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... I Railway Department, Board of Trade. Notice is hereby given, that the Board constituted by the minute of the Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council for Trade, of the 24th of August, 1844, for the transaction of railway business, having had under consideration the following schemes for extending railway communication in the district comprising the counties of Cornwall and Devon, viz.:- ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1845
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 377 | Page: Page 8, 9 | Tags: News 


... 1rM1)RISO.NlMENTFOleDEBI'-LETTEIVII. I Soon after the publication of the Commissioners' Report, in 1832, a bill to abolish irilprisonment, for debt, except ill cases of actual fraud, was submuitted to Parliament by Sir John Campbell, by whom the princil)le.5 ot the Iawvo.vhich, during thelast century, had~l egaiml and arin been examined, were labo- riousily and ponejully stated. The bill was ...

Published: Wednesday 01 January 1845
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3156 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... THE P.A. -I fEARLY EDITION.] SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 1845. The cause of the Poor, to use a Commercial phrase, is looking up. Among the many benevolent plans which the year 1844 has introduced for their benefit, are the im- provement of their condition in the Mines and Factories, the shortening of their hours of toil, the establishment of Baths and Wash-houses, and, lastly, the association which ...

Published: Sunday 05 January 1845
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1041 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... TO THE EDITOR OP THE MORNING CHRONICLE. DEAR SIR-I very much regret to inform you that the ship Royal Albert, 872 tons register, bound from Liverpool to Ichiboo, struck on Blackwater Bank, at an early hour on Sunday moning last. The captain and crew, finding her making water very fast and expecting her every moment to go down, left her. She was soon after boarded by the Coast Guards and a ...

Published: Thursday 02 January 1845
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 789 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... WINDSOR, SUNDAY. Yesterday the Queen and ?? Albert walked for soms time in the grounds adjacent to the Castle in the forenoon. On the return of the royal party his Royal Highness went to shoot at Cranbourne, attended by Mr. Anson and Co- tinel Bouvorie. Her Majesty, attended by the Countess of Charlemont, rode out in a pony phaeton yesterday morning, Major. General Wemyss attending on ...

Published: Monday 06 January 1845
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 735 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... TIlE MORNING CHRONICLE. LONDON: TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1845, We are not aware that a government based on such a foundation as that of the PEL Administra- tion has had its place in English history. There have, no doubt, been coalitions, and there have been compromises ; but the principle, or want of prin- ciple, has been avowed, and a mysterious mixture of new practices and old opinions has never ...

Published: Tuesday 07 January 1845
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4923 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... THE ALLEGED ATTEMPTED ASSASSI- NATiON of the DUKE of NORMANDY. I Yesterday, shortly after the opening of the Hammer- a smith police court, the Duke of Normandy, accompanied t e by several gentlemonl, entered the court for the purpose of e publicly etating the particulars of the recent alleged at- tempt upon his life, made on the evening of Thursday last, the 21 instant, at Mulgrave-houie, ...

Published: Tuesday 07 January 1845
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2300 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... ND PRESENT STATE OF FORl,,;fEMVBNSIN WJESTERN CANADA. frnolOM THE SCOTS.dAN.] S almost invariably arS pleasingly disappointed 5t o eablid to purchase rlothilg and other goods in a btl= most parts of Cqnada at a very moderate ad- toe resterile stame priues which they used to pty at SaUCe alnd thole who a'ave trusted to their old fashioned ,de'k a td ?? up some share of their much 0$aof esys it ...

Published: Monday 06 January 1845
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2046 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... IRELAND. REPEAL ASSOCIATION. At the weekly meeting the chair was taken by Mr O'Neill Daunt, who briefly addressed the meeting, con- fining his observations to the threatened concordat between his holiness the Pope and the English Govern. ment, which he denounced in the most emphatic terms, and declared his conviction that any rescript, having reference to such a subject, would be received by ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1845
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1694 | Page: Page 7, 8 | Tags: News 


... LISBON, Dnc. 25. [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.] The financial mission of Senbor Brandao in England is said to combine two important objeots; one on the part of the tobacco contractors, to obtain a loan: the other, on be- half of the government, to enter into arrangements with a view of converting the Five per Cent. Portuguese Stock of the foreign debt, with its future ascending scale of interest, ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1845
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1510 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... F - AZE;TTE. 2nd Regt:-%o a d f - 3 a y uniattached, to be CaptaE (re dbait e j vice icbael cold Adams, who exchages.. Ca ?? i pay 84th Foot. to be Caplaia, vice J. Stuart, Ido.ges. er 59* Cambell, to be Captain by Eurchase, -rice Croker. hob retires. Cornet . Carruthers, to ?? t,. by. purchas, vice C pbel George Henry, Earl of Mount Charles, to be Cornet. by purehase, rce Carruther.-16th ...

Published: Sunday 05 January 1845
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2196 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: News 


... I WHY BAB DORSET BECOME FAMOUS? FIRST LETTER. 18 TO GEORGE BANKES, ESQ., M-P- Thc other ciroamatancee relating to the Dorset la, 'l ?? W h hii vi occasioned a addttlop to their iot celabrlty, rogshta roam the efforts of mynbblb6e ol61agusaO Vwhose abenuce I -regret, for he ia-an, bonour to any com- Ini panly, and any cause, and to any county [hear, hearl. of Lord Ashley, from motivea of ...

Published: Tuesday 07 January 1845
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1992 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News