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... i ; lie The Queen and Prinee Albert arrived by a special train at the Paddington terminus of the Great Western Rail. way on Friday morning ?? Windsor Castle. Her Majesty, and his royalhilghness,, attended, by- ihe -Marchloness of Douro, lady in waiting, immediately entered one of the royal carriages, which was in readiness, and proceeded to Buckingham Palace. of Her Majesty and Prince Albert ...


... ,FSHJONAEdBLB INTSL.L!GNCL. WINDSOR, SUNDAY EvENINGe.-Her Royal Bilk ness the Duchess of Kent will give a grand banquet on Too d day evening, at Frogmore House, to her Majesty, his Roya - Highness Prince Albert, and a distinguished party; and he Majesty's departure from the Castle to Claremont ?? d a been arranged to take place on that day), has, COnsecue ad been postponed till the following ...


... PFASRIO7VALE IEtJJRC .6 N ,* I Viscount and Viscountess Dungannon and the II Miss Irvine left London on Monday for Southampton . OZ. nd ing to embark there for Havre. The viscount and vis ex his purpose remaining abroad some months. st,;n The Dowager Countess Fortescue has been rounded by a numerous family circle at Wear Gifiord De ' ier during the last week. Earl and Countess Fortescue, eVi, ...


... 1,, FASHIONABLE INETELIG!ENCBCS- I In consequence of illness of an infectious ha. racter prevailing in the immediate vicinity of the seat of his Majesty the King of the Belgians, her Majesty and his Royal Highness Prince Albert did not leave Windsor on Wednesdty for. Claremont, agreeably to the arrangements which had be: made for the departure of the court from the Castle. The Pe. rnod of the ...


... FASur6OWA4L., IR.LIG8NCei , .,.The Dowager Countess of Belmore has left bet, residence, Bray, for Hollymount, county Down, the seatof La Harriet Porde. The Earl of Wicklow has left Barron's Court, the seat of the Marquis of Abercorn, for the Palace, Armagb, ea route for Shelton Abbey, county Wicklow. > Should the fever which now prevails in the Vicinity of Esher subside, 80 as to cause no ...


... | .I AI .LUR . I * THE M~t*AZINESA OF TH MONTH. Th pesnt'~TRE,,UNIVERSITY. Th npeetnu ber ofthis Tiagaziu0 is -one which will be read with'considerab'le In'terest. The editor ha con- meneced the ytir with lthe first. number of what ho .calls ~j,. is~irc ableaux';' the ?? erstrig Brualre, 'and the charactrae orsn of her'8t arsll per.. sing soniages it whose . ae e-r as familiar as with Sail ...


... I ?? FASHICON.431R. ?hmviBIAFE?Ne?. ? I . I . I 14L - I . . , 1; ~lta D. Ta-~ 'al- los 10- wii ice no,- Ce-, sly [a- Mu- pof at ch el- oh aa in- in- to ;he lie i a Lvp as- rit ?? ~en ACCIDENT TO HIM MAJ*9Tr.-W 1NDSOR, PFiT a OALY.-A slight accident, Which happily prove4 of no icofto quence, happened to her Majesty,.,who was l8nrvein; ?? carriage with the Marchioness of Douro. T6e postillfn ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGBVCk. CLAnEMONT.-The illness which prevailed in % immediate vicinity a week or two since (and which induhed her Majesty ared his Royal Highness Prince Albert. to Postponehtl the time, tlkir contemplated visit) having now entirely e sided, preparations are making at the seat of his )ltuJestY t King of the Belgians for the reception of the Queen no the Prince, who are ...


... FASiHONABLR INTELL!CENC-0. Her Majesty andt his Royal Highness Prince Albert vwill take their departure from Windsor Castle this (Tuesday) afternoon, immediately after an early luncheon, for Claremn, accompanied by their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Walesatd the PriIogess Royal. Only a limited portiou of the members r tle Royal. Household will proceed to Claremont in attendsae upon the Queen ...


... FIASHIONABLE INTELLrGLNCE , It is rumotred that his Royal Highness P&,, Albert will stand sponsor to the iniont son of the Duke a Duchess of Sutherland, who has nearly recovered from 1i , rious illness, and who, it is understood, will he christened A f bert Leveson Gower. The youthful Marquis of Staf'ord} has just entered his sixteenth year, has returned to Start House, from a visit to Lord ...


... . f I The meeting of the general committee took place as usual at the board room of the society, College-street. There were present. Lord Viscount MASSBREENE and FERRARD in the Chair. Geo. Carr, Esq., Col. Birch, R.A. ; J. R. Cooke. Esq., Dr. Aiquilla Smith; R. Cglwell, Esq.; Bache Wright, Esq.; S9urgeon Hamilton, D. W. Rutledge, Esq.; Dr. ~oodroeffe; J. Huband Smith, Esq. ; Captain Colville, ...


... E I.FASH-I0NABLE2 NTIERZIGRIV.E. -- . , ~ . - ' i . .. . 1 ' . .. ,- ?? I -Albeit rstuiied to the Castle from Claremont this afternoon. Tlej Vlecountes' Canning succeeds the Marbhidness of Douro as ?? hi waiting on her Mtijesty. The Earl 'of Warwick' bau suoceeded Loris Rivets as the lord in waiting on the Queen. ?? Meynd~arrlt'ed ait thle 'Cgsle today, and hassucceeded .- Captain the lion. ...