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Morning Chronicle


... LiTERATURE. The Life of George Brumaell, REq. By Captain *z JEss, 13 There is a great deal of pleasant, curious gossip in k these careless volumes. The disreputable old ghosts hi of the close of the last century are brought up from - limbo, and made to walk the world again. Fox hN and Sheridan, the beautiful Georgina of Devonshire, at the Prince of Wales (augustshade of sixteen stone!), ill ...


... DRURY-LANIf TBEATRfE. 0Driry Lane opened last night with an iclat which pro- n e brifliaut reasoan. This theatre hbw now assumetd en- ::iriv the cnarecter of an opera house. The musical coin- pny comipri'es the best dramatic singers that Eogland can trcduce; and, for the ballet, the array of talent rivals that of ber Alajesty's Theatre. The theatre is com- ete, toc, in all the accessories of ...


... Vie Practice of tlle M-sftrs' Office on the Plea Side in the Superior Courfs of' Commnan Law, WXeetwinter, 4 c., 4'e., By TnOMAa DAx, Esq., one of the Masters of the Court of Exohequer, &o. (Owen Richards, Fleet-street. The author of this volume ie the senior Master of the Court of Eschequer. He is very favourably known toboth brunches of the legal profession as one of the most expe- rlenced, ...


... INSTIT WA OF FINE ARTS. Oa. Saturday evening the first meeting of the second Ig session of the Institute of Fine Arts took place in tbe et spacious theatre of the Royal Scciety of Arts, John-street, d. Adelphi. . Mr. F. G. HURLSTONE, having been called t) the chair, briefly explained the objects of the meeting, and dwelt at as somrn length on the benefits likely to be derived krom the lh ...


... - ON- L-iERATURE. A. 1lvqora, ilifa tilc Ccrrecnw Plrinciple; thei coteclai, (' i/It t'arrcencq with Prices, and the cwpedicnry o'a 6se 'Iaratiot q)issuecfroni Basning. By TifoAss Tooite, .hiq., F. 1:iS. [London: Lognomn and Co. 1844. l1 1author of this treatise, who bears 51 established re- l)Ataticn d6 a wrier ou political ecououny, was ixilninetd at coumdserable length before the select ...


... TI1E ANCIENT CONCERTS. The concertof last evening was under the drectiqcd of :ap kG ALB rFRT, a) Id the Ferlection of music was viha' might .;ZpetA fror bis RoyalHin Haighnes I ound taste iet keno yledge of the art. There .as m luch va. . , it wds ik varifety of excellence; rie ; pecitens of & ~b oth acietni uud. modern, aj' Italy, Germany, aLd E aglend, auni, arringecd in such a manner that ...


... 1WRUY -LANRE THiETJRE. A 30W grand ballet, in three acbt, called Lady Netrietia; or, iare Statute Fair, was produced, last night, for the first time in this country. It ham boen performing for some time at the Academia Royale de Musique, in Paris, with more success than the crowded audience who last night witnessed itRproduction at Drury-laneseemed disposed toac- cordit. With a good deal of ...


... LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITU- lIONS. Thefollowing importantTreasurylrIlnute bea been laid ou the tablof the HouseofComunoasby Sir George Clerk, the Secretary of the Treasury:- Sir Robert Peel submits to the board the expediency of requiring from the various secientifi and charitable insti- tutions for which grants of public money are annually made, reports ot their proceedings and ...


... -l 7 MITEA BUR. ter Reombla inGermanyanad Italy in 1540, 18429, and 1843, By Mrs SH HLET. Tw vole. [Moxon, 1844. 1 Tbese are, Indeed, delightful volumee, written in the adtrue spirit which ought to distInguish travellers, but whiob dof late years, we are Borry to nay, seldom is found to ani- I mtethemnmey & spirit of ymatyfr the character ea, an appreciation of their arts and letters. Too ...


... A PLEA for the VACANT GARTeR.-A I BALLAD. I o0 im Lord B. he rose from his bed, he From his bed Lord B. arose; ad. ,re And first he seratch'd his head, Ito And then he twitch'd his nose. ug ler Then he called for the Tivies, and saw How Lord Lonsdale he was dead; Is And again he twitch'd his nose, And again he ocratch'd his head. try And he thought of years gone by, And he look'd portentously ...


... There was a profusion of entertainments last night for the abenfit of Madame PERSIANI; Dots Giovanni, a portion of Lucia do Lamaermoor, La Vivandiere, and La BErne- ralda. Nothing new, but everything highly attractive. MOZART'S superb opera was superbly performed, and received with all the enthusiasm of a first performance. What a difference between his music find that of the com- posers now ...


... TIHE MAGAZINES FOR THE IONTJ1. [CON~TINUDD.]! Tho Dublirsi fliveirsity ffagitltiac davotee a long paper t| that no'V all prevtkilinlg subject- the PerilaoiLhe iation, advocating, amongst other remedial oteps, a system of cottagealilotmjente. AiewmorewordsabouttMesmcrlet0 j are remarkable for the gravity of tone with whicts they treat thlaridiaicntus populardelusiou. The following is an ...