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Morning Chronicle


... ner 9. ya. her ty's iya dve thi by ter lve Br nel u4s- '45 a la- her tle. ins blh In- ;he lec fter ,er id !ey of C ail leb ic rs, li6e lof Yht th Tdo ,t,3 led BY) lay for ed, tbe on 81- Br- 7 . ad ty he a at ise o t ed he at ed ,ill rn ey its oh he lie be rid it. ed ne Ifi lc br l I n a t ce as Es at la in K- 3r re 6y al ir s ID Ii 0 }5 Scene on the Coast of Africa. Painted by H. F. BIARD, ...


... THE EDINBURGH MUSICAL PRO- FESSORSlI1P. The competition for the musical ebair in the univereity of Edinburgh. which excites considerable interest at present, is, we understand, on the eve of being decided. Some time ago we gave our readers several particulars re- specting the circumstances under which this competition has arisen, and the candidates In the field. Little appears to bh known of ...


... (.CHRISTOMAS FESTIVITIES. Tbe Queen Dowager is surrounded by a select party at Witley Court, Woroesterehire. Their Serene Highuesses Prince Ernest of Hesse Phillipathat end Prince Edward of Saxe Wenimar have arrived there to pass the Christmas with their illustrious relative. As was tile case last year, the poor of that neighbourhood have partakon of' her Majesty's extended bounties, having ...


... LITERATURR.1 -4- ml Narrative of the Voyages and Serrioes of t tmtzis, from 1840 to 1843, awd of the Comdbined Naval and tl I ilfilitary;operaif on in China, 4'e., from Notes of Com- dl 7mander W. H. flail, R.N., 7vith peroonal obasrrations dr by W. D. BERNARD, Esq., M.A., 2 vole. ha [Henry Colbarn. London, 1844. Ce Although tbee volumes appear at a tIhe when much of ID the novelty of the ...


... LITERAWRE. [The following appeared in a part of our Impresion of yesterday :-] Wnere ins Ot~pa~in, 1n l843. By MARTrN Fixy rrTY, Esq., in 2 vole. [T. C. Newby. This is a work that we should expect to be read with peculiar Interest at the preseuntoment. It comes out at the very time that the Prime Kinister of Spain, who by his in- trigles aided ]i driving Espartero from the regency of Spain, ...


... iMR. HORN'S LiiCTURES ONMuCS Lnst evening Mr. CHARY.oRe HoitN gave the first of ,I s series of lec'qires on music in the theatre of the POl JtechntO InstiWdtion. The subJect of this lecture was a nQ history of English musil; a subject which he treateA' In a most agree- able manner, compressing into the. narrow limits of an hour'i discourse a great quanoty of Interesting informa. tion. rlis ...


... R-IAYMARKET THEATRE. If the new play which was produced at this theatre I aet night by Mr. DroN BoURCICAULT, had ended as brilliantly as it began; if the 3d and 4th acts had de. veloped 80 good a etory as we thought had been opened in the two first; If the dialogue had continued to the end with the raciness, point, and spirit with which it com- menced; and if all the characters bad preserved ...


... D RURY-LANE TBEATRE. The performances at this theatre last evening were, The Syrmn and The Beauty of Ghent. It had been announced i that the QuEzN would be present, but asit was understood that her MAJESTY'S visit would be a private one, the audience (though the house was well filled) was not more crowded than usual. Her MAJESTY and Prince ALEBRT appeared in their box when the second act of ...


... Blackwood opens this month with au elaborate ani well-written article, entitled Ethiopia, sog.. gested by the work of Captain llHarris on the lligh- I Ads; of that country. It commences with this paragraph, which, appearing in an organ of the party that persists in double loading the industry and ingenuity of Englishmen In the race of competition the paragraph ilidicates, is to luq at ...


... THE AMATEURS' PORTFOLIO O1 SKETCHES. The Amateuri' Portfolio of Sketches, just published by Messrs. L. and I). Colnaghi, for Mr. J. Walton, patronised by her Majesty,by the Queen Dowager, and by isl Royal High- ness l'rince Albert, is worthy In every respect of the exalted patrouage it has received, and will doubtless form a splen- did ornament for many a drawing-romn table. The port- folio ...


... LiTERATURE, 3 T Ue University of Bonn: its Rise, irogritEs8, and Present . State. Witth a aon eise accoun of the College Life of hids Royal Highnies Prince Albert, *c- By a Member of the Middle Temple. The University of Bonn is one of the rmost prosperous institutions of Its hind in Germany, although an establish- D ment of comparatively recent date. It wan founded in f 1818 by Frederick ...


... This theaitre wats opened. for the season last night, under T a new managemnrit, and with a new colmpany, especially tipe dedictated to the perforurance of' the legitinrate drama. Thle n announcement itself, urid thle flattering anticipritiono which ant had beert published relating to eome of Cite performers, at- ti4ti treated a aosot crowded audience, the majority of whom hes. felt it lively ...