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tcotite te ftttrrr fc» mttn, THAT the GENERAL QUARTER SESSION of the PEACE for the County of Essex will be

... holden at the Shire House, in Chelmsford, on TUESDAY, the 15th jay of October, 1644, at Twelve o'clock at Noon, and the fallowing Days, agreeably to the plan after mentioned (that is to say) :— 0n TUESDAY, at Twelve o'clock, the Oaths of Qualifi- cation will be administered to snch Persons as may be desirous of taking them, and tbe Returns of tbe High Constables will be received. On the same ...

Published: Friday 27 September 1844
Newspaper: Essex Standard
County: Essex, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14547 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

LADY J^ilK > I3U ROBERT FORD, Commander, will pro- VrJiflV-. ?? -J day positively Friday, the 20th inst. I h

... :. ?? This vessel has very superior , 'iVthi West mo» gnd wi u carry an experienced sur- i ' ■'- ThornS Browne, 44, Eastcheap; to Francis $fiv% Uui.ta' f-hil! ; or to William Felgate and Co., LIVERPOOL and NEW -Tt-AM ? e Thirty Guineas, and One Guinea Steward's •* VdRK rsr« ?? • &r t„ lt n.t Wine« and Bottled Li- P Steam-ship, B . R.MATHEWS, 'J-nrt-l-} M toilers, an« thoroughly refitted, ...

Published: Wednesday 11 September 1844
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12952 | Page: Page 1, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

MISS WELSH, No. 3, NEW CHURCH STREET, BEGS respectfully to inform her Friends, and the Public generally, that ..

... Appointed AGENT for the Sale of DC. HEWITT'S PATENT CIRCULAR- KEVED PIANO-FORTES, which she can confidently recommend for Cheapness. Durability, Elegance of Form, &c. They also give a much more easy and graceful posi- tion to tbe Perfoimer that: the straight-keyed Instruments. N.B. — Has always on hand Piano- fortes, which can be seen on application as above. September 4th, 1544. NEW COACH TO ...

Published: Saturday 14 September 1844
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 18579 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4, 5 | Tags: Classifieds 


... WILL SELL by PUBLIC AUCTICrN, on Mon- day the 16th day of September next, on the Barton of GOLDEN, in the Parish of Probus, the whole of the very valuable WVB AND DSAD FA-LBS STOOD. thereon, tbe Property of Mr, William Cardell, compris- ing 140 prime Breeding Ewes, 38 Fat Wethers, 87 Lambs, 13 Rams, 16 Fat and Working Oxen, 1 Bull, 4 Milch Cows,2 Heifers in Calf,loSteers Byearsand Syearsold, 6 ...

Published: Friday 06 September 1844
Newspaper: Royal Cornwall Gazette
County: Cornwall, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9181 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

London and Birmingham railway, i tta n rl OTlCE -REDUCTION of FARES and TOLLS.— ill bf» f ?? Tr k

... S IJ AY, the Ist October next, a REDUCTION CarriT 1 ltl ?? PARES of Passengers, and in the Charges Thep, ' I goods conveyed over this Railway. * CW i nger - s ' Eares will be :— tj_jnT* y the 10 a.m. down, and lh. 30m. p.m. up the wh l . conve ying second-class passengers, for ham c distance between London and Birming- -11 Class W, 30s.each. *Cka? ,b y allother trains 275. „ leff. ditto ...

Published: Thursday 26 September 1844
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5387 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

Is!— NOTH 'L.— The LADY W)R M-1 1 - * BnB KRT FORU, Commander, will pro- P ?? Hpo«tively Priday

... the 20,h inst. T ?? Ust -taP - no k . ! This vessel has very superior ' f \ Ui' V -rn'■■ ?? v . S jp t apply to Captain Ford,9, Georee-yard, • ' : ' '' V ,r ThoBW6 Browne, 44, Eastcheap*, to Francis '• ?? ?? p nn?wn 's-hill ; or to WiUiam Felgate and Co., : Vr r r ?MU^ELS, and the RHINE. |S* r ia TIME of STARTING— LONDON to \ CHAI G L, ...

Published: Monday 16 September 1844
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11154 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

gapping- P_^fT^sfLAß AND ORIENTAI STEAM , tiVIGATION COMPANY.-The Company Book Passengers ,sto*U Pl* 8 ' Til ?? ..

... _. VM E °YPT, (tha Overland ! »•*■ --SdfSks. by the Company. Meaniere Oriental and Ortat W*ft*M ot ererj month from Southampton, and hy the Hon. , I^TT, Gotn-otmy'* Steamers l from Suez.-CALCUTTA (caUlng at ** ' ._d Madras), by the Company. Steam Ships Oriental and W o * ?? trom •*o- i ?? n, l-* ou •• October ; and by the Steam ?? Y tiark and Biudostam, from feuez, about the 2Sd October **Xi ...

Published: Saturday 21 September 1844
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 33042 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 | Tags: Classifieds 


... House, near Huddersfield. JOSEPH BROOKE, Esq., Greenhead, near Hudders- field. CHARLES APPLEBY, Esq., Sheffield, Director of the Sheffield, Ashton-uuder-Lyne, and Manchester Railway. THOMAS BLAKE, Esq., Sheffield, Director of the Sheffield, Ashton-under-Lyne, and Manchester j Railway. WILLIAM BRADLEY, Esq., Sheffield, Director of the Sheffield, Ashton-under-Lyne, and Manchester Railway. ...

Published: Saturday 28 September 1844
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 20965 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4, 5 | Tags: Classifieds 

II^ERs^IGATION BETWEEN ST. £ Ek »B_RGH R a G c a >?d LUBECK, and between ST. fe lvil eged

... l sL a d STETTIN.-One of the three fine C N ASLEDNi :- an 'Jf s sels NICOLAI L, ALEXANDRA, C?**y SAT run i I ail from each of the two first named liC tel . v --0-e ft-f™t? ; a P d from the * wo last named Ports £>« Saturday fJ ay _ from st Petersburgh, and the K^-re taken on Ki Btettin ' Passengers embark, and t«*mnii ae Th on 1 * M) ard at Cronstadt, Travemunde, and ?? ...

Published: Wednesday 04 September 1844
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5070 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

Shipping Intelligence

... DUNDEE SHIPPING LIST. September 10.— Winds, a.m.. IV.N. fV.—p m., N.N.W. Arrived—Princess Alice (steam ship) SmitTiett, London, Queen's luggage; lluinber, Dead rick, Hull, goods; Friends, Young, Triad, Chapman, Ceres, Sirae, and Thomas, Ferrier, Alloa, coals; Helen and Jean, Gourlav, Leven, goods; Courier, Young, London, goods ; Barbara, Mundie, Liverpool, goods; Catherines, Cumming, ...

Published: Tuesday 17 September 1844
Newspaper: Dundee Courier
County: Angus, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 801 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds