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The Examiner


... WANDSWORTH AND CLAPHAM UNIoN.-The poor-law commissioners have caused an inquirv to be made into the truth of certain charges which had been brought against the master and matron of the Wandsvorth and Claphani union. The result was the exposure of a most cruel and indecent system of conduct towards the girls who are inmates of the establishment. It was elicited that some time since it was ...


... The following are extracts from a letter from Lieu- tenant Munro, read by 3Mr T. Duncombe in the House of Commons:- I will not attempt to describe my own most unhappy state of mind, since I have been forced to fly from my coun- try, my profession, and my beloved wife, children, father, mother, and relations; but those who have known me from my childhood, and my gallant comrades, can conceive ...


... THE WILL FORGERIES. Monday morning having been fixed for the re-exami- nation of the prisoners, WFilliam Henry Barber, Joshua Fletcher, and Ceorginsa Dorey were brought up in the custody of Forrester.-Mr Clarkson said the result of the inquiries had enabled the prosecutors to bring forward a fourth charge against Barber and the woman at the bar as principals, and against Fletcher as an ...

Published: Saturday 27 January 1844
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2871 | Page: Page 10, 11 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... CRIMS AND PUNISHMENT IN MoRocco.-An ?? butcher, who had enriched himself by selling kehlia (fried meat), was determined to increase his gaiis by the more simple method of receipts without expenditure. With this view he nightly inveigled into his house a woman of exceptionable character, who was immediately assassinated, cooked, and disposed of the following day. His wife, appre- hending a ...

Published: Saturday 28 September 1844
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 494 | Page: Page 12, 13 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... MURDER NEAR NOTTINGHAM.-AIn inquiry has been resumed respecting the deaths of a woman and her three children, who were found dead under suspicious circum- stances. The woman was found holding a razor in her band. Her husband, William Saville, has been examined. He exhibited great self-possession, and during the whole of the day did not appear more concerned than any of the spectators. A great ...


... LIVERPOOL. MANSLAUGHTER.-Wil//am Anderson was indicted for the manslaughter of Jane Ford. The prisoner has for some time carried on business in Manchester as a surgeon and man-midwife. The deceased, Jane Ford, was an infant about six weeks old, the daughter of Catherine Ford. She was unmarried at the time of the child's birth, but shortly after was married to its father, Philip Foley. On the ...

Published: Saturday 24 August 1844
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 815 | Page: Page 9, 10 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... locked up, and one taken to the infirmary after receiving injuries of a very serious nature. The city was in a state of complete uproar from a report that the soldiers had deter- mined to rescue their comrades who were in durance. MURDER AT GRAVFSEND.-An inquest has been held by Mr Carter in the above town on the body of Elizabeth Hartnell, aged 35, who died from the effects of violence used ...


... A robbery to an unprecedented extent was committed between Saturday night and Monday morning in the bank- ing-house of Messrs Rogers, Odling, and Co., bankers, of Clement's lane. Bank-notes to the amount of upwards of 40,0001. were stolen out of the iron safe, which is depo- sited in the wall of the inner office; and securities to a very large amount also taken by the thieves. On the morning ...

Published: Saturday 30 November 1844
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1079 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... MURDER OF LORD NORMANBY's GAMEKEEPER _A, inquest has been held upon the body of John Moffat, a gamekeeper to the Marquis of Normanby, who was shot i, the abdomen by a poacher named Lowther, and subset quently died of his wounds. A verdict ?? Murder against Lowther and his companion was returned, and they have been committed to York Castle for trial. The Mur. deter is thirty-nine years of age, ...

Published: Saturday 10 February 1844
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 835 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... PLANCHE W. HOOPnR.- THE WHITE OAT.-Mr Platt said the plaintiff in this action was Mr Planche, the author of the comic extravaganza called The White Cat; the de- fendant was the manager of the Theittte Royal at Bath, and the action was brought to recovei certaih penalties which he had incurred by performing that piece without the authority of the plaintiff. The learned gentleman called ?? ...


... EDINBURGH HIGIH COURT OF JUSTICeARY. T v - I At -, Al lfn IRIAL OF MaS G~iGUR.-~--Thjs trial came on before the High Court of Justieiiy, Ediiiburgh, on Friday sweek. The prisoner pseaded not guiltt, in ~a low bhut -firmvoice, A remnai tecva~1tJ in the allploy of XPrs (;lrsou said that she purchased some arsenic for her mistress, who told her it was to poison rats. I told her the doctor had ...


... VICE-CHANCERY. The Vice-Chancellbr took his seat-in his Court at West- miister on Thursday, at ten o'clock. It was unusual for his Honourtotike'his seat so early, butan arrangement ha, been made 'by which the Lord Chancellor gives his public breakfasts at: the commencemnent of two terms only, instead of four, as formerly. . (Before Sir J. K. BRUCE.) DtcKENs v. BERGER.-Mr Seijeant Talfourd ...