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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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... TO THY MANCUESTEg COUNCIL. G~sMa~,-BY your zeal, your courage, your es~your amity, your watchfulness, and your eaesty, you have hucceeded in making the eause 1AW7r ?? in your locality, and throughout e terive district influenced by vour example ?? eavy with reference to those powerfod interests en- ?? against you, and politically as,regards the in- f5luece of a hostile press,-l cannot too much ...


... Wa confess ourselves to have been among those who felt some little anxiety, as well as curiosity, about the appearance o the coming man. We had not figured him in imagination by any of the distinguishing types or preconceptions by which the youth, speaking for himself, infoerns us he was pre- judged by the curious. The advent of Little Britain-(for such in all justice to the gentleman who ...


... London, 4th Dec. 1844. GUSTS uaiq,-I have much pleasure in publishing for your information the following correspondence, which appeared in the 6'angow Exam.niner of the 28th of last month, relative to the legality of your Society, and the senseless attack made by Mr. O'Connell on youtr body. The subjoined letter of Mr. John Tidd Pratt, the certifying barrister, at once sets the ques- tion of ...

Trades' Movements

... Erato' Anobrartrillo. TO JOURNEYMEN TAILORS. FELLOW WonRaEN,-In a former letter addressed to you, through the medium of the Norieran Star, it was stated that we would endeavour to point out the way whereby the trade could be brought to a state of organisation necessary to its welfare. The first step recommended to be adopted is, in reference to our sanatory condition, brought about by the ...


... A BOWTL OF PUNdCH, FRESH BRE WED. StENSIBILITY Or TIM PnARSmESa.-The Ipswich Bx-i Mc press publishes a statement that puts the sensibilitieise s af the dwellers ?? in the rosiest light. Ifwe' ta] arc-to believe the Empress, then are Ipswicli folks ofta the porcelain of all human clay, having the very ten- gel detest affections towards]-themselves. At the pro- B~el sent time, it appears, ...


... Tim practice of saying less than nothing in those royal speeches by which our Houses of Parliament 5 are annually opened, has been variously commented upon. The old maxim Vir sapit gui pauca lo- guitar- the man iswise who speaksbutlittle-has, we presume, given rise to those very meagre royal i prologues with which the national farce of legislation is annually preceded. In a country like ...


... DUNCOMBB AND TRADES' UNIONS, The following correspondence between Mr. Drury, se- cretary of the Trades of Sheffield, and T. S. Duncombe' Rsq., will, we feel assured, be read with heartfelt delight by every man who lives upon labour Sheffield, Dec. 19, 1844. RESPECTED SIa,-Every-day occurrences convince me that the cause of Labour has arrived at a crisis, when it requires anaostvigorous course ...

University and Clerical Intelligence

... ?? lirllbzr 4 an QI;eri al 'Ate, tigic. . l* CAm nIBrDCE Jan. 4.-At a' Cobvocation oden on Tuesday, the following Grace passed the Senate:- To 31point Air Sykes. of Pembroke College, an exartiner 'If the candidates for maehemnatical honours, to the room of r. Stoles, Tholo ?? by Illness. he Reen T. Wordsey, MA., miaster of Downing College. as been elected the office of Christian advocate; and ...

Published: Friday 10 January 1845
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 697 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 

Science and Art

... science anl art. MACuFAcTURE op Irisu PEAT INTO FuR.E-The only point, says the London Atlas, on which all opinions on Ireland are heartily agreed is, that its first and greatest want, the sine flea non, the thing needful Ifr the employment of its population-the improvement of its resources, and the increase of its wealth and its happiness, in capital-the introduction or the creation of Capital ...

Chartist Intelligence

... ebartiot ?? LONDON. METRoPoIiTANe DISTRICr COUNCIL, 1, TuRNAoAIi- iEs, Joi. 19-Mr. Mile in the chair-A report was delivered by the deputies respecting the soiree to be held in honour of ?? S. Dunoombe, M.P., on the evening previous to the meeting of Parliament. Cre- dentials as a lecturer were ordered to be given to Mr. W. Matthews. Mr. J. G. Drew reported the success- ful progress of the suit ...

Agriculture and Horticulture

... ftgriculture anlt lortirulture. HourrcLTacuaRx-Since the date of our last article the weather has been unusually mild, and a favour able opportunity has been presented for thoroughly Si vrentilating all the plant-houses, pits, frames, &ct Those who have the convenience of a small forcin. it pit may commence forcing a few rhododendronsf azaleas, Chinese azaleas, China roses, hydrangeas Ef ...

Forthcoming Chartist Meetings

... goriticouziuog tsartift otertittog, MAnoNESTER.-CARPBNTERS' MALL.-A meeting of those favourable to the principles of the Charter will be held in the above hall, on Sunday evening next, Jan. 19th, when the following distinguished advocates of the people's rights are expected to be present viz., F. 0'Conner, Esq., Dr. M'Douall, Mr. John West, Mr. James Leach, and the Rev. WV. V. Jackson. OLDnsa ...