Advertisements & Notices

... THE ADVOWSON E~ftbe vfearoje oftUttoutntIsuffolk. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. COLCHESTER & SON, At the GreatWhite Horse, Ipswich, On Tuesday, August 12, 184I At Four o'clock in the Afternoon for Five punctually ,HE PERPETUAL ADVOWSON and NEXT Ph'E- T sENTATION to the VICARAGE of SUTTON, situate within four miles of the pleasant and populous Market-town of Woodbridge, and four miles from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAAL OF SHORTHORINS. Messrs. ISAACSON and TATTERSALL Be to 5niioiifcC that Mir. JOHN CLOVER'S nextbiesn- 111rd Sale of PURE SHORTHORNS take place upon t he Premises, c * KI tliasti, smea l lew rket, e On Friday, the 25th April, at Twelve. Ie tl omu p rise 53 Head of Improved LIOWSR STEER, c and two-year old HEIERSand TB~rSBUL an ndO CALVES, XS the celebrated B OUNT CONRCAN, and several O T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A New and Important Edition of1the Silent Friend. JUST PUBLISHED, TShe ?? 3.. Ed., THE SILENT FRIEND, on NERVOUS DEBILITY, TCONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESS, excessive Indul- gence, &c. With Observations on Marriage, &c. By R. and L. Pasny and Co., Surgeons, London, Published by the Authors, and sold at their Residence; also, by Strange. 21, Paternoster.row; Noble, 109,Chaneery lane; Hannayand Co., 63, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To MR. PROUT, 229, STRAND, LONDON, ,Donueaster, September 26th, 1844. SIR -_ihe following particulars have been handed to its with a re- qoest that they might he forworded to you, with permission for tbeir publication, it you should deem them worthy of such, J. BIOOKE & Co.. Doncaster. E9LzAnrul EnBoARtay, residing in )auke street, Doncaster, aged bet eel iO and IS0, wos eriodly afflicted ; i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SaI0 DiP XquCtfon. lroporlant to(lOLNINICItS DRUGG'ISTS, &'c. M r. c 1i' P l V ''It is ?? e'l toi'l., itI1';i! A~CTI.oN,, itoio',ta.tttdo ?? tlic lo;,st lotor- Vatio it, -6O0 - GALLONS tiE( No. I,(, antil 24 'INEG Alt, Awlar Itr IIl slw ic ,ti, 11:15.ere Ili Lts 1fM ,C~l rm r! ?? i' t t ' to '1lit :it I M , OC11k toi. I: .0,i1te .Lot . 2,ri~i CutirtI ?? Ji; 'A !It, sc itg-Im- FIt' ?? A1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X9TATR AT BARtWICXEAN-11LMlET. Dy Mi' ; LUMB. at tike House of Mr. William Knapton, the GBOf IGN.'S A.gNit ?? inBHAntWCrcxnF'iM5T. IntilheCouuty G' ofX Yok, on Thursdayi, tk 7tiTwnis'.hirtZ Dayol f Oc0kr 1W45, at Cj SxoCck in the Evening, subject to such eono1 *41111 be then an& there produced-' one of them called the Little Close, containsing IA. In. 2s, n the other called the Slip, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7OuwCsuIRE and GLASGOW UNION RAIL- AYfrom TLIIRSK, by Bedale, Leyburn, aud Ilawes, CbO ,ItBMETING, held In the Public Rooms, ¶ la en Tteday, the 24th June, 1845; Bly TIMOTHY BUETTON, Esq. in she Cbair; Resoewnt lueteliotts were carried:- Moved bY i MAnl.OCEDE `vvut.tVII, Esq.; W Secoitded by HENRY R.O GcASTerER, Esq.; Lo js.That it is the oninion Of this Meeting, that the proposed lire and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEEIDS, HUDDERSFIELD, SHEFFIELD, LAND 'SOUTH 6TAlFFOILiSIIiI4E.-, or, LEEDS. WOL- I VUUAMI3TI'ON, AND DUDLECY J)IIktCT l~tXA Capital £-2 0,lW0iX, in 10, 4111 Shtirea of £104 meah. BDjrasi, r Li Os. pe, Share. -lin Acting (tommittlet' OfDieio ba ,agcd 'that a jinauch Lirili froml Asliiinrnei to Derby be adlopte~d by this Sam itally. a-nd ?? the t ia of thll i omlptify be~ Iicreased froolt fi l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I.£ OYS BOARDING HOUSE, IgREOORY9 CIIAPSIDE. Loxnos. ,L.. per Day, including Tea. [led, a~nd Breakf ast; reVISW, Seervants 9.1. per Day. C WELLINGTON GiRE-GORY, Proprietor. b CJSITEI{S TO LONDO.N.-1WR. GILBERT 1 V SFrsehll ?? and Gentlemen visiting Lots- 1 ~n 11istle5S orPlea~sU~, tolloprefer at Private House to P LOU' ,'eof lull that tdO~~ can be comfortablly accomtno. EOlI. n LODGING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is pablished, COMFORT FOR THE DYING CHRISTIAN. CJ' tA SE&FtmON ?? by the Dersth of J01HN lIOLLAND, Esq. Of Slead House, near stalifax; preached in Bridge-End Chapel, t Bastrick, on Lord's Day, October 12th, 1845. i Sly -ROBiERT BELL. P'usbllsiied by Rtequest. Halifax: 11. MiaRaliN, LUpper George Yard; W. BIrrTWHIsTLr, Ihalifax; E. S. Kslt, Brigliouse; and JArC-SON and *I N .FORD, F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BO TANICAL GARDEN'S.-Thel' -f ~ the L~ds Ilotanical Glardens beg to reminI St C01~v!51(11e t~he i'aiblic generally, that the curreat' rpit will expire on the First of May . They - va thley have hitherto madle to render the- tll1' Ce of beeleticip-1, as well as of healthful And inter-. ye. thmsome claimr to solicit a renewal of thle -it .~ jss aswel as an accesision of new Subscribers. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADV ErLTil Smi 1NT.] TO TIIE EDITOlS OF TIHE LEEDS MERCUTRY. C GEN-rr.FuLN,-A paragrapli, under the title of Lceds and West Hiding Junction llailways, was inserted as all n advertisentu -nt in your Iast week's paper, and evidently in- tended to mislead the public, as to the control of the 5LII t ?? and Leeds Company over that of thle West Rtiding i. Junction. It is stated that the former ...