
... 3Atbife)-+ I e- - ?? ?? THE PURGATORY OF SUICIDES. A PRISON RHYmE IX TEN Boo-s. By Tuaw0XX COOPER, the Chartist. London: J. How, 132, Fleet-street. (Continued from the Star of Nov. Ist.) The Ninth Book is brief, consisting of but some fifty stanzas. The characters who figure therein aie exclusively female,-PORCIA, ARRIA, the wife of ASDRVBAL, the Carthaginian, SorHnoNiA, and BARux.t, the ...


... I hED ANiY LE(E NDAiRl AT. ' Our 7i'ianiqelibs/', eonjO d .t' fIF tlie read tliit0ry iior St. Luke wve know Very 1Jl I olts not[1 Rlipos tIC', andc, likeL St. Mark, i~'~il.1t Ii Obeen ?? Vel'ted after the aS - ?? of ur le,01 Ilie its belove-d disciple . lookei ac~n~ilit ?? and Bemanti re11in amd Wiltht his master an~d e'.ic Cci to die last. A ftel' the nalrtyrdonsl or St. md S. Va1 ...


... jocarp4. ., I I -- ?? ?? THE SONG OF THE GALLOWS I (L1NES DROPPED BY CALCRAFT AT THE OLD BAILEY.). gurrah! hurrah i from the rabble rout, In their muck haunts, far away ! There rises a rude and a riotous shout, At the news of a holiday! 'Twill be a brave sight, a very brave sight, A real tragedy, The mob will see, with a strange delight, A fellow creature die! And 'tie I shall dance first in ...


... Shialspeare's magnificent tragedy of Mfacbetd was | repeatcel at tiis theatre onl ionday and nfueday last, and w ill, we understand, be repeated on the Monday and Tuesday nights of every week fee soeio timc to come. Of these opportumities for wit- nessing one of the sublimest productions of our national poet, we hope our theatrical-lovii'g friends will take advantagc. Those of them l.all have ...


... ROYAL MARYLEBONE TIIEATRE. We must again accord our maeed of praise to the spirited lessee of this theatre (Mr. John Douglass), and his truly talented company. We marvel not at the in. creasing celebrity this temple of Thespis has recently obtained, seeing that Ro effort is wanting on the part of the conductors to gratify their numerous patrons, and sustain the high position they have attained ...


... FIYE ARTS. LUHRAND 1115s AnumiitEs V H ITO SIFrlErPS. X9li, A ISA73R S T TIMr LlETO | detonlrti0!3 fiai'er, e; .argaret-street--After tib conl- Luther ly the Diet of lVonus, be rmillned t C . e prttectiou of Frederick of Saxonty from 15i1 to 1 1d253 wlten rtederieks brother and successorJohn, 'l'he CoiSlaut, promulgated througlih his territoriesthe Litulgy nod instructions fbr the lergyt ...


... - The surplice warfare of the Bishop of Exeter has im. rmortaliged his name by procuring him a niche in Madame Tussaud's temple or wax-cork worthtes3 T'rhe Edinburgh Chnir of Music.-The Edinburgh papers ltate that Sir Henry Bishop has declared his intention of standing for this chair, which he vacated only a few months back from ill health. The snow of Mount Zitna affords a considerable ...


... I BRIEF CHRONICLER OF THE TMES.. 'The Banik of England is lending money at 2J per cent- , interest. r It is stated that a French Operatic Company, now per- 1, forming on the continent, will shortly visit Liverpool. e Henr' Johnstone, the once celebrated Irish actor, died ynlast week, in London. The elevation of Lord Howard, now Earl of Effingham, to the peerage, by the death of his father, ...


... tORUIGINAL.] STAtN.ZAS WRITTEN AT BLACKPOOL. Once more I tread thy shores sublino, tl Thou vast illimitable sea; : OInce more tlhy beetling headlands climb, And feel that I n111 proudly free. rr The fresh breeze fanus my burning brolv, e I feel new life In every iltbu; oa And with a lover's fervour now , Could cltaunt that one sublimuest hynim, S lhllieh nature never silent breathes, fc ...


... I oetrP. I TO TH E UNSATISFIED. Why thus longing, why for ever sighing, For the far-off, unattained and dim; while the beautiful, all around thee lying, Offers up its low perpetual hymn ? Would'st thou listen to its gentle teaching, All thy restless yearning it would still; Leaf, and flower, and laden bee are preaching Thine own sphere, though humble, first to fill. poor indeed thou must be, ...


... I - 'F Good manners are the blossoms of good k sense, and, it may be added, of good feeling; for if the b law of kindness be written in the heart, it will lead to . that disinterestedness in little as well as in great things r- -that desire to oblige, and attention to the gratifica. tion of others, which are the foundation of good ' manners.-Locke. What sculpture is to a block of marble, l ...


... urs, Os MAP OF THlE RAltWAYS oF GREAT BRITAIN.-We have received re ding a copy of this map, presented gratis to all six months' subscribers d, bato the Scottisl Iaf wela Gazette. It is construoted and engraved I of by Messrs Johnston. the eminent engravers and geographers, th and appears in all respeots carefully and faithfully got up. It is a mnap of Groat Britain, upon which are laid down ...