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Morning Chronicle


... CONCERTS IN CROSBY HIALL. 7 The Crosby IBIi Literary and Seientific Institution are niving a serieb of Concerte in that fine old hall, which are Wj oeservedly attracting much attention. They are under the direction of iMr. STERNDALB BENNETT, aund ars eal- cilated to Improve the taste ot the members of the institu- tion, while the interest excited by them ahows that a popular audience is quite ...


... JiTERATURE. A Selectiafi rom the Speeches and Writings of the late Lord Kingr, wtit/s a s/rwt IntroduCtori Me- flair. Bv Rarl FoRTESCUE, [Longmams. 'Ibis volune will fulfil the expectations created 1v itsannouincerent. It contains a judicious and interesting selection from the speeches and writingi of a nobleman who, by ability, consistency, and ho. nestv ot purpose, displayed througbout the ...


... I EXHIBITION af the ROYAL ACADEMV. Mr. MULRICADY'S pliture (128). Ihc Whistoriai , (Iontro very, from the '' Vicar of ; nkefiel(Y, i' One that is likely to rank, we think, among the liighest specimens of Eliglish art. t is wonderful in point of finish and cxecutioni, and of at brillinilit intensity of colour, such as one admires in VAN E1 CK. Nor is the humour showni in the treatmzent of the ...


... PRINCESS'S THEA TRE. id The management of this theatre certainly exhibite r~eat st spirit and aetivity. There is a rspid succession of novelties, erel gt p, ndconeequently almost always successful. .e. The newv comic opera, Thoe Sgren¢, produced last night, is a er version ot AUBBRos'8 La Sysene, which has baen verv po- ed pular at the Opera Conei¶1uc. The iibrettoSLsA wrltten bvi SCnzae, and ...


... LITERiAYITRE. lite 11 igillandIs q/ hiipi5, described driag Eijtern MIonths' ,c rsidenrce rf a British Linbassy at t/e Cehristian tourt oftShoa. lIt Major W. CO tRN WALLS II A ItIIS of thie llou. East India Compauy'e Engineers. In three volumes. [Loirgingan and Co. tltiopira and the centriel lahl of Airica have nlways exercised ai power over the human imagination such as has beea found to ...


... DRURY-LANE 'THEA TRE. How much was expected from the appearanlce of the great lion of the French opera, was shown by the crowds who locked last evening to Drury-lane, the eager baste with which every place Was occupied in a feW minutes, and the shout which rang from every part of the house the moment he sthowed himself on the setage, before he uttered a sound. Where there is much F highly ...


... ROYAL SOCIlTY OF MUSICIANS. The one hundred and sixth anniversary festival of thre excellent society wIts held yesterday in Freemiaenb' Hall, fad was, as usual, of ia very gratifying kind. The Royal Society of Mlusicians holds a high pilce funooig the many benevolent institutions of this metropolis. Originating, almost accidenttlly, in the desire of a few muslciane to re- lieres the orphan ...


... ROYAL ACADEMY OFr 3liJC. Tihe third concert of the Royal Academy took place on Saturday morning. l'he most remarkable pclurias wnich I it exhibited of tiH yrOficiencT Of the pupil) was the overtare by Miss BENDOK;PN, with wcbirh the parforutalrri corn* menee'. This youn lady has more than once did. tinguisheol herselI by her groerse' in vomp sirion, and thlo ovrcture is highly crediabl to har ...


... A New Spirit of tie Agfe, edited by R. H. HORNE. l London, Smith and Elder. There is an easy candour about Mr. Horne which ought to encourage all persons to deal with him with similar sincerity. He appears to us to be generous, honest, in the main good humoured (for in the only instance in which his spleen is shown in the two volumes of the New Spirit of the Age, it is pardonable, on ...


... TRE LIVERPOOL LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIBTY. The first meeting of this society for the osession of 1844.5 aWill hold on M on day even~ing, at the Royal Inetitation, a JoOsepl Brooks Yates, REq., the president of the society, in -the chair, ifThe business of thd evening Wee opened by a resolu- tion unanimously agreed to, whereby the members ofth Natliral listory Society were united ito the ...


... FASHIION'S 1FOIR MA R CH. [FRtOU THEl WORLD1 0OF PAP.1TION.] FnolztIare.-For toiltettvs tie vfi!., Fttothtig 't be Pr..tfier than hoecelegnt hunet of reen tidee for b lue iofr repinow motrimain-d with isetpenek cr ,ori foh- t101 theebi rimttsied with at white or lpur ; thes tire e. santeii colour lis tile lining; whilst titeinrtit ti. tire 'iscoratei- Wit~' aigretrtee, oifedu i poaie. u ...


... T'E SHERIFFPS' ENTE J 'JAINMFNT TOE i TiE JUJJGE8. Onl Saturday eveninog the Sheriffs of London entertained ithejudges lao a style every way consistent with the cha- racter of the civic Jibararilty of the city of Landon. A large party wats invited to meet the learned personages, anid the banquet, which took place lin the hall of the Stationera' Comrp~any, was provided in a style of elegan t ...