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... FRIDAY.-Before Ald. Dunn and Rdwd. James, Esq- -William Sample was brought up in custody of P. C- 102, for being loitering about the Butcher Bank, be- tween 1 and 2 o'clock on Thursday morning without any visible object. Discharged.-Benjamin Wallace was charged by P. C. 125, with being in the Bigg- market, at I o'clock on Thursday morning. The po- liceman stated that le requested the prisoner ...


... - - I - o - I .. -_ _ T ?? (Before Rowland Burdon, Esq., Chairman, and a Bench of Macqistrates.) MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1844. The court met this morning at 10 o'clock, when the following gentlemen were sworn in as Grand Jurors:- Richard Greenwell, of Bishopwearmouth, Esq.,fore- man; and William Hunter Burn, of Bishopivearmouth, Samuel Barnard. of Darlington; Henry Chapman, if Neasleam; Peter ...


... M'NVCASTL:E-Friday, ~Nov. .- Before Ald. Ilcadlam and M- oangridge Esq.-llenry NioConnell was charged with an assault upon M. E. Kirkley. The complainant keeps the Three Bulls' Heads, Castle Garth, and last night the prisonet entered tho house in a, stats of intoxication. and attempted to steal a pair of' shocs hrom a man in the house. Tue complainant par. caived him, :and was in the act of ...


... FRIDAY, FEe. 2.-Before Ald. Batson and J. Hawks' Eq4--Wm. Day, John Camble, and Wm. Dawson, Cllarged Witl creating a disturbance on the Sandhill' llt agt, %ere reprimanded and ?? 1 ' 0U, aged 72 years, was charged with stealing a pot, the property of Mr Atkin, Ducrow Inn. 'I esoner had gone into the house, and, after drink- lass of somethiun, was observed to put the pot, .ere ltWhic~ she ...


... Before G. H. W lkinsoon, Esq., Recorder. WEDNESDAY, OcT. ]6. Grand JuY.*-Dlr David lusrn, trenuall tier WV. l)illp . Dr ,v. mathee, Mr .T 13. Faleonar, Dr T. Lowrey, Mr It. Ilsss3ter Mir T. Hnloue, )r A. Niehol, 31r C. Smith, junl. Dlr ?? Cattons Dlr C. Ml. Paltmer, ?? J. It. Kent, Mr 11. 6insgers, and Dlr W. Swats. The Recorder in charging, the Grand Jury, adverted to the light elearacter of ...


... TUEsDAY.-BDEORa MR JUSTICE COLT&IN. The Court met this morning at 10 o'clock. After the eal formalities had been observed, the following ges- were sworn in as Grand Jurors:- I Jon Bowes, Esq. M.P., Streatlani Castle, foreman; W. ccrd Shippardson Durham, John Wn. William. ?? Allan,Blackwell. William Lloyd 401aIten, Drybum, Gerard Salvin, Croxdale, Henry john Spearman, Newton Hall. John Fawcett, ...


... | EWCASTLE POLICE. FRmaAv, Dmc. 29.-Before Ald. Potter, W. Loraine, and J. Hawks, Esqrs.-Charlotte Close, a girl, who was charged in the fore part of this week with robbing from the person, but discharged as the prosecutor-did not appear, was brought up charged with stealing a sheep s head last night, out of the shop of Mr George Atkinson, Sandgate, but the evidence was considered insufficient ...


... A11 - _ NEwQASTLE -13onday..-Before J. Archbol~ad W. Loraine, Esqrs.-J. Denhanm, for being druank in Westgate- street o.Saturdaiy night, was reprineanded and discharged.-3t. NVollace, Mary Anin Ros, and .Jane Charlton, three prostitutes, chiargedi with making a distnrbauce in Grey-street, early on Mlon- dity mooning, sere roprimanded ?? Kipsey, 11s inmate of the Union. Worlhouse, found drualis ...


... FOLICE- 11 -I ?? zday, Before Ald. Brandling R 1 Es. lizaGarvie, for an assaultupon UI aenn as fined 2s 6d, and 5s 6d costs.- ?? Agnes Shore, and Edward Wardle, Henry uknsswere reprimanded and disclharged.- me for d~snkey s charged with stealing a shawvI, the i Ann SerY Jae Cathorne. It appeared that the proPert.Ynt and the prisoner, about two months ago, werelodging at thle same house, but ...


... ID1AY,-Before Ald. Batson, J. Archbold, and J. L. Loraine, Es ?? Will amson, for creating a brawl on the amdhill, wds fined 2s 6d, and in default of payment sent to gaol for three ?? Hood, a fishvwoman, similarly charged, was merely reprimand- ed and ?? Roy, for assaulting Mary Ann Grey and her daughter, both livinu on the New- road, on Wednesday, was fined IOs, and 29 6d costs, and in default ...


... NEWCASTLE.-Satincday.-Before Ald. Potter.- Jane Dnnn and John Brown, charged with creating a disturbance in Sandgate on Friday night, were repri- manded and ?? Turner, apprehended at Birtley, as a deserter from the 53rd Regiment of Foot, was sent before the county of Durham magistrates. -Robert Stevenson was charged with overloading his cart with manure, and the offence being proved, he was ...


... NFWC. STvaE.-Friday.-BeforeAld.Batsonf&R. Plummer, Esq.-James Lockhart, found drunk and in- capable at the Onseburn, on Wednesday night, was fined 5s.-John Nichol, charred with being found in a passage leading to the house of Mr Turubull, hatter, Prindes-street, under suspicious circumstances, was re- primanded and ?? Atkinson, gardener at the Westgate Cometcry, was charged by Mr Atkin- son, ...