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April 1844
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Morning Chronicle




London, England

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Morning Chronicle


... I I - M HOUSE OF LORDS-MONiAY. The Earl of Leicester took the oaths and his seat, for the first time since his father's death. Lord BROUGHAM presented a petition, signed by the most respectable inhabitants of llchestar, in Somerset, setting forth the grievance urtder thich they laboured from the existence nf a corporation, and praying that it might be abolished, and trusteesappointed to ...

Published: Tuesday 30 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 38104 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... Her Maiesty and Prince Albert, and their Majestles the IKing and Queen of the Belgians left Buckingham PalasiS in a eerriage and four at a quarter before 'ine o'clock on Saturday afternoon for Claremont. The asrcbiowsie of Douro, lady In waiting en the Queen, the Barortea d'fI!og- vorat, lady in waiting on tbe Queen of the Belgians, Utolonel Buckley, equerry in waiting to her Majeety, and ...

Published: Monday 29 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1320 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... DREADFUL filft'lRfiCA.VE (1/-' Try I Al ~1A UI? IIf'Il6S. AN IN 1) IVI XA N AN ND 'I WiiT EMIGiR 1 N'T !-i PB,: ge-be. n l i-c-fern rerviac'i a' Lioytia~, ill iU t a it-anr il .'(Tti, lr. itceia-i'iiriid ia. the M~too)-' t'piztrHlrd It ip 'A or f tota Iy l Oht-. 'I t -. 'Ii- hrieu a it,'. veremt tft Li .. is ' is'i ia 'si'.d ihz i' t I,: Ii, il.Y a nd iatic!l lit-i] v ''k(iit' ' i- t h-ar,. ...

Published: Monday 29 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1711 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... ('UjtTI CIRCl'ULAR. Tte Qu~ el hlddacourt ye*'erday afternoon, at Backing- havizn Pshit..r Lieut-onat i nerai le Baron de Stiernerona on ii Fpet l ulinion from hise Nlajesty the King of Swedei, had nit in- tersiew of tier M 1iijebty to take lease. Tbe Prices ot Ouenlisen WalIrstein had an andienre ef the Queen, to deliver e letter from his .Mejesty the King of Bavhria. Their Excellsneies were ...

Published: Tuesday 30 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1338 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... P ORTUGAL. 0 ~LISBON, Alnrit 29. PF1M0050 11i OWN COliR rEoNnhiNTo.] I- The Wivernment accounts, published in the )iar io of ie the l ?ii instant, state that on the morning of thle 12th the rovolts I troops tnt Almtsihsa had returned thle fire of the Queenl's troepo with a v ivy few artillery dischargee, it one ol which had wourfdod At soldier of thet 01t Regiment, 0. cotd broken his le-g. On ...

Published: Monday 29 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2839 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... SP~AIN. 11ADMID, APRiL',21. [vFROMo OUR OWi CoRREsPONsDIPNT. Some doubt appears now to exiit reepec in( the 1wried of thb oyal journey to the Baths. Toe fCastello annouacrs, that it will take phlac fn the 8t ot nUVt moutb, aund that the Qivenu and Royal family will be accompanied by all the nirnisterso but tbat the intention of visiting Catalonia 16 given up, and the toculty have ...

Published: Monday 29 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 775 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I MR. FERRAND, Al.P., A MR. HOGG, MAYP. We have rpreivec the fO1IOWing from Mr. Ferrand, with a reqaest to in0ert it:- m.13- TO J NV. HOGG, E~SQ.( SiRi - The proc~edip~ ii sh :d )L. to Carnol It' toeing now tormirtot.~d, I think it a daty I or'~eftoi my~ wfor v ant tear that expla~atiosl C~ uie eXact mECnn ywr5a e r to co*nvey, ewhc I never ehould for one moment ave wi ...

Published: Monday 29 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 652 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... UNIVERSITY CLLE(;EU-DISTRIBT- TION OF PRIZES. Oq Saturdav thp iintual mnrtsr b'i'itn of privae in the nipe- dttietie depatmoent of Ulloore~sty Cohl..g-, took pluce at taco o'.-Vk, in) Eli Lecture' r, tnt. 7I e p!,vp wee croevc': in vevry part. 'rie tnirlo r pricof~it miutt hoive eXi'.,,Je 00; Jr~r'o proporttou of thon autlrinci. oriu-td or llidie. L-rd llr..lghaatt pretideti on the omCaeiott. ...

Published: Monday 29 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1318 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... i 1a FACTORY D)ISTJJCTS-Nt). 1. l' I OUR OWN CORRESPON DFNT.J 1t.jvtvow bO~leueveu clays in L-Aicaelhire,i and in thant time -cc.O'lv-l5W'ral towO's and nany publiloworke, and buiys Osia cctiorn with people of nill classes and opinionsF. ce~r ccc, vrv'uiiit-aiiesS, itacightansount to presuMp)t ion teccr ciproicss to deseribsd a great counlty like Lan- * ewthiv ast and -c irwd intereite, having ...

Published: Tuesday 30 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3379 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... PHILHiA RMONIC SOC)(IETY'. The Sxiety continues its tucceiisul earefir thttim 8iitrcn Thectrotert of huit night itY fill O)i intereHtiy in imttr. The two Symphonies were aniong the materpiecee of th, ir reipective authors; IIAYDN'S in B flat, No. 10, mid IDRnTHoVENh' iu A, No. 7. B1tb o' them atre fimiliar It tbno Bh'ilhfrinronic enii! but tbh(y are aiwiays listen', d to with renewed ...

Published: Tuesday 30 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 576 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... TIlE MORNING CHRONICLE. L 0 N ]) 0 N: UlSYDA Y, AJ'RiL :30, 1844. lu the floHUsE of Lon nDS lust night, the Duke of WE'1LLIsr.roN, in reply tO Iur(l COL(CEiSnTEB, stated that the Court ot LDirectors of the Ea;t Indin Couinmny had given their reasoris for the recall of Lord ELIEsIOnDO l MG, With Which, howvever, the Governnment did nst mcree. as they aliprove(l of the policy nld coCoinidut ot ...

Published: Tuesday 30 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 8300 | Page: Page 5, 6 | Tags: News 


... THE MORNING a- flO TITE MOVRNING CHROXI':tr'.r.I L 0N D ON- MOUNDA Y, A PYlIL 2,\, 1844. It was to he cxpoctc(i that thil pre ps shoAluld 1je ftrtile il raiL(loi (conjectures on1 1 ie slul(ddin nn- nounceinent of an event of sumch niak as the recall of Lord ET,.EIItnnonouGii from the Govcz r-(ienr- ralship of Iidia. All men have ventured their guess in curiosity, in vandour, or in fiaction. ...

Published: Monday 29 April 1844
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 8762 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News