
... titt r a tit re. Geology; a Poem, in seven books. By the Rev. J. S. Watson, t .B.A.-Pickering, London. t This is a work which bears the impress of originality-a quality G5 which can scarcely be overestimated in these book-manufactur- ing times. The author has selected a topic which, at the first glance, would appear to belong to the domains of science rather than to those of poesy, yet it is ...


... L it t atu r t. The Westminster Realewfor Jurae.-Clarke, London. The improvement iii the writing of the Wfestminioster Review appears to be acknowledged on all hands. The present number commences with a slashing attack onl Sir James Graham, in which the cbnges aand shiftings of the bon. baronet, as exhibited in )is acts and speeches, ore laid bare. The handlin6is severe, but can scarcely be ...


... I inj CAPTAIN PIDDING'S CHINESE OLIO AND Oil TEA-TALK. WI Our readers may recollect the announcement we made W! some time ago of the intended publication of this periodical, Pe be and our speculations as to the value of its contents, from ne the well-known character of the editor, his long residence a amongst the Chinese, and the opportunities he possessed Et: for the appreciation of Chinese ...


... PUDBLIC AjUS8'#'-2t'TS. ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE. Ora' Sescress of Mr. Denvilia Lord BrssMafe,asd Second Week of Mc. and Mdrs,Setlby. V~O-MORROW, aod duaing thoWeek. will be preivclsce, Forolte 7th T ?? PoemSn fIANlFRRD. CoeensfiMareafsMr. -fenvi; Clhemois lit ter,MNr. Lass's ; Aloes, lir. J. Simpson; Amo- rotors, Mr. Green; Tole Philmothe of Astarte, idles Hamilton. The Witc of ho lps ...

The Family Commpanion

... ED1E d almlilp sIollpalliol. ORIGiNAL AND SELECTED. OLD STAGE-COACH TRAVELLING. ed (From the &eortsnaM.) of pr Though we used not, perhaps, to Makle our wills accord- ca lag to thle tradition attaehed to tiid bid. notice, it was not th because there was no daugt~r, but biecause frequent ex- flw posure to danger made it customsary for tbosc who had 1o anything to leave to keep a w-ill onl hand. ...


... I Stv Vlasater>l. A So1o rOB MAY MoRNiNfo. PART VI. The dead months bad, many a day, sweet, Been tinting a wreath for you, Ere pallid snows died away, sweet, Or sklio were warm and blue; Spring blossoms and buds you, rightly, May guess the circlet form, And never, I vow, more brightly, The rainbow crowned the storm. No flower my flower can name, sweet, No bud my bud can name, But there is the ...


... Historyvof En2gland from the peace of Utrecht, by Lord MAHON. Vol. 4. Comprising from the the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle to that of Paris. [London, Murray. We ought to be grateful to any writer who un- dertakes to give us Pt fair, well-vritten, and well- considered history of the reigns of the two first Georges. It.forms a part of our annals with which it is imperative upon all to be acquainted, ...


... Foulards de Chine with barege are the most fashionabi materials; the prettiest are checked in shades of the same colour, violet and lilac, dark green on light, cerise and dahlia. they are trimmed with two wide biais put on a little full Or two deep flounces; but a mpre novel style is one very deep flounce put on at the edge of the skirt, which is necessarily very short and the transparency ...


... FASHTONABLE INTELLIGENCE. WINDSOR, MoNDAY.-The Queen and Prin0e Albert, accompanied by the King of Saxony, arrived at the Castle five minutes before four o'clock this Afternoon, from the Slough station of the Great Western Railway, iavitng travelled from a special train. At six oclocklhis Royal High- Hess Prince Albert, attended by Sir Edward Bowater, left the Castle for Sloucgh to ...


... TH.E LITERARY EXAMINER. Ellen Middleton. A Tale. By Lady Georgiana Fullerton. 3 vols. Moxon. This tale has been mentioned in connection with Godwin's celebrated romance, not without reason. Lady Georgiana Fullerton has studied to some pur- pose in the gloomy but impressive school of Caleb WVilliams. If she has some of its defects, she has no small share of its effective power. She has shown a ...


... TAe History of Englandfromn the Peace of Utrecht. By Lord Mahon. Murray. The contents of this volume (the fourth) com- prise the incidents between the Peace of Aix-la- Chapelle and the Peace of Paris : the last eleven years of George the Second's reign and the two first of George the '[bird's. Two long and inte- resting chapters are added, on the foundation of the British empire in India. ...


... FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE AND; MUSMICA INTELLIGENCE. (xcLusv1 mFO rTHE srzA.) PARIS.-AS soon as the exposition of the Products of the National Industry, which has attracted half a million. of strangers to Paris is closed, a magnikcent musical soleminity is to ensue, and if the metropolis witnesses this, for the first time, it is simply to be attributed to the fact of no suitable edifice having ...

Published: Sunday 23 June 1844
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 9539 | Page: Page 5, 6, 7 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture