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... TI1EXTATE TIALS. TWENTY.FIFTH AND LAST DAY. of The most intense excitement prevailed this morning to asqertain, the final issue of the trial, or to know whether t any change of opinion had taken place in the minds of the di jury from the time they were looked up on Saturday night. tE Long before the hour to which the court stood adjourned, l namely, until nine o'clock, dense masses of people ...


... VREADFUL MURDER AND EXECUTION I. The Jamaica papers give an accounut of a dreadful case of violation and murder, tendered more horrible by the circumstances attending the execution of the criminals.l. The story is the more remarkable, too, from the circum-' stance, that the crime was disecovered by the confessions of the perpetrators, extorted from them by the agonies of remorse. Two men, ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY, i 5: EINRY-SJ?1a;ET'!OPP1C5 James Casey, a bookseller,: residing In Off-'lane, was charged by a gentlemen named Lawson with having a book r in his possession which had been stolen from him. Mr. F. ' J. Hojel appeared for the defendant. ,g It appeared that witbin the last two months Mr. Lawson lost a number of books, but in what manner he knew not; on Wednesday, he saw ...


... LIMERICK ASSIZES. (FRtOMr OUR VWN REPORTER.) Tuesday, July 16th, 1844. This morning Mr. Justice Ball went into crown business, which was of no public interest. The court was crowded to excess during the day, in ex- pectation that the case of the Queen v. the Proprietor and Printer of the Limerick Reporter 'would come on. The anxiety of the public was gratified before the rising of the court, ...


... RECORDER'S COURT-SATURDAY. ?? Recorder sat on Saturday for the trial of prisoners. T.B.C. isra 1-cuIOUS CASE. l Thomas Leeson, late a policeman, was indicted for having obtained 2&. 6d. from Sergeant Perryman, of the :6t I6th regiment, by means of false pretences. The Honoura- ble Mr. Plunket, Q.C., with Mr. Kemmis, appeared for nthe crown, and Mr. Fullarn defended the prisoner. Mr. a Phlnket ...


... CORK ASSIZES-FRIDAY. COUNTY COURT-MANSLAUGHTER John Hayes, Michael Hayes, James Walsh, sen., James Walsh, Jun., John Walsh, Samuel Buckley, Jeremiah Buckley, Cornelius Connolly, and Timothy Walsh were given in charge for the manslaughter of Thomas Browne, on the 18th March, at Currabeg. Mr. Bennett, Q.C., briefly stated the case. Here was a number of persons indicted, not for murder, though a ...


... I.. ?? i A 1 L2V & .L': d,. 'ROLLS' COURT.YESTE5DAY. The light lion the Master of the Rolls took his seat on the bench soon after eleven o'clock. ArnCY-BsTngr TiZEATRE-CO1OiilTTAL OF TiHE PROPSIE- 'T101 TO PnISON. Ci'oaloft v. Wrest and iohers. Mr. Crelghtou_.My lord, in this case of Caloraft againqt West, aid others, ind in relation to the matter which I mentioiled to your lordship ...


... COURT OF REVISION-YESTDAy l I Irt DL-L --f l Y The Right Elon. the Lord lMayor, with the assessors, Robert Mullen and Edmond Hayes, Esqrs., barristers-at, law, resumed the revision of the burgess roll at the usual hour yesterday morning. In course of the investigation of claims in St. Patrick's ward, Mr. Wauchob intimated to the court that he Intended to call upon the town clerk to prove ...


... MEATH ASSIZES. TRIAM9 THURSDAY, 29th FEn. D, I At the opening of the court James Smith, Thomas a Lecken, and Matthew Lecken, were indicted for the e | of Joseph Sherlock, at Sherlockstown, on the 22d of December, 1843. _ The cese was stated to the jury by Mr. Brewster. t After which I Jane Sherlock, widow of the deceased Joseph Sherlock, v was called and sworn. She deposed that she did not ...


... I DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. HENRVY-STREET OrF ICE. ?? Osborne charged a person who had the garb and a ?? of a sailor withhaving stolen his carpet-bag con- y tmning wearing apparel. Osborne stated that he arrived 5 in the Liffey on board the Tiger steamer from Cork, I between one and two o',clock lastonight. Prisoner was a passenger on board. When the vessel came to the quay )could, not get ...


... Mr. Fitzgibbon addressed the court yesterday in a speech of great power, characterised throughoat by that peculiarly lucid and Arcible style for which the law arguments of the learned advocate are so remarkable.' He went through each of the questions previously discussed.putting many things in a new point of view, and analyzing the arguments of the crown in re- ference to each. The most ...


... I - . CORONRWS INQUESTS. Yestterda John Elliot HyndmaI, Esq., one of the city !coroners, held an inquest at the house, 23, Upper Domia rick.-street, on a fine child tamed Anne Gardiner, aged five syears, who caine by her death under the cireumstaneeR de- tailed in the evidence. Anne Gardiner,-mother. 'f.tht 4eeesabd- was examined, ,and deposed that her husband as a' ?? five o'clock yesterday ...