... ~STOL BANIcRUPTCY COUR.-TUrsDAY. 7r. Sergeant Stephen .) 1IST0L Ceos1a)issio),er M1r. Sergeant Stephen.) (B8fore ?? our last and previous rcE CAOLIe' te proceedings in this curious case; and ers Iva g.11 recollect that although at the first hearing 10rsip gave such an apparently straightforward tankrupto elicit the commendation not only of her alnent as the court, yet that at the adjourned ...


... IJMFORTAT CASE ON THE GAME LAWS. The suspender, Gavin Sniellie, farmer at Hazledean, in the parish of Stonehouse, and county of Lanark, was charged at the instance of the respondent,~ Robert Lockhart, Esq. of Cas- flehill,, with concourse of the Procurator-Fiscal of Court, for of the nublie interest, before the Justices of the Peace for the of said county, with contravention of the first ...


... THE L ATE BANK ROBBERY. T.n,- - V - - o . o nn JONDON, MasIDAY-Alessrs. Rogers, Olding, and Co., have informed the public that all the boxes and property of their friends remained undisturbed, and that the robbery affected their own property only. SATURDAY-There is nothing new respecting the robbery on Messrs. Rogers' bank.- Globe. THE BANK ROBBERY CAsE-AnSIVAL OF BURGESS, THE BANK CLEEK, FROM ...


... (Froni the Scotsman.) The following cases, relative to the allowances for destitute persons in Scotland, will illustrate the benefit produced by the re- vival of the ancient poor law, in consequence of the noted decision in the case of Widowv Duncan against the parish of Ceres, finding that the heritors and kirk-sessions are cot the final juidges of the amount of aliment to paupers, and that ...


... GENBRAL LONDON SESS1ONS -SATURDAY. | - ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'rlns CITY roPiis.- Wlliksn .Burgess, a sickly-looking young fellow, was Indicted at I the intanee or thn City Solicitor for assaulting the poliee in a very I violent manner, at tEe Garliek-bill station house, to which Indict- t ment lie pleaded not guilty. Mr. R. Gurney and Mr. Doane conduct dA the prosecution; ilha I prisoner ...

Law Intelligence

... Law Intelligetnce. CENTRAL CRtIMINAL COURT. FRIDAY, Nov. 29th.-MURnER.-Alf'Ced Edwards, a man of very respectable appearance, and who was described in theocalendat as being by trade an oilman, and his age to be 24 years, was placed at the bar, charged with the wilful murderiof Jane Gregory, by ad- ministerinlg to her a ]arge quantity of sugar of lead. Thedeeasedit appeared was a womanof the ...


... SIGH COURT OF JUSTICIA~Y. R1.- a.. . CHARORC O5V 'irROR. On Mondpy weeLk, John Balfour, shoemaker. residing In Caa murder of E niz inr was out to the bar, charged with the murdr o ~iiabeh Dckson or' 133tfonr, his wife, on the night of the V7, th (.S.attrday > or morning of the 181b Auguist ia~t, by a'riiing her with a lnammer or poker, or sonme other instrument, a severe blow on tier head. or ...


... The Court met on Monday-present the LordJnstice Clerk, Lords Moncreiff and Cockburn. THE LEITH STREET ROBBERY. Alex. Cowie, Charles M'Kay, Peter Kelly, George Metcalfe, and W. Irvine, were charged with the crime of theft by house- breaking, and with reset of theft, in so far as the said Alex- ander Cowie, Charles M'Kay, Peter Kelly. and George Met- calfe, did on 5th May last, wickedly and ...


... LAW INTELLZGBNCE-SATURDAY. ItJUDICIAL COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL. Present-The Lord President, Sir James Graham, Baron Purke, ytihe Judge of the Admiralty Court, and the Chancellor of the Duchy It of Cornwall. IN RHE THE ST'ATES OF OUEISSO5 IThe above lords, constituting a committee for the affairs of If Guernsey and Jersey, again assembled at the Councl Chamber, eWhitieiall, to consider ...


... ASSIZE lilNTEiLLIGENCE. NO1 'IiEmpIN CuicurIT-DURITAM, iDM. 17. Mr. Justice ColehHipe took lUli seat on the hanch this mornilng ft ! o'clock. !i'nbert Bu12oe, agcd 2ij, anrd George ]lh'coderoyd, a'd 82S, vrerfte mrslly ci.a edwitlh htnoix, at WVil.'.'i!', 'a tite 2inb Julv laet, ltlouriouiy firedt ol e1 g1n uito the hr-Mo of Jobt Walker, with intent to (lo grievoos bodily harm to the Pitid J ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT-TuEBDAY. IN st tRER esItIC SAVEaY. H Frde'ieSneOet1/ seaws opposed by Mr. NIcliols for Charles W. Jr Fennnlug, Esq. of Connaught-square. Ile was supported by Mr. Jc Cooke. hrI The investigation of this insolvent's affairs occupied the court D, during tire early part of tho day. The opposition was chiefly ripon fr the ground thst he had obtained or appropriated a sum of ...


... LA W NOTICES- (Tuis DAY). CODRT OF CHTANCERY, LINCOLX'S-INX.- ?it ait tel. ,ayer v W^;garat, tm be spoke tlIn re Lalovi kuhmailis, ditto. AP RtAIA.--Saidlirg v ?tdling, part heard-Narivu ,sHlrford * Lorv) Lowther I(, tIto-Twlulh i Harttly, potli Ian and apieFal, par; beard. VICE-CHANCELLORS' COURTS, LINCOLN 'S-INN-St at ten. Before Sir L. SHADWEI.L. CAUSES, &c,-Barratt v Stockton and ...