
... I~mpartd. A FRCA. Violet, Simpson, fm Africa; palm oil, angola, bartwood Cestrian, Donflas, fm Africa; palm oil North P.lo, Wilson, fm Africa; guano Satisfaetion, Tather, fin Ichaboa ; guano EAST INDIES. Sabina. Maclean, fm Singapore; sago, hides, tin, gambior Agoes Ewing, Reid. fm Bombay; Cotton, wool, galls Holivar, FPnwick, fm Bombay; cotton, ?? Flowere of Ugie, Annand, fmn Xladras; cottmn, ...


... A AtlSMEREC DRAMA YoeGiHAL PETTY SEssioNs, T1HUsvDAY.-The pre- siding magistrates ?? John, Esq., chairman; Colonel Faunt, and John Kelly, Esq. The most intense interest was manifested by the inhilbi- tant of this town and neighbourhood, in consequence of the celebrated inesmeric performer and some of his corn- peers being summoned for assaulting one of his patients, John Hallahan. Messrs. ...


... S9ONNET ON THE PROJECTED KENDAL AND ?? ' WINDERMERE RAILWAY. Is there no nook of English ground secure From rash assault ? Schiemes of retirement sown In youth, and mid the busy world kept pure As when their earliest flowers of hope were blown, Must perish: how caln they this blight endure? And Mu-st lie teo Itis old delights disown WILo scorns a false utilitarian lure Mid his paternal fields ...


... DRURY-LANIf TBEATRfE. 0Driry Lane opened last night with an iclat which pro- n e brifliaut reasoan. This theatre hbw now assumetd en- ::iriv the cnarecter of an opera house. The musical coin- pny comipri'es the best dramatic singers that Eogland can trcduce; and, for the ballet, the array of talent rivals that of ber Alajesty's Theatre. The theatre is com- ete, toc, in all the accessories of ...


... aticraturr. 1. rra:er's llMagazine for October. London, G. 1T' Ivickisson. 2r, Blacktrood'sfagazine for October. Edinburgh, TV. Blarkivood and Sons. IVW class togetherthoesotwoporiodicals, becausethoyare rivals in tile same departments both of literature and poli- tics, and, also, because we have perused them consecu- tively in the order above enumerated. Now for a brief critical notico of ...

Selected Poetry

... *cIrttria lJortrp. THE HOMEWARD AND THE OUTWARD BOUND. TiE flush of day had passed away, the sun had sunk to sleep, And the quiet of the twilight hour lay brooding on the deep; And the silver glory of the moon as yet. was faint and far, And through the fading crimson shone one solitary star. The silver glory brighter grew, the crimson passed away, And, one by one, each sister star came with ...


... aurrature. ulbliu Uairtsrhty 3Rykiaziinefor October. Dublin, 1P, Curry & Co. TIIE opening article in the University Magazine for is month is entiticia English aoid A~iicrican 7Tanslations -Schiller-a subject in which we honestly confess that . teel only a moderate degee ofinterest. This, we doubt t, is on our part, an instance of very indifferent taste, tile literary fashion of the day is ...

Selected Poetry

... Stlecter VI oetrv. THE LAY OF LYNEDOCH. '-Death hias bcen very busy, and lies cnrried off one or'two persons rif note; amongit the reat, the gallant old Lord i ynedoel. at the mature age of 94.-Few men liave titced death more frequenily, for his military career extended over the whole period of tbe Freunci revolutionary war, including, of course, the rise and downafl of Napoleon, and yet he ...

The Family Companion

... Vrbc sallilp 001i1palinton. I O Il N4, A D 8 PLR0 C ?? D. Robert Bas-Thethe feminmey of poetry about Burns; end, eh a b ninid about it there is little licentiousness, propefso 'elied. It is true he is often coarse, indelicate, unscrupulous in his phrases; but he is so, purely for the sake of the humour or the satire-not for the sake of indelicacy. There is no gloating over vice as ,in ...

Literary and Scientific Notices, &c

... Literary and Sclent1Bd Notices, &c. Dlacekrwod's Ma 'azine for October opens with an ablearticle on the re. cently published Diaries and Correspondence of the First Earl of 31almesbury. His Lordship was for many years British Ambassa- dor at the Russian Court, and In that situation bad constant oppor- tunities of making himself acquainted with the public and private h character of the ...


... I The Ilepton and Gresley Troop of Yeomanry Cavalry under the command of Captain Colvile, were out daily last week, for exercise in the Siddlals, near Derby, where they were reviewed on Saturday, by MIlajorPole, of the 12th Lancers, a detachment of which regiment is now stationed at Not- tinghianm. The gallant officer arrived on the ground shortly after 12 o'clock, and the troop immediately ...


... ?? I RE DI USICAL FEST IVALA - This festival commenced ol Tuesday. The ?? were tle stime as those of 18411. Tile 't Wt (tt wall as V n w niuch better thal that of previolls years, on the lfist day of the festival. Very llw of the Iiigh r order o)f the clergy wvere preselnt -Thle de;an ?? in attejidejice, but lie wils tl- 11ost alnwii. The service opened withi 1andelos ?? to Esther. The To ?? ...