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Morning Chronicle


... --JR&SIC The Creation; ass Otorio. By JOBe$IADY;,Edlttd by Sir II. R, BrssuP. Th1e Mouint of 01fes; an Oratorio. By Lou11s VAN BEETHOVEN, 3dited by Sir I1 R: Brsuop. L9'Almalue and Co. Except in Ger~afny Itself, there Is no country in which the works of tlz great German musicians 4ave so speedily become generelty known as in England. We do not speak of HAtDEL0,hoee oratorios, familiar to the ...


... R-IAYMARKET THEATRE. If the new play which was produced at this theatre I aet night by Mr. DroN BoURCICAULT, had ended as brilliantly as it began; if the 3d and 4th acts had de. veloped 80 good a etory as we thought had been opened in the two first; If the dialogue had continued to the end with the raciness, point, and spirit with which it com- menced; and if all the characters bad preserved ...


... D RURY-LANE TBEATRE. The performances at this theatre last evening were, The Syrmn and The Beauty of Ghent. It had been announced i that the QuEzN would be present, but asit was understood that her MAJESTY'S visit would be a private one, the audience (though the house was well filled) was not more crowded than usual. Her MAJESTY and Prince ALEBRT appeared in their box when the second act of ...


... 7111? GIIESJI.71 MUSIC LECTURDES. I. det evening Piofespor TAYLOR delivered his last 'octure of te preiosut tdrm. Thse subject of the course was Englihb J),uunatio Music; aut in this last lecture Mr. TAYLOR's object 5vas to show that the Conss of MILTON, in its orin ginatl form, anid without any of the changes and Interpolna tions which have beeni made upon it at diffurent times, In adiqpting ...


... LITBRARY PROPERTY. The last number of the J'Arenologcoirl .Jc crnl cout.iis I the ltollowintr letter from Mr. Combs, 1 on the La~w of Copyright, which Places tie esubjjeat in it new light Sir-During the whole penaLd of thle rfice~t uontroversy regarding tho amendment ot tke law of' copyright, I pre- served silence : bein aware ot .the tendeifncy of eslf-uintreist t] to hials thle judlgmet ...


... PRINCESS'S THEA TRE. List night a little piece in otse act, wiichi, in t; e i'4 stage nomenclature, Is cdlled a Cornedietiw., but wbict:, the more bomely language of the las* generation vi: bave been called a farcp, was producefi at tbhi theatret:sr the title of The Widow Betitched. Like every tho: theatrical now-a-days, it is from the French, and i smart and lively trifle. Air. and Aifr. ...


... -- Last evening an opera called The Castle of Aytaon, or The Four Brothers, was produced at this theatie. It 18 a vercion of BALPS'S opera, Les Q~uatre Fils AymiOn, whioh was written for, and cuccessfully performed last s0ason at, the Paris OQpra Corrtique, This Englieh version is very well executed, and, from its reception last alght, promises to be as successful as the French original. it is ...


... LITERA TURE. Vestiges of the Natural History of C0eation. [Churchill. This book, says the author, is the first attempt to connect the natural soienoes into a history of creation. An unsatisfactory enough attempt it is, as indeed on so mysterious a subject any must be; but as regards its spirit and tendencies, we see no ground for the apprehensions under which the writer appears to labour, ...


... Mr. BATTY, for a new piece, has in the dead season most opportunely put in requisition the ever ready talent of MONCRUFFE to the concoction of a complete Fox Hunt, that would bearcomparlson with the beat Leicestershire run that any Meltonlan ever witnessed. The frame work of the piece is the life of a horse, from the stud to the death- passing through the different phases of racer, hunter, and ...


... DRURY-LANE TREATRE. The announcement of BALPE'S new opera, ThcDaughtcr of St. Mark, drew a very crowded audience to this theatre last evening. This opera is founded on a subject, the dra- matic capabilities of which are shown by the number of pieces to which it has given rise. HALEVY's Rene de Chyi pre, DONIZETTI'S Caterena Cornaro, and a German opera i by LACHNER (the title of which we do not ...


... LyE.M 'IIIEATRE. A new drama, in three dCs. by tha author of Thf; Mc 91mentous Queslion, eutitieli 'j so. Again, or the Lieviev. er aunts Daughter, rab pr;_L ced iRst night, for the firdt time, m at this house. It 1e, it w;; r-wem ber right, fouu,led c ,rao nd novel which made It appturance several months incr, !at called Bean Bradehaw, or the Blan without i to Head. Lieutenant Lerlie (.Ur. ...


... OLYMPIC THBATRE. This theatre opened last night for the season, and, in accordance with the prevailing fashion, under the manage- ment of a lady. MiSs 1)AVENWPORT has ascended the throne abdicated by VESTRIS, and now rules In Wych- street. By the bills it appears that the legitimatedrama is to be the order of the day, and, accordingly, after an opening address, Romeo anid Jultiet was ...