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Monmouthshire Merlin

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... during*Uiweek .mi*1 Jnd Iron brought do»a th. Tnn-i** '1 homas Powell •• •• •• •• •• nitag § Rosser Thomas and'co 70S t T. Phillips & Son 14 Martin Morrison. JS # Joseph Beaumont ino & W■JCju.n, V. •• •• ,? The Iredegar Coal Co. 1202 1« Rock Coal Co ••••••• Rosser Lewis *3^ 6 Joseph Jones iqq 10- John Jones, Victoria* 281 Latch, Cope & Co. 641 John Russell, and Co. 1672 Lewis i homas and ...


... rn™rRrOVIaS^¥ARKET' TUESDAY, Mar^. COFFEE —3,700 bags Padang of ordinary bold quality were offered in auction, and bought in at 32s. per cwt. Good ordinary Ceylon are selling at 66s. to 66s. 6d. per cwt. IbA — ihe public sales, consisting of 31,000 packages commenced to-day. 12,000 passed the chair; of these o^ 4,000 were actually sold, at a dccline from id. to 2d. per lb. BUITER, BACON, ...


... NEWMARKET JULY MEETING, TUFSDAY, JULY 9. The July Stakes of each, X30 forfeit, 15 Subscribers, was won by Mr. John Day's Old England, beating Scura- mentado and three others. Betting at Manchester this day. LIVERPOOL CUP. 7 to 1 agnst Aristotle (taken) 113 to 1 agnst Yeardley 8 to I —— The Era (taken) 14 to 1 —— Pagan 11 to 1 Red Deer 17 to 1 Trueboy t0 J Pompey 17 to 1 Best of Three to 1 ...


... TAFF VALE RAILWAY TRAFFIC, For the week ending November 30,1844. t. I. d. Passengers 100 3 9 General Merchandise 157 4 W. Coffin and Co 114 3 Thomas Powell Llancarach Branch.i63* 7 8 » 10I 1 t Ditto Lantwit Branch ..27 13 6) Duncan and Co 76 II ■ Dowlais Co 189 £ J. Edmunds •*••• 17 10 Insole and Son 21 16 | Dany Deny Colliery 6 BRITISH FUNDS Bank Stock Three per Cent. ReduAd Annuities JQ, ...


... ^U,,e 9-—First Sunday after Trinity. Lessons fox- the Morning Service, Joshua 10, Mark 10. Evening Service, Joshua 23, 2 Corinthians 7.' Il.-St. Barnabas. •jr *2.—Trinity Term ends. 0X'S AGE—Last Quarter, 7tli day, 29m. after 8 afternoon. ...


... WEEKLY CALENDAR. May Op Whit Sunday. Cambridge Easter Term div. m. Lt-ssons for the Morning Service, Deuteronomv 16 to v. 18, Acts 10 to v. 34. Evening Service, Isaiah 11, 07 Acts 1!) to v. 21. 2 ,-Whit ;Homlny. —\V hit Tuesday. 1 King Charles II. restored. Oxford Trinity Term be- ^°0X' ^lns' ^m^er Week. *»»- s AGK—Full, 31st day, 47 m. after 10 afternoon. Bristol Bankruptcy Court. MONDAY, MAY ...


... CoauumerAl. ROOMS, BHISTOI., OCT. 9. Paid. Purr prr Birmingham and Gloucester Railway 100 106 107 Bristol and Gloucester Railway. 30 461 4Ci Bristol and Exeter 70 78 79 Great Western Railway. 75 145 147 Ditto 50 874 88J Ditto Fifth 12 26| 264 London and Birmingham ditto Stock 100 214 216 2 344 354pm Ditto New Quarters. 2 22 23 pm London and Brighton 50 46} 47 Leeds and Manchester ...


... CoMMKRciAf. BOOMS, I»KIS-IOI,, J tlLY 18. raut t pt-r V ) Birmingham awl Gloucester Railway 100 98 IQO Bristol and Gloucester Railway'. SO 16 17 piyi, Bristoi and Exeter Railway 70 75 77 j Great Western Railway 75 63 55 pm Ditto Halt Shares. 50 30 Ditto Fifth Shares 1211 llj-pml London and Birmingham ditto Stock 100 223 225* Ditto 2 35 3tj pm i 2 24 25 pin London and Brighton, 50 47 j 4g| 70 ...


... ConN EXCHANGE. MAUK-LANE. MONDAY, JUNE 17. The show of wheat by land-carriage samples from the a counties was modeiate this morning, and no actual deeiioe Monday's rales was submitted to. I he business in fiee »0' wheat was on a restricted scale, and the turn was in 11 the purchaser. In bond, no transactions. Flour tnov^j tardily, and ship qualities were obtainable at slightly r('■jj rates. 1 ...