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Morning Chronicle


... INSTIT WA OF FINE ARTS. Oa. Saturday evening the first meeting of the second Ig session of the Institute of Fine Arts took place in tbe et spacious theatre of the Royal Scciety of Arts, John-street, d. Adelphi. . Mr. F. G. HURLSTONE, having been called t) the chair, briefly explained the objects of the meeting, and dwelt at as somrn length on the benefits likely to be derived krom the lh ...


... Cathedral Change of the Sixteenth, eaventeenth, tand Aghteesnth Centuries. Edited by EDWARD F. Rim- NAULT, LL.D., F.S.A. .fDAlmalne and Co. Those who are conversant with the musical service of the ohurch of England, know that the term chant le applied to two things which are essentially distinct. In our oathe. drals the prayers, litany, nnd sonme other portions of the service, Instead of being ...


... MAGAZINEA FOR DCEMPBER. Fraser'e Magazine bhas this month little matter of a strik- Jugcharacter. Oneoi tieebest papers is tbat oanthe Claqics of the Table-Ancient and Modern Wines, which displays an ample wealth of information on that Inviticg subject. We object, however, on principle, to such articles, unlees theycanbe reaidwith ajar of Chian orFelernlan nearat the student's elbow. ...


... SMITHFIBLD CATTLE SHOW. Last night the Bazaar, where the cattle are exhlbited, was epuedidly lighted up, after the judges had given their osards, In order to afford the members of the Smithfield Club a private viewof tbecattlei,stock, aadimplemente, and tad laet night not been appointed for the ceremony of the frineral of her late Royal Highness the Prinoesa IOphia. Hatilda, of Glouceeter, In ...


... (.CHRISTOMAS FESTIVITIES. Tbe Queen Dowager is surrounded by a select party at Witley Court, Woroesterehire. Their Serene Highuesses Prince Ernest of Hesse Phillipathat end Prince Edward of Saxe Wenimar have arrived there to pass the Christmas with their illustrious relative. As was tile case last year, the poor of that neighbourhood have partakon of' her Majesty's extended bounties, having ...


... iMR. HORN'S LiiCTURES ONMuCS Lnst evening Mr. CHARY.oRe HoitN gave the first of ,I s series of lec'qires on music in the theatre of the POl JtechntO InstiWdtion. The subJect of this lecture was a nQ history of English musil; a subject which he treateA' In a most agree- able manner, compressing into the. narrow limits of an hour'i discourse a great quanoty of Interesting informa. tion. rlis ...


... LiTERATURE, 3 T Ue University of Bonn: its Rise, irogritEs8, and Present . State. Witth a aon eise accoun of the College Life of hids Royal Highnies Prince Albert, *c- By a Member of the Middle Temple. The University of Bonn is one of the rmost prosperous institutions of Its hind in Germany, although an establish- D ment of comparatively recent date. It wan founded in f 1818 by Frederick ...


... LITERA TURP. 7Ufstsay Qf BritiWk India fro71 1805 fol835. By 1HoosACr; t IlAYTMAN WILSON, M.A., F.ll S., &o., vol. 1. 81J (Madden, and Co. vw Thbere is an old cormplaint of the indifference with which mn Ind. .n affairn were wont to Le reg :rded in this couatry, and a of tho dioinclinntion felt, even among educated and well- iu informed men to inquire into tbe history of its lEsstern Co empire ...


... Having neglected to allude to the Christmas doiugs at thIs borse In our bulletin of the dramatic proceedings of lj)xing-night, we last night paid it a visit in order to supply thle omission. But it appears that the novelties of Thursday Inast have been already eclipsed by it newer no. vel y sill, in the shape of one of the domestio dramas in wlcoh this theatre so much deals. With all their ...


... A Netv N'ew of Insanity. The Duality of the Mind II proved by the Struecture, Funactions, and Daseases of the a fraele, i c. By A. L, WIQAN, M.D. - c [London: Longman, 1844, In the general Intercourse of 'eociety, men and women see each other m ade up, mind and body, for a public ap- pearance. Thought is tutored as well as carriage ; and the o apparent motives-the language, manners, dresa, ...


... A conoert was given yesterday evening at the St.Jamose . Theatre which afforded high satisfaction to us and, a matter doubtless of much more importance to the parties con- earned, to a crowded audience. The vocal portion of the entertainment wae sustained by the eIlsses SMITri, the ladiesv whose execution of Scotch ballads and national music has been so successful in Edinburgh, Dublin, and ...


... On Saturday the tragedy of Hamlet was played at this theatre, for the purpose of Introducing to a London audience Mr. HENRY BETTY, the son, as he announces himself in the bills, of the English Roscius. Mr. BETTY has earned a high provincial reputation ; but, from what we saw of him on Saturday night, we fear that he has still much to learn and unlearn, ere he can hope to take an assured ...