh. - ;AltRAL Dxt sttl 5lON OF THS pntzeS qP THE ART UNION. On Saturday tie- annual drawing of tbe prizes of L tbia'associa'tion for the' promotion of the-fine arts ttook placein the Royal Hotel, Prince's Street. Sir ve Jarmtei Farresf, Bart. in the chair. PC The CriairikW siaid. lie had great plearsre in pree. n sidingast'the mneeting, and 'be hoped that tbe report 'i .of the ...


... BURNS' FESTVAL. A meeting of the committee connected with this festival was held in the Court Honse, Ayr, on Tuesday last. The Earl of Eglinton occupied the chair. Besides a considerable number of the county gentlemen, there were present the Provost and Magistrates of Ayr, Professor Wilson, Thomas Hamilton, Esq. architect, Sheriffs Bell and Jameson, &e. &e. It was proposed by Professor Wilson, ...


... IOUNS. JUILIEN-S CONC-ERTS. ne evening-s of Mlo-nday and yesterday, M. 3 ullien r. -: . .2 hedbetre thC Etdinburgh pulilI-., at the head of what -.-rat justice. ali lsi*i nunrivalled baud. On Dci- vc.:uinn- wu-as the llisic ?? so cro;wded as the qnualitv of * : :;t dce-erved. but: tI' ?? iuze made uip in enthusiasm . ited in numllber; J:: .n is. unquestionably, a genius in his vay. I-Te ...


... to WHEN WINTRY SKIE% ?? OVERCAST. By CHARLES M5ACKAY. When wintry skies are oversabt, And through the forest ?? the blast; When the pale moon withholds her ray, And travellers wander far astray- How sw ?? the taper's friendly glow, Discovered oer the waste of Fnor, That from souse cottage window brightv, Sparkles a welcome all the night I But sweeter still, when sorrow ]owres And anguish ...


... OSCAR L G O-SWDEN i NORWAY.* Tho great qualities, the high s5ieme emlipsed the renown of Charles John have hitherto those of Oscar.' Nevertbeless we tay cand'tbat b affirta. that the sonuis wortby gof tre rather, t which c he will Continue to pursue the glorious pat , c the former has trae&di 6ut.. Oscar. waa ornrn iil Palrisi in July 1799. and Cf~ quently he .ill~sortly ?? 45tb year. I At the ...


... INQO1RIES INTO rne CONTRACT Or SALE OF Gooo]S AND MiticumAnisS, a% Ree.,gnioed in the Judicial ?? itions and AlMeraai it Practice of Aladern Nations. BY the laic George, Jitseph h~ell, _VSq P911fessor Of the ' Lito of Scotland in the University of Edinburgh. IIhe Edinburgh: Thomas Clark. for 'This is a valuable bequest to the commercial but world, and composed by the learned Professor mid ...


... The interest excited by the approaching festival in honour of the Poet Burns, and to welcome the Sons of the departed bard to the locality rendered illustrious by the genius of their sire, becomes daily more intense as the eventful 6th of Au- gust approaches. The following are the distinguished guests (in addition to those who act as stewards), whom the commit- tee have invited:- Win. ...


... LITERATU RE. Tam CHRONICES OF 5' Se SEA KIsGS OFr NORWAY. RB Samuel Laing. 3 vola. Loadon: Longman Co. We confess there is a charm in rarrations of per- sonal adventure, that makes us always disposed to welcome the appearance of a new one. Nor does it matter much where the scene is laid, wbe- ther with Froissart, at the castle of Gaston du Fois, when be killed his only son with big own band, ...


... ADELPHII THEATRE. The prize comedy, Quid Pro Quo, was produced at this theatre on Saturday evening, and has been repeated every evening since with decided success. To judge of this much declaimed comedy by its reception, it would seem that the ge- neral opinion of the London press differs with that of an Edinburgh audience. Nevertheless, it is vain to disguise that many attribute its ...