Tit Bits

... I _it M Oe. CURIOUS EPITAPHS. Tna following epitaph of a blacksmith is to be found in Gainford church-yard:- My sledge and hammer are declined, Mly bellows have quite lost their wind, My fire's extinct, nli- foe decayed, My vices in the dust arc laii, Mify coal is spent, my iron's goiw, My nails are drove, soy vinork is d(10e, my fire-dried corpse lies here at rlst, My soul (smoke-likl) soni d ...


... 3bit60. ESSAYS ON NATURAL HISTORY, &c. By C. WATERTON, Esq. London: Longman and Co., Paternoster-row. (Consinuedfreom the Nortsern Scar of M1ay Slst.) We continue our extracts frem. Mr. WATErTON'6 entertaining book:- I TE SOXlTARY SPARROW, OR THEUSE. Its history is but little known to the world at large, and its identity is exposed to be called in question on account of the name which it ...


... Aefbtiuo ?? - n - az- w - v- - v/ ?? TAIT'S MAGAZINE Y-FEDRUARY. 1kw present montth's number calls for no particular remtark. Uclts and Saxons, a ta]e, by Mrs. John- stone, wave have not read, having a8 yet notseen the commencoment, tlc last three Nos. of tlhe Magazine not having reached us; but the title is an attractive one, and the writer is every way competent to produce a tale of ...


... BRIE CHRONICLER OF THE TDIES. I 're - nbry: Owing to the influx, of railway advertisements - most of the London evening papers have commenced ed giving sepplemens he The new public baths at Hull for the accommc- dationl of the working classes are now open. The charge Los for a bath and towel is one penny. I[trh Orders for the purchase of 0 e been re- on ceived during the last week from ...

Literary Notices

... 1LtprarD Notisto CAIN and AnEL, a DRAM0ATIC POEM; and MmINOR PIECES. By WILLIAM HARPER. Mr. Harper has al.ady-appeared advantageously before the Public, as aufbof of a clever effusion entitled The Genius, with su 4ry other poetic productions. The poem now ?? isntore formidable in design, and though not seiwo epic ev character, yet partakes somewhat of that class of the divine art of poesy. ...

Literary Notices

... I- ~ ?? tarp Xo rm DI TuE LAWr OF Nss Paius.-By John Frederick Archbold, a, ?? sq., Vol. -I London: Owne Richards. lo Tile ?? assizes in this district induce .us to direct th attention of the legal profession to the publica_. tionof-Mr. ArEbbold's second volume on'the law of nisi prius; ,--i'ork'distinguislied, as all the -books fruom the 'pen'of Birfh rCfibold.are& by c6iprehensiveness of ...


... POETRY' ?? PSALIM xivi. [lOT. TIN'r NOiUTt WA'LES Cit l :ItCt.I] 1-T)tiv i ni s' i l'ift ii nerth, A o'tiviiiooittli pltred f ti IvN'r: 0it' clittil,-0 ( lictlllil, Clild ti gael, I'r gwael ynt ci gvfngdcr. 2 ---Aml hv* il ~fnwrr)ill, lddinui A. t 'lItrlt Ii il &n dd'(dr lIlavr, I ganol nifir mawr cigion. :3-- ?? r o aI etliork-spit g';tie ' r how , i ddil fawn 1(rdfIoerild: A el lli . i ryil, ...


... CIIRISTMAS ENJOYMENTS. MATEMlAIS FOn TIIF. ItittIANG or cfllsT3t.S. A spirit that does not slrititk at eattting its enjoy- nieits itt-doors by cx elciiso inlthe ctsl iid witihost. Iltily or otiter evcgreetts to stick abont our rootnits, and reotitid us of tile ncver-dyingi beauties of P'i(Aity for all tue httose ; antd, if possible, for somle p lttt neiglet oll h s. A good blazing fire. ...

Literary Notices

... i - ? - - - -- - 31 t I r ?-a I-) Ififfo. ?? 7 1 i in i I ',if ~I I., (ri I Ioinillq IBra n won ' 7 ii ,raI troI :i t i o , ?? 'u t es , b y I icly C. vU ~tvt i I Liot' ?? l-tio v itt' Iliiia L with -mine (Iii! :11,li-i'' Id \iruii iil'the W 'hitU MIoiilit, 2.1ailli- Iil.,~NV: I Qeu Lii ?? (I ,iiyvlzdi upon the to wn ol 1 'itiili' miiil Iiumi Ii, lilii L and licav'ed a 'cl~ 1 i it t Hi I 1 i ...


... P S. TRY. _tI THI YOUNG illiLDE. 6teins sinioie brigrlt ol tlhe y oug bride's brow; Ilt her livarit is filledl with surrow, ANs s!v: luous oel Oth itfits tirouintl Ler now; Oil w!heile %%ill th- - be oil thie Ilorio w No on ire will sbce inevit her motlirers cye. Or lovedI silter a ?? emubraet Or view ?? slets to;lt lie Around~l 'her naitize ile. c: Iil fiticy alo:te ranl lhcr si: it titoin :; ...


... c -91,Rl'- I . RD (E) -IP., Q Imn YX 0 .I TO THE LILY OF -THE VALLEY. (Original.) BY DICHAXWD ROTflWELL. Why lidest thou thy snowy bell, Sweet lily of the valley, In thicket lone, or bosky dell, Whence brawling brooklets sally ? Delicious is thy rich perfume, Exotics yield no rarer; Nor can the brightest flow'rs that bloom, Display a presence fairer. With Nature's music, round thee rings Each ...


... I IV - are-, a? (E) 3, Lp 3a I 0 TIlE BACHLOBR'S HOUSE' (Qriyinal.) Wo I for the lonely (Irct1rs of tho earet.-VoO of d or Psltaion. Allow me to ask, have you e'er been within The doors of a bachelor's dwelling, If you have not, attend, while the muse shall sing, Of D Somethlhg well worth the telling. His presiding angel's an elderly girl, Who as housekeeper serves and as scuttler, The ...