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Morning Chronicle


... INSTIT WA OF FINE ARTS. Oa. Saturday evening the first meeting of the second Ig session of the Institute of Fine Arts took place in tbe et spacious theatre of the Royal Scciety of Arts, John-street, d. Adelphi. . Mr. F. G. HURLSTONE, having been called t) the chair, briefly explained the objects of the meeting, and dwelt at as somrn length on the benefits likely to be derived krom the lh ...


... LiTERATURE. The Life of George Brumaell, REq. By Captain *z JEss, 13 There is a great deal of pleasant, curious gossip in k these careless volumes. The disreputable old ghosts hi of the close of the last century are brought up from - limbo, and made to walk the world again. Fox hN and Sheridan, the beautiful Georgina of Devonshire, at the Prince of Wales (augustshade of sixteen stone!), ill ...


... Vie Practice of tlle M-sftrs' Office on the Plea Side in the Superior Courfs of' Commnan Law, WXeetwinter, 4 c., 4'e., By TnOMAa DAx, Esq., one of the Masters of the Court of Exohequer, &o. (Owen Richards, Fleet-street. The author of this volume ie the senior Master of the Court of Eschequer. He is very favourably known toboth brunches of the legal profession as one of the most expe- rlenced, ...


... DRURY-LANIf TBEATRfE. 0Driry Lane opened last night with an iclat which pro- n e brifliaut reasoan. This theatre hbw now assumetd en- ::iriv the cnarecter of an opera house. The musical coin- pny comipri'es the best dramatic singers that Eogland can trcduce; and, for the ballet, the array of talent rivals that of ber Alajesty's Theatre. The theatre is com- ete, toc, in all the accessories of ...


... Historyvof En2gland from the peace of Utrecht, by Lord MAHON. Vol. 4. Comprising from the the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle to that of Paris. [London, Murray. We ought to be grateful to any writer who un- dertakes to give us Pt fair, well-vritten, and well- considered history of the reigns of the two first Georges. It.forms a part of our annals with which it is imperative upon all to be acquainted, ...


... TIHE MAGAZINES FOR THE IONTJ1. [CON~TINUDD.]! Tho Dublirsi fliveirsity ffagitltiac davotee a long paper t| that no'V all prevtkilinlg subject- the PerilaoiLhe iation, advocating, amongst other remedial oteps, a system of cottagealilotmjente. AiewmorewordsabouttMesmcrlet0 j are remarkable for the gravity of tone with whicts they treat thlaridiaicntus populardelusiou. The following is an ...


... There was a profusion of entertainments last night for the abenfit of Madame PERSIANI; Dots Giovanni, a portion of Lucia do Lamaermoor, La Vivandiere, and La BErne- ralda. Nothing new, but everything highly attractive. MOZART'S superb opera was superbly performed, and received with all the enthusiasm of a first performance. What a difference between his music find that of the com- posers now ...


... T;HE OPERA AT ST. PETERSBURG. [PROAE OALIGNANI'8 MrSSE2i(J1g.] The first beason of the Itahens in the Russian capital has closed, having been attended with a degres of success aod ercoaragement towards the principal artistea whieh pro- inses to make St. Petersburg and the Russian8 become what London and the Eogliab have beenuolong-thegolden dreaun ol every artiste of eminunce. In reading of ...


... Foraon Quarterly Revilew, No. 65.-We have observed with pleasure the progress of thie porlodical, now under able and every way competent direction, since its accession to the ranks of the Liberal party. We are happy to bear testimony that Its pages, under the present management, display a varied ability, rauge of information, and sound scholarship which were formerly seldom to be found in them ...


... THE ITALIAT OPERA, Anna Bolena was performed last evenDng. MORIANI appeared it tbe obaracter ol Percy, and ixhibited the some qualities which hbd made so great a u imapresslon on the public in Lueia dc Lacmmiermeoor, but lie did not produce So great an effect. The character of Percy is by no rteans so striking its that of Edgar Rarensivood; it gives, corn- paratively, little scope for the ...


... THE WHITSUNTIDE FAIRS - THE RIVER AND THE RAILWAYS. There was a general turn-out of the workeing population el of the metropolis yesterday some on their way to the rail- Wi roads, others hastening to theo wharfs to embark, and many ju taking advantsae of other conveyances for the purpose of an reaching the subturban, faire at Greenwich, Stepney, and WI Wandsworth. In spite of the Lord Mayor's ...


... NATIONVAL MUSIC. POLYTECIHNIC INSTITUTION. Yesterday tho theatre of this institution was filled with a very fshioinable audience to hear the first of a series of lectures on the music of ditte-ent nations, delivered by Mr. C. E. florn. The rapid increase of entertainments illustrative of various forms rind sygteme of misic is a gratifying evidenre of the ex- telnion of' a refined aud improving ...