Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BrRTijs.-ApriI 12, at Adderbury, the lady of the Rev. G. K. Aforrell, of a ?? 15, at Rugby, the lady of William Harris, Esq. of a daughter. AIARRIED. On MAondav last, at St. Michael's Church, Coventry, by the Rev. R. Chapman, Mr. Henry Mayo, second son of Alderman Mayo, to Louisa, only daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Chapman, of Charlbury, in this county. On the 11th instant, at Upton, Bucks, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH S. At Newcastle, in Cumberland Row, the wife of Mr JohnGren, rchtec, o a ?? Vilas, o th 6h ist. te ifeofJosphWatson, Esq. solcito, ofa daghte.-InEldo~scret, Oil the 9th ist., he wie of r H. . Hem, oranit, of a son. At eltn Pds oot onthe1stins., hewits of A. MARRIAGES. At Newcastle. in Clavering Place Chapel, on the 5tb inst., by the Rev. James Pringle, Mr Walter Shields Pringle to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF LORD ABINGER. C. It is with deep regret we announce thle melancholy intelligence ig that the Noble and Learned Lord, who for thle last te'n years has ~d filled the office of Chief Baron, breathedl his last ateBury, early p). on Suntday morning. Lady Ab~iiger and several members of his ?? family were present when lie expired. Ie never. ap- r- peered to regain conscioueness fromt the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MUARRIAGES. At St. Mary's, Biryanston-square, Frederic William, son of Sir Fred. lamilton, Bart. of Silverton Hill, Lanarkshire, to Emily Maria, daughter of Thomas Carvick, Esq. of Wyke, Yorkshire, and Highwood Hill, Middlesex.-At St. Alavylebone, Joseph Needham, Esq. of the Middle Temple, to Jane, eldest daughter of Major Fraser, of the Regent's Park.-At St. Mlarls, Myddel- torn-square, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .e B I IT li S. i 0 Oi the 7th inst. at ;lostyn, Lady Ifarriet Mostyn. s of it dau'ihter. f Ot1 the llth inst. the wife of Mr. D. HIuniphreys, bookseller, of* this city, of a son. Un tie 3rd inst. Caroline, the wife of Mr. Robert ollpson, confectioner, of this city, of a daughter. Onl tile (th inst. at Auilniwe, Mrs. OweC Jones, n currier, ofl a daughter. I o tlhe lath inst. the wife of Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i BIRTHS. At' Vewcasfle, in Northumberland-street, oa the 13th inst., Mrs. H. C. Armstrong, of a son. At Sinperly, near Durham, on the 16th inst., the wife of Joseph Davison, Esq., of a daughter. At Barnardeastle, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr WWn. Bousfield, miller, of a son. MARR1A GES. At A'ewcaslle, at St. Andrew's Charcb, on the 16th irnt., by the Rev. W. Dodds, Mr Geo. Jameson, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 62, Great King Street, on the 25th current, Mrs Aasvrw SPENS, of a son. At 5, Albany Street, on the 21st current, the Ldy of WirL aJAN C. SANDI1AxDS, ESQ. of a son. At 7, Nicolson Square, Edinburgh, on the 25th curret, MYrs DUNBaR, wife of Mr Dunbar, writing-master, of a son. At 11, Melville Street, on the 26th current, the Lady of PA- ?? BOYLE, Esq. of a daughter. At. Weymouth, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE KING OF SWEDEN. A letter from Stockholm of the 9th instant, liso gives the following account of the last moments eha of the King :- %1,1 On the 5th, tile King had in the morning a -( slight attack resembling apoplexy, and for an 4 hour and a half was deprived of his senses. le, be how ever, gradually recovered, and having taken 4 a few spoonsfal of broth, fell into a quiet sleep. En ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0 ot Jarriagro, Vittoo, taltc iittWrap# d f* Marriages, births, and deatha, not properlyauthenticateds J oaenot be inserted In thpi paper, and forthis reason number, sent to our ofacedo not appear. :8 MARRIED. 0 On Wednesay, tbe 7th of February, at the Cattedral, Bom-a It bay, Mr. John Bvans, formerly of Liverpool, to Amelia, eldest C d daughter Of John Henderson, Eseq., of Bombay. On Monday. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Winster, on Tuesday, the 16th inst., the Lady of Lieut. Henry Norman, R.N., of a daughter. April l6th, at the Terrace, Rainbow-bill, Worcester, the wife of Mr. F. 1I. Needhana, of a daughter. On Tuesday, the 16th inst., at West Bank, Mansfield, the Lady of Samuel Siddon, Esq., of a daughter. MARRIAGES. On Tuesday, the 21rd inst., at St. Werburgh's Church, by the Rev. C. R. Hope, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MIARRIED. Onl the 24th inst., at the Co1clleiate Church, by thle Rev. WV. WV. Johnson, MA., Mr. leomneas Garratb, to Mlss Frances Fentene, both of Salford. Oln the 25th inst., at the stamie place, by the tev. T. Buck-a Icy, Mll A,, Mr. William Keoley, of Liverpool, to Miss Mjar- garet Venables Deane, of Stretford. Onl the 24th inst., at the Old Chapel, Duliofield, by thle 1ev. J. G. Rlobberds, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHiS. On tiho 1Ith inatanit, at I)i nder, Sotiterso t, the lady of EXd i n Loveli, Esq., of a daiughter. Oa the 1thi instant, iii Charlottl-strect, Ihedford-square, the wn ife of 1. G. W'hite, Esq., lBarriiterrat-law, of a son. MARRIED. April Wlth, it Giggleowick in Cra en, by tite Rrv. Rowland In- grain, viear, Captain Stanton, of the late matitima service of the East India Company, to ...