Advertisements & Notices

... 'rHE LATE CALAMITOUS FIRE IN DOVER STREET. AN EARNEST APPEAL to ?? in behalf of the aged Widow and Family of the late Mr RAGGETT, who prised in the calamitous Fire, 45 Dover street, on the night oftthe v ho lo *vmin his ?? to rescue the' lives of others. Hiseldest hgte also lost her life on this awful occasion. Mrs Raggett (the daugo) who had unfortunately broken .ler leg a few days previously ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KNIGHT'S WEEKLY VOLUME. This day, KETCHES of the HISTORY of LTTERATURE o and LEARNING In ENGLANf D. With Sparimtens of the Prin- CPSeries Third flu Two *'olulesI. From the Itevolutior of 168S to the Pet L~ondon: Chsarles Enight antd Co. 22 Ludgate street. LATEST WORK ON NEW ZEALAND. Now ready, with Map, 2 vos, 8vo, A DVENTURE in NEW ZEALAND, from LL. 83IS to 1844. With some Account of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *OXFORD UNIVESTiDCITY GAS LIGHT AND CMANY. OTICE is h ~gvntat a GeneralINMeeting of N the Proprietr sl bhodnat the office, at the Station, on Mlooday the Fifth day of January, 18416, at Twelve o'clock at ?? this 4th day of Decernbbr, 1845. By order ?? Oommittee, /,GEO. RACK8TROW, Clerk. OXFORl)HRD AITULTUtA L SOCIETY. A Coininitte.Viett w Il be [hold at the Star Inn, A O~xtrd, on theur Itith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *MEETENG TIlS DAY. * G!RLS3 SnOOL 0F1Z'MUSTPI1Y. ANN'~UAL CENERAL AMEET4NG of thle SUB.. iBII and FRAIENSDS to the above INSTITU- bel i held in the CouP c-fluu I,,, oil'unsSVY the 5iecemba, at One o'clock. g~iie School is open for Public' insaection ad ill those who h.iteanirest ioshle ivelto's of the ~uvenile Poor are respect- ~iaited to attend the Mleeting. Abeirdeen,12dfDec. 454.. Dltt~FT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iqo tict or RESY OVAL. d SI-5IFSON 81n~\AEOS.i, Broad.Street,'i -e n tiiati'that hle 1L.s n1ow RE3MOVED to that ele. gt tlt Shop, 6er 10 - I. Crnicbslatk ,& Co., and next door to ' 'j-t r'! Preiatt li tei Wth an immense ;I!S3 jest rleW %IT'le S, S itNlGs, 9UILTS.! :iif %ANA¾Rtp. NeicIIh Vvill be so50 xceedinIt y cheap, ;cesOUNkdthtiseurninl, for the firt time, will do Well to at t~eb ae 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLATE GLASS. T AVERT & CO. beg to call the attention of their Friends and the Pablic to their extensive Li STOCK OF BRILLIANT PLATE CHIMNEY, CHEVAL, AND DRESSING GLASSES, wehich have all been finished since the repeal of the duty, consequently they are enabled to offer them full Twenty-five per cent. uwder the old prices. Dressing-Glasses, in mahogany frames, very best plate, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sake Of an Etenuie Stock of Paper 'lloagings, of a rery superior 11,snlifaetrre. Mr. -ALEXANDER Bcgs to inforia the Public that he -:wiz r V I t ?r A tr C 21 Z O .X, At his Spaefous Rooms. No. 49, BROAD-STREET, Bristol, on W EDNELSDAY and THURSDAY, April 9th and loth, Vwithout the least reserve, ABOUT FIVE THOUSAND PIECES > A OF PAPER HANGINGS, Of the beet and nsost fashioriable description, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T S EY IEN, That atp- N 'O I icaltiosiai is' inten`ded to 'be madue to Parlima Iiat in tile cleiuiltg Sessioii foir leave to briin, fit a Bill or Bills for imaking aiid cnn'inta~iiliig at lailwvay, with the( several branches lherein- I after woulnd(, that is to say, thle miainl linec of' Railway to corn. laience aIt Svdiiey wharf, tiiitIlie parish1 of' Batlnicik, ill the coinuty ol' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lr~mtoe to beIc t TOBE LET, ia WAREHOUSE, Tsituate at BL&CK-FitIAltS, back of Merchant-stretet, conitlining two lofts. about 27 feet by 45, and subdivideid onl the 4Ground-floor.-Apply to RICHARD HOWE. at the friends' liteeting-flouse, Blroad-weir.--lth Mo. 125th, 1845. T BE LET, a BEER and EATIN G- ThOUSE, with a good Skcittle-alley, in one of the greatest tlioroughifares in Bristol, doing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOB H 1ItTSTMITIIS. opplycctlessgeo' I~orI in. At~s~ili1t't1~,lN' l'I CE, VA NTE D ANTHD, arCspC(ittible YOUTH, as an W I7N.Dt0OR1AltIIsIENTICG'. tort Grocer and rfeeiowr Chcanderli- Apply to Mr. 1I. WOODALL, Grocer, 'Tallow- Chandler, &e., Ahcrgavennfy. Anioilidte: t e Pe'seiltIe will b! requlire yA NTED, a FEIMALE to Assist inl a i mll Grocery trade. Shte will be required to do ties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IL IIREB ACO0N. W ~ w oA tvioleirLt of line W LTrSTIT E, BACO, credon anowandun:.rovd panbeing maild, and a flu rih favur.parieilaly u~bleforInalids, and Persona Theabvenewonsae t te ILrS~l iEIkCCiN WARE- HOUS, 11 BRODIIED, Bisto, faingUnjont-street. D]ORETAILO~ & TROUSER -MAKER, F1. (Froml Bitrghtirl' London). No. 9, NICHOLAS- STREET, Two Doors froml Clarc-street, Biristol. M~jlAoderaet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7VjOTICE is1 hereb y givelly That, tinder 81thoI it', - coro lvcd f'ont Don. 31. s. 1Mosqulora l'horze45 dlitral of repu b Ilc of Now Genad a ir L t Londo, MicssrP. ?? It IN It R01 liE its and Co. will IT prcpird, on a nt, al t'i Thimeodaf. the 0 i3th inbtant. to procil'ed wilh tihe CONV tiRSION of thle 51t plcr Cent. of the CO. LOMBIItA N liONITA, fatling I a I i11' oiarge .4 The nid ...