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... LATEST CURREN1 PRICKS oF LONDON, JULY 5, 1844. £. 5. Spelter .ton 21 )5 Fordelivery 21 jo Zinc—English Sheets •••• 30 0 Quicksilver Iron, English—Bar 6 ,0 Nail rods g Hoops 8 1() •! Sheets y #» Cargo in Wales g lf) R.S.^ • v,AL« 4 0 No. 1, Clyde 3 7 For Swedish bd.ton 9 10 Russian, ccnd Steel-Swedish keg bd.ton Id K) Ditto Faggots bd.ton 17 0 Copper—English sheathing Y Q QI; lb. 0 0 s| ^ake p ...


... CORN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANE, MONDAY, MAY 13, 1814.— \Ve have had a large farmers' show of wheat to day from the near counties, and only the finest selected samples obtained last week's currency; every other description being from Is 2s per quarter cheaper, and much unsold towards the close of the market; for foreign free we had rather a better demand. Good and fine samples fully supported prices. ...


... N E W P O 11 T Imports and Export5, for the ueek ending the 1st Feb IMPORTS. Thomas and Mary, Orchard, Memel, Stonehouse and Co. agents, 250N deals, IO7 pieces timber,'241 0 oak staves; Indus- try, James, G loucester, 30 tons F^nglish elm timber; Ca;tle„ J enkins, Bangor, 51 tons slates; ElIza, Evans, Aberdovey, 4.S tens slates—Newport Timber and Slate Company. Henrietta Johanne, Lassen, ...


... CORN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANE, FBIDAT, FEB. 6, 1344.— The supply of wheat was moderate this morning, and the con- dition is rather improved. Dry parcels were taken by the milieu at fully Is advance, and the secondary sorts found buyers at a similar improvement. Fresh foreign has improved in demand, at prices fully equal to last week and in some esses rather mure money has been made for old Dantzic ...


... Jan. ^?KLY CALENDAR. 'wiu ounaay atter Epiphany. Lessoas tor the Warning Service, Isaiah 55, Matthew 19. Evening nn iTi*?06' ^sa'ah 56, 1 Corrinthians 1. ii — Mahammedan year I860 begins. **•—Conversion of St. Paul. on s ACF.First Quarter, 27th day, 31m. after 0 afternoon ...

[No title]

... Anaccountof Coal id Iron brought down the Canal during the week ending Sept. I :— TONS Thomas Prothero 2o0 Thomas Powell 115 R. J. Blewitt 725 John 389 W. S. Cartwright.. 425 Rosser Williams 22 60 Richard Morrison — | Carr, Cargill, & Co — 2036 2126! 4162J ] ...


... TUESDAY'S GAZETTE, AUG. 27. BANKRUPTS. John Thomas and William Wilde, Basing-lane, Cheapside, general merchants Wm. May Underwood, Waples Mills, near Fyfield, Essex, miller Arthur Lett, Commercial-road, Limbeth, timber merchant Ilobeit Buckler, Portia. grocer Wm. Ynill, Cornhill, tador Jacob Forth, Nottingham, hotter Robert Garnett, Leeds, bootmaker Joseph White Lewis, Bath, victualler Robert ...

Lurauura m a K K E T S. Iv .,

... Lurauura m a K K E T S. CORN EXCHANGE, MARK LANE, MONDAY, OCT.21. The supply of wheat and flour since this day be'noirht has been fair, and in this morning's market the show of fresh sam- ples was fully equal to the demand the condition is generally j inferior. We had a good sale for picked samples of English, at fully last week's prices, but those cut of condition were very difficult of sale ...


... COHN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANB. FRIDAY. FEB.26 1844.— The supply of Irish wheat from the adjoining counties this morning was unusually small, and the whole was sold on about ihe same terms as this day se'nnight. In tree foreign business was confined to the retail purchases of a few necessitous buyers at late prices some sales were made of Danzig, in bond in which its late value may be considered ...


... LONDON MARKETS. CORN EXCHANGE, MARK LANE, MONDAY,DEC. 23,184^ The arrivals last week, were small, and to this day's market), and we have a steady trade in wheat, both English and foreign,* at the currency of this day se'niiight. Flour sells slowly, and prices are just maintained. Good mailing barley sells freely, at lull pnces. and late rat, are rather exceeded for foreign, giinding, and ...