Advertisements & Notices

... * .j tubt fitfltttntd. E A T LI E 0 Y OL L L A31ASON-OQUARE. jet,,_HfDAAME CELESTE and MRt. IEBSTER. Fifth NSigt of l be Engagement of Mesrst, STRtICt(L_%ND, sTrUAur, II. HOLL, HOWE, fesfsiIiFi'D. C -lI~K and litr. CAULFIELD, iD the Ii eatrynteirket. who iure ougage d her e for r lirorted peio;1o' tird will appear THIlS EV ENING, OF . tire a6yb instaint, thetornedy of the M EERRY WIY Ws QI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALTERATION IN THE MAIL TRAlNS. To ADERRTISERS, SUBSCRIBERS, We. We particularly request the attention of our advertis- Tng friends to the recent alteration in the despatch of the maie The letter box for the morning despatch is now etosed at twelvc at night, instead ofut half-past one o&clock 4n the morning, as formerly, and, of course, it is incum- bent on the proprietors of the Mercury to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH VELVET HATI'S. J STEADMAN has this day opened several Cases of M. DUVAL and Co.'s superb Make of FOFLEX11LE SATIN VELVET HATS. CAsesParccrs:-istand12nd qualities. ss.9d.&9s.6d.; 3rdand 4tliditto, 10s.Gd.& 12s.6d. 5thido., bestmanufactured, 14s.Od. In consequence of the imnense Salc tbr tie above the Prices quoted are Twenty-five per cent, lower than at any other Honce in the city. 32F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... writS. GRGgs:J9[;BwitN rip sr;sscitisci-n have for Sale, of Choice Qualities, the undornoted:- Wines. Fort Sherry. MadeirO5 Champagne, Claret. Hock, Lisbon, and other Foreign iines; also, a variety of Light BrOWch WN ines. Spirits. old Cognac Brndy) Paleand Drown; Hollands Gin; Old Highland wbisltY; Jamnaic Rom. &Ce. Foreign Liqueurs White and Frc7wn Curonat. 3larasehino, Noycat, KiImmcl, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOWA, NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATIO)X. jHIE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL A 0- El CIATION or IRELAND will meet on Tll1DAY (Monday), the 26th August instant, at ONE o'QlocI8, at the CONCILIATION H C O R N -E X C H A NG E W The principal door in front to the grout oo is free for ASSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve ont; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end gallery, and also the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLATE GLASS. rVISII THAMIES PLATE GLASS COMPAMY L bc- to - retnind their triends in Chiclester and the sur- rounding neighibourhoodl, that Mr. D. GRAY, ot that City, their A6gNT, has ?? a STOCK ont hand of MilRRORS, andi Plates foi Glazing, and can cxecute orders to any extent, or the saine ternis 3S in London. ./ ANTED to PURCIi-AS;,-A substantial, well-built VESSEL, coppered, or copper-fast- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a4tioaal hafeaton. N TIE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the next Quar- .NI terly Meeting of the Diocesan Society of the Arch- deaconrY of Suffolk, Patrol,-The Lord Sishop of the Diocese ,ill be held in the Magistrates Room, at the County Courts, Ipswich, on THURSDAY, the 5th day of September lext, at 12 o'clock precisely, for receiving applications for Grants, and for general Business. WILLIAM POTTER, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... go of `usines.-The DI.peky Trade. ?? of ?? ASSISrANT DlAVPERS A f til CITY of OXFORD, hed on Tuesday lust in the LA l t tile Nmw I--, St. Aldate's, 11rgC Mr. FL{ANKLlNG in the Chair. ARer n Report of the proceedings of the Commrittee had been 1 ae it xis proirsed bY lr- WHTrL and seconded re % E. 1,ItD ?? unanimously adopted- byl;ttil, presen~t Commliittee of Assistanit Draplers be con- ael ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LtY DE ANTED, an AGENT for the Sale, by COM- . WV MISSION, of INDIA RUBBER CLOTH, or Artiticial - Leather, used by Cardmakers. One who has a Conuexion by amongst Consumers will be preferred. Address, prepaid. X. Y. Z., Care of ALFRED HILL & Co., No. 6, Nsw CouRT, Bow LANE, LONDON. to pARTNER WANTED.-A Gentleman, who has been engaged a considerable Time in the Cotton Or Warp Trade, having an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAST ANNIVERSARY SERVICE AT AIRE As DALE COLLEGE CHAPEL. On SABBATH DAY, Augut .1844. THREE SERMONS wiU De preached in AJIS ALE COLLSO CHAPCL. THE REy. J. LEIFCIIILD, D.D., OF LONDON, will preach in the Morning and Evening. The Services will commence in the Morning at Half-past Tea o'Clock; in the Afternoon at Half-past Two o'Clock; and ii the Evening at Half-paest Six o'clock. The remaining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE AND EXTENSITVE SLATE/ cl QUARRIES IN MERIONETHSUIIRV v NO1THII WALES. 0 13E DISPOSED OF, the EXTENSIVE n 1 SLAT1E QUARRIES, upon which a consi- e derable capital has beon expended in arriving at the present favourable state. This Property has sapability to carry it out to ani extent almost in- b definite. The rou;alty is very low, and the terms b of the lease are unusually tivourable. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVERPOOL ASSIZES. Ve this day present our readers with a gratuitous STAMPED SUPPLEMENT or four pages, which may be *at with the M/ercrxy free of postage. And,asParlia- anent has9 now ad journrll. we shiall devote a1 I'l-go -ortion of our pmljc r NXl;X'r \v1i.FK to the C).N- ,I'INUATP )N ol ASS ZiE lE1'OlTh;, sthat all. eur readers may rely on being supplied with a faithful account of the ...