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... 1'O E T It Y. [Answer to the Enigma in our last Chrounicl--Fistlt IING tNET.] TO THE MENAI RIVER, BANGoll, NOitTII VALES. ilow on ,,r f famed Menai, with thy proud swelling elrest, Like its In ?? onr sl0ote With minds nel'er at rest; ''lhy bosont, hltil ?? by the St oir-raginig wind, I look Oli thy greatiless Nvith alliaazetieilt ol nuid. Yes, yCs; thy p)roud flow uirts ale gotern td by God ...

Literary Notices

... il.llcrarp JI'lifiro. Tlhic ('Chineie ?? no .laAcount of all the O(vr4a- tiaits of the British Forces, front the comsmiitence- ment to th/e Trel eq of' 'A'NInt/Lk'IdZq. 13v Licut. J. Ctuchtrlonv, F.lX.QS. Saunders & Otley. This is tie tirst re-iular history of the Chinese ,war which has UVet ?? ; it is at plin, straight- foirw:td, soldiier-liko narrative, written in an11 im- partti spirit, ...


... TIHE WeRLD TS ALL A FLEEUING S1I(O\V.-Mouun.~l ti CY1IIT:iiNAD. r __ ?? Y hvd i ted svdd ritiaiant brau, ti ,. roued ini hd ir bobleb dd g Teog :llt l listder, da ?? gwese, a Elu g\va%\i f an' lltedl ydylyt ga1 a ?Nid didivvl 0 ld y rileo.dd. e 1fdals ileivirch parch i r nele t' i mcdd, ti Fri ditl:,tt hpvrawi 5gnedd haes. R A selch, a gohaitl, tegtecll gwcedd, 'itt fiddalit i ;ddit rior ...


... THE FLOWlERS OF MAY. The flowers of May, o'er many a harp Of old their blossoms lhutng, And many a voice of later times Their peerless bloom hath sung; And joy, in hut and palace hall, Once hailed the lestive day, Whose blightness to our fathers brought The welcome flowers of M\lay, The statutes of the golden age, 'I hat lingered faint and long DrI sylvan tites of earle time, So dear to ...

Literary Notices

... ?? jlutifro. I,iF'IT :Itrs Fit' ONI ME ieA .-]j y Joul liobeit (IOiLl'V, ~i`j 2 os. Ais .filri'zis, L ,ilidohi. [hesOL at thI e 'thi Ls of' iL Sin LOi hII k hIIer, a1 i l I) brot her Iii his hiiuiIil, wrtittun with 11he evident purpose of ili'avvtibil eI ct0 i thle UnIliparattise viame of' Caiiillii and [lie Uniited ,States ats a field fol. the ;ittivi Lv isIIuiterp'''' of'thit lIt'ne, eass ...

Literary Notices

... -turicI'l) J101irro. NOT':S Ol THIE MONTH. MI Y --'the ItclIreivS niatahd the month of their 1itl taar, which is synornynous with this fifth (it WUIIt)OWN, SItail, liaon a Uihaldatic wordl, signi- iyivig II to r(joicc. The Anglo Saxons knew it a;. ?? i/cat, hltucaltso thair Cows stimiuila tec e t c itsh heitage, %\vre :o productive of'milk as it e inale thu ptiJ tnt tvos to bring them with ...

Literary Notices

... uLItf-rltJ) Aotlfrr. T1ll, i3A~iiLEL OPI' CAPEl ST. VINiCENT.- LI Oil the atinolinceenilt of thc Spanlishl advanice thle first obiject -was to gaino exact iiitclligeliec, anld ,sli is wvere stationedl in ll a rl(111ters Onl t lie look out, Dlit onl the 13th Cap tainI Foote, in thle -Niger frigate, joined, withi thle intelligence that hit. hadl kept sight of the eneiny for three daysi. The ad-C ...

Literary Notices

... ?? V T111 IAIT'Y ?? MIm. Jerdan.) 1t is one of the strailgest .things in the Nvorld: tilzt is to say, in the litcle circle of our own ac- quailitilLe, that siince the year 1763- A Ii. 1763 -- nino D)oiniia 1 76., Aulna ?? having oc- CurIed preyVintS to P ?? oii ?? i in these king- d: i);s si0c Smiei it a century bebire-sin c 176U, eighity yctirs hagu c(alCtly, tell beyond the! three- Stcore ...


... 1,0 11?0.!J, n v? E 1. Ii (t Y. wi tl tv e all iny flatt; riug dicaniq of joy Soprltioia, egive n1y SOIl her wsonted rest S;il,.e iilst ill, beauiti fix'd mY roving, ryl Uenl l ?? lwinig cnres corrode tlm ?? eiltt l t hattie l'ov*s fiv Ah'(rre plrasltureq rdl, . i iso sowi's h're ile the flctinig Ihur I . l bvli vl ?? the ntisz, * of the hall ?? fowi)y pra;s licer in love'' is-ate bower. 1 ...

Literary Notices

... flotirro. ?? y J. C! \~l.tJ.lsl\ IT.. Ali. Kohl, of cotIlsC visitc(l the lakes: his dc- scviptioln is Iitlciti bug, bit we ?? inillige to gi nii ;ti absttiitt of it:- ' rllo II M ill it rly, it-hril, lies on the lowslhove, Oll socs thi ?? ltils o)1 the oithelr si(le rising like a drik wall, ndul rtitictaud in the clear lake tll:kt lies like ;1 mirror at tflivr fcet .; an(d thi pros- puct Avas ...


... ?? I RE DI USICAL FEST IVALA - This festival commenced ol Tuesday. The ?? were tle stime as those of 18411. Tile 't Wt (tt wall as V n w niuch better thal that of previolls years, on the lfist day of the festival. Very llw of the Iiigh r order o)f the clergy wvere preselnt -Thle de;an ?? in attejidejice, but lie wils tl- 11ost alnwii. The service opened withi 1andelos ?? to Esther. The To ?? ...


... FASHIONS FOR FEBRIUARY, t (From the London and 'aris Ladies' Magazine of fl I' iFashion.) - The winter season ?? again brought into favor a : thc soft and wvarm douiilettes, w'hich are made of a levasntine or satin, withsmall square collr, wadded s throughout and trimmed with gimrip. Dresses of . pekin damasse are made with tight high bodies, very open in front, forming Coeur, lengthened to f ...