Advertisements & Notices

... ON THE SEA COAST. V 'To be Let, Furnished, for the season, with immerdiate possession, A N EXCELLENT FAMILY RESIDENCE, in cam Aplete repair, situate at Norbreek, between the Marine Villages of Blackpool and Fleetwood, comprising good Drawing and Dining Rooms, and several commodious Bed Rooms, with Stables, Coach Houses, and other suitable and necessary Offices, attached recently, occupied by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. AND1REW'S CATHOLIC CHAPEL, LEYLAND. I muE Catholic Poblie are respectfully informed that tbis VJ'hap'el 'was Opened for Divine Service Oil Sunday last ; bat, tile Chapel bcing sasall, no Public Subscription was made. it~ therefuor, proposed that the Iucumbent, the Rev. Thtelsas Shepherd, personally solicit the charitable assistance ,fas marry of the Catholic Community as bie can visit. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH UNVIONq RAIL JAY. TOT IC E is hereby girl ?? a SPECIAlIGENERAL I E 'rNG of tile North Union Ratiawiy Company soiul he held It the Cotton Sales-roon in the Exchango Duililiogs, in Itivtr()ool onl Thursday thle tfi'i day of Julo next, ,t Ono o'c]lock i the afternoon, for tile purposo of cooliderieg and ?? as to thie Diraft of th e several Bills for 3'1visure0 Prolposed to be ntliorised by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? cont 01IN TAYLOR STOREY, of Garat(ag, in the county of ancstr, raprhaving, this 1-5th dayofay t!of Lancnster, Drall~rpd wthiogole of lhis Estate and 1845, conveyed and assigned the rual bonefit of such f his Effects, unto Trustees, firt'the orualdeei of A s uchme oithin Creditors as shall execate the Deed A t two months from tho date hereof. 1',CBO IS HIEREBY GIVEN, ThtsuhDed110 is ourOfice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / ITALIAN, FRENCH, ANE) SPANISH LANGUAGES. SIG. BOAMPIANI, nqative of Rome, Membeor of the Royal Acarlemy of Sicily, ElIa ia nas Italian end French Professor at the GIi .Imar School of Winwick, &Sc. IGS to inform toie Inhabitants of Preston and its vi. [ nit) y lit, having a little time unoccupied, he would witle Pleasure attend Families or Schools, to instruct in the mtlils, Frencl, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]3IRKENHEAD, LANCASHIRE, AND CHESHlIRE JUNOTIO vAlLWAY.-WEAVER 33tRAsNCH-The ?? tay accomlmodation boing 5upplied to the SALT 1TRI 'ofCheshire, has induced £hie Directors of this C sany Wrder a ScRviytobemade o~f tho best practicil l3; 10 f Xpnrpose.-Dated second day of Septeilber, 187r - ; 1M7ALLABY, '1'OWNSEND, & NEWALL, Solicitors. jIANCHESTER, BUXTON, rMATLOCK, AND 1vSItMIDLANDS JUNCTION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LURAIL A';~(oe~pe M T N ?? and iiS WManhegt~ GrMa'Briteivs asse I-4E-Ardn rlfanwas asmaW ~The bum~ble jeition oft U ed meroat rdr 'sd 'ther Inliabia of lnhie Siew~eutA;That- the cr i auatrn n teirests of theeirade r trcsowhh Manchester i h ete e h a o fdrc lexpeditious, and cha en ftansit t rmt osutports. That terowing commerce of the~port of Southampton 'the 'eblishentof cornlmodious docks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13RINTS PUBLISHED BY EDWARD -PUCK LE, ~Late COLNAGHI ~and PucklE), I.. PRITNTSELLER and PUBLISHER, 23 COCKSPUR-ST.REEI CHARING CROSS, LONDON.- Printsellor to Her ?? the Queen, HerMajosty &1 Queen Dowager, Hier lloysi Highness the Dluchess of Kent, &c. &c. S UBJE CT, ROYAL PORTRAITS. HER MAJESTYr TlIi QUEEN (Head) ; from a Miniature in the jlosse~sailn of his Rovyal Highnese Prinac Albert. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? MILLINERS. M RS. HAGEN is in immediate WANT of M an experienced MILLINER, capable of taking the Mandgement of the Workroom. Apply No. 18, Whitefriargate, Hull. A YOUNG LADY, who can offer the Amost respectable references, would be happy to meet With a SITUATI 0N as ItESIDENT GOVERNESS in Hlrl or its Vicinity. In addition to the usual branches of a good English Education, she is competent to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR QU BECwith Goods F.CALVT and CD'asseLondonthe FastDsaililig Ship LOR MU GRIAVE, JOHN Lcaiss, Master, 417rTons. To Sa i a otail the Midd le , ofthis M onth. Apply to JOHN BRODRICK & SON, Hull, July, 1845. 21, High-Street. F OR COPENHAGEN, the fine . vessel ADOLPH, Capt.LYXnonRP, is now loading, and will positively Sail A k next Week, to be succeeded by the Chris- tine Marie, Capt.. Lorentzen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *bfpping. H ULL AND HAMBURG: FIRST CLASS STEAMERS EVERY TUESDAY, (carrying Post. O oc Letter Bags.) e HAMBURG TUBsDAY, 7th & 21st Oct., at 8 Pi M Se ?? Ditto, _14th & 28th Oct., at 6;.M. JOS. SANDERSON & CO., Agenti, Hull. R. M. SLOMAN, Jun. Broker, Hambro?. @6A1NSBRO', HULL, AND LYNN.t e y rHE fine: STEAIi SCflOI#IR IR S.1 LORD NELSON, CAxT. ?? Win; s C leaves GAINSBBO' every MONDAY, ~~And ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAGLE LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY; 3nCREScile, BIPIDGE-STIEERT, BfoACRhesake, London. Established by Act of Parliament;' 1807. DIRECTORS. John Richards, Esq., Chairman. Sir J andes McGrigor, Bar t,, F.R.Si, Deputy Chairman. Lieut. General Sir Jo-n WII- Charles T. Holcombe, lq. son, istC.B. W. Anderson Peacock. Eas. Sir A. Dennan Croft. bart. Peter Skipper, uers. Chas. B. Baldwin, M Jh Sprgin, M.D. ...