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Selected Poetry

... sclurtelo jjttrji. 911! COME TO THE INGLE SIDE. BY ElLIZA COOK. 0(i ! come to the ingle side, For tile night is dark end drear; T o snlow is dceep and the mountain wide, Then stay and rest thee here. lY hoard is simply spread, I've little food to spare, But. thou shall break my wholesome bread, And have a welcome shale. For while the faggot burns To warm my cottage floor, They never shall say ...


... I ;FASHIONABLE INITELLIGBE.CE. I ARRIVAL 01' THE QUEIRN OF THE BELGIAXS.- Her Majesty the Queen of the Belgians embarked at Ostend, at half-paqt seven o'clock on Tuesday morning, attended by the Baroness ?? and Major A. ?? de Moerkerke, in the Princess Alice steam-packet for Woolwich. The Princess Alice arrived off Woolwich dockyard at a quarter past five o'clock. Her Majesty on landing was ...


... I . LITRRATURE. I WANDERINGS IN SPAIN. BY MARTIN HAVEmrY, ESQ. (London: T. C. Newby; Dublin: John numming.) It is a strange fact thatithe country whose name is, be- yond all others, the most associated with chivalry, and romance, and song, should be the least known to the other countries in Europe. Some of the leading facts in the his- tory of Spain are familiar to all persons. The treachery ...

Selected Poetry

... CC r1rctrzi J'Jortr)2- THIIE ]BUMPKIN'S INVITATION. Ain-Ol ! Nanny, wilt tlrou Gany with Jl e ? DR. PERCY. Onl! Iollv, wilt thou go with me, Nor sigh to quit this noisy place? Can rude loI hUtS have charms for thee, And bumnpkins rough with rugged face? No longer dressed in muslins white, Nor braided close thine auburn hair, Say, can'st thou quit these scenes to night, Where thou art fimirest ...

Original Poetry

... Origtnal J)ortrp. THE WEE BEGGAR WEAN. BY JAMES M'KOWEN. ?? Jeanie was ragged, wee Jeanie was poor; Her wee bit she begged frane door to door; Her claethin' was scant, but she keepit it clean; The folk were a' fond o' the wee beggar wean. On nane in this world had she to depend, Nor father, nor mother, she never had kenn'd; Her lot it was bitter-she ne'er did complain, But suffer'd in silence ...


... Pt 1E V IE AVr The Mtt/(itattieils of Mar-cus Aurelius Antonimtis, writh the jifi'nilt of' Eliictetis, and a Sttismisary qf Christian Mal'(/lity/. 1Freely tians/n ted.Iroia the ori~qinat Greek, byj Ilenr-y M' CorniiaC, M.D.-London, 1844. IT lisa been at habitual Complaint against thle INedical profeatilli. that so few of its miembers are addlictvitl to thle st ino t e'leceetil and Et iclea ...

Selected Poetry

... 5'-dectrzi V ofirv. TIHE ALMIGHTY. [The follow ing ode to the Supreme Being is translated fromn the Russian. It wit, written by one of the most distin n ished pots Dorzhainer.] 0 Thou Eternal One! whose presence bright All space dtothi occupy; all motion guide; U'nuacnged through time's all-devastating flight, 'Tlhio oniv God ! ThLer is no God beside. Bicing above ill things I Mighty one Whlon ...


... I ~ LITAVRATAER. I STATE TRIUALS., PARTS 1l . TO VI. * (Duffy 'Anglesea-sti eet.). * This is the only correct editioi of the State Trialslwq` have seen. It purports to be nothing more tba, a faithful and ample report of the prooeedings.-and in this respect the publisher haB kept his word by giving a verbatim report of the examination and cross-examination of the witnesses.. with the material ...


... t , 1. I 13BUITISH AND FOREIGN uEVIEWV 1;EFORE AND AFTER THE UNI It. MAfONTGOEnBY MAOTIN, ESQ. By sR. MONTGOMERY MARTIN, ASP rlCrlAEL STAUNTON,ESQ. HISTORICAL AND STATISTICAL, I]y ?? LEWIS Srn. (Lonfolt: 'Whie-aker and Co.) fl i/li a0d Foreign Review, the last number of ; too long lltniticed on our table, is one which Ijsov5 oelcoed with particular regard. In its e O hitorcal questions it has, ...


... I FASHIONABLE INTELLI ,. ~ ~~ _,RGSC-- Thei't Excellencies the Lord Lieut Countess De Grey entertained the follinw tednant and the day ?? and Lady Dunsany 4r.1g 1'eneronjbli Miss Bnlfour; Mr. and Lady Mary \ryner1Y FIrn ard E. Taylor, SirJames and Lady DoVmbrain' a. n3r atM Bart.; Sir John Ribton, Bart.; Hon. C. . 'n ' luhC Charles Cobbe, Capt. and Mrs. Harvey, Colon. j .Maunrtell. Major ...


... Fif IONABLEINTBLLICR )f the Het' Majesty and Prince Albert, ?? Con the Princess .Royal, left Buckilgham palace in pane by four, escorted by a party Of Light Dragoons I at twny g in te Pst ?? on Friday afteno or tt% gezn tod- VISIT OF THE QUEN AN Pa tc.AL t mayV PRUSSIA-..Bjentia MAROOt T.UCes lee cicAn3FlT TO Itera- dietobstacles intervene ?? nee0 f essd acmaidby her conr. will &I u rr the Of ...


... I - I AN ARGUMENT FOR IRELAND, BY JOHN O'CONNELL, ESQ., ?? This volume has appeared at a most opportune time. The. recent state trials have forced the condition of Ireland-her grievances-.her agitation-her object-upon the attention of the empire. Men who never before took the trouble of asking how is Ireland governed-or what is the physical condition of her that attention has been ...