Advertisements & Notices

... AY GOLDEN LION INN, LITHBRILAND ALLEY, SOUT1h CASTLE STREET. = Ong MltRS. ASdcTON SUT TON begs to inform her our L..Friends, and the Public in genorsi, that sthe has taken thaboveli Inn, and trusts, by assiduity and attention, to obtain Niha shlare'at their patronage. one Dinners provided at any hour. A chloie collection of Wines to] one and Spirits. bly, SPLENDID STOCK OF TO nied, WINTER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH-Price 4s. 6d. Patronized by her Majesty, his Royal Highness Prince Albert, and her Royal Highness the Dochess of Kent. MR THOMAS'S SUCCEDANEUM, for stopping 2.0.!.decaved Teeth however large the cavity. It is placed in the tooth in a soft state, without any pressure or pain, and will remain finn in the tooth for many years, rendering extraction unnecessary, arresting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TORK AND NORTH, MIDLAND RAILWAY J. COMPANY.-TO BUILDERS.: Persons desirous of Contracting for the Pertormance of the tors Works required in the Construction of various WORK~SHOPS, Darl 'ENGINE HOUSES, and other BUILDINGS, may see the Plans and Specilicattion at the RAILWAY OFFICE, YORK., on and ,after ¶1 Xmidaay, ?? Twcentzj-eighth~ instant. Tenders to be sent in to U1he S Railway company, byj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TLOU1iSANA SiTATE DION DS.-HoldersJ of flBondS of the Series A faling due lst November, t8 t4,leaaed bj the Stale ss Loisensinnjt in voor of the Union Bank of that state, are hereby informned that, ina oursiaasrce of the proposal isssued by the agents of said bank on g3ds l5y' last, Messrs. BARIhG BROTHERSt and CO, will, on andS after Ist Novemaber neat, ho ready, upon do- livery of the Bonds ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M''ERBUSSEL?r. arid the R11INE.- l fl to COLOONE in THIRTY 11{OURS-Sea prasiagm T'h nl 'ie Antwerp Coin 'any'a powerful, splendid, and ,sar'e t m a'hip AN IWERI'EN, Tiiov.tas J.&~oie' torn- tsathe, st. Rathiaricie'si Wharf, Tower, everT Sunday r Oc 'clo'k; raturniritz freni Anacwerp every Wed- t lve n o'cicck. Bie this steamer arid the railraad aa, ri'ins riler ra~ohig to. tie Rhine roay reach ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '; (B AND ITALY.-Thic SoutI-westernI ;, ,t,,.p r Cornpany's ;plendid alid powerful 8team Ships n riJ WLS1NitLN and GRtA.ND TfltiK wil leavo the Docks, yfr ItAVRE.13E GRSACIE, every Wednesday, Thurs- -w ,9J tiaturday, n* follonvs:-.Wed,,esdav October 30, at Nine op J0- , SI noad Saturdy,£; ' a; ilrdav, Oc~etlr bl ;dS lul.y, Novenuber 2. ' qb-uill cubin, 11s. Pore, 14s. ; Carriagies, ft; Iloraes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jENOA. SILK VELVETS, SILKS, SATINS, I( ntDRESES -The newcerape doDMOdei,castlMOoree, lalias,J ma~nnr tclnead French merinas, a number of liandev o Si ain drmeA th skIis made up with tiva full flounces, and lined go hughot 2. d o1s. thd. each, worth 808. ; all the new silks LI or tlio present and approaching season, commeneing at 2o. O~d the te isrd, to the richest productionst of home and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I F RIA AUSTRIAN LOAN fOr thri 1st I December next.-A fewv BONDS at f9 earls, Fifths 12s., or six Sonds tor £15, &c. &c,-Bemitiaflc~s canl be rnade by Post-office orders, Bank notes, or banlkers' drafts. Further particulars and bonds can] be obtained hy early appication. to Mctsrs. F. E. PIELD and CO., bankers, receivers, and general agents, at their office, 3£, Villtersa-toest, 8trsnd, London ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JO.HN LIGNUM & SON'S ANTISCORBIJTIC DROPS, LOTION, AND OINTMENT. T HIS Medicine will be found of great service for ?? Complaints in their various Pimples, Sca lyEruptions, intolerable Itching of the Skin, Scald Head, Blotches ' varisuos colours, Ulcerated Legs, &c. As a remedy for Scorbutic csmplaints in their various forms, the AntiscorbUtic Drops have maintained their reputation for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 19XfLA.I'AIti5Ut1.%L PLACEVO CCLt'Xklc'rjo 'IARLK. L oe TOTICE IS HEREB Y GIVEN, that the Corn- e N miesinotes istapiwltitdi for carrying into esocustin un Act I,t in the Sth & fith S Lars of thoe reign of her present *vj~sty, ad inttiluled 1An Act ftsr better paviflae and improving the atrents d. end highways within tile Extra Parochial Piace of Toxt,.th ?? 1r. Parke, In thu County ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ° WORCESTER, & WOLVER- IIAILW`AY-CAPITAL, £e,500,000.- %A .RES. C5o EACHI.-DEPOSIT, £2 10s. CoaiOIITTEi' OF MASNAGEMENT. Fred rratt BAteO1 L. ant (Di rctors ofthe Great IRiirard GUPPieading IldWestern Railway Co. OffsY 'otliill Esqlrso JollI qhrers leycroft ironmaster, WoIverhampton M ar mnt rhaapton ~* J~elh' ~ ci enefueare, Woiverhramptoni Mr Job Prcrk9E Mayor of Dadley. £d~v~id 'fofYDuDddl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1* 0- Tt S i !J _ i tiil5(It- lixl()., 'l;Sthe 1LEAN- I ?? .1 OO 1I ,iVttr, ne i | itt at I q , iii thiC V ~t'c1812, anlnd the HEllO, 31Chtt li t ait Shorchatli, inl I 840. - x Da it QipLr tltiStcho'nter, SUPERII, II ?? ci, ?? ?? 'I c1~ It(} I l tinte best order, wcell founId, t *idsi abli 1 lI tc ,Illt y tn trade reoilrlilng, ,;Ewe tuidt ?? tiaptit; to Mr. _llENrt I ott 1j~Ilvr%'tC, Ileat ...