Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EJ~irtb5. Jan. 18, the wife of Mr. Foster, draper, Beverley, of a daughter. Jan. 14, at Lansdowne-hyouse, the Countess of Shel- burne, of a son and heir. -marrfaqrfi. Jan. 16, at the Holy Trinity Church, Mr. Richard RusFell, to Miss Emlma Crombie, fourth daughter of the late Mr. Crombie, of the Shakespeare Hotel, in this town. Jan. 16, at the Baptist Chapel, Salthouse-lane, by the Rev. D. M. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B I UT U3S. At 42, Herit RBow, Edinburgh, on the 3d current, Vrs Dfre s, of a Boo. At l aisley, on the lot correct, the oife of the lRre. C. F. Be ieAsN, of 1a tell. At 4, ingal Place, on tho 3d currect, 31ro Taos. EDce>STON- of a son. At Arhuthnott house, on the 2Dth ultimno, the Lbdy Jitr, Ar.UUTItNorc, of a son. At Firth, on the 30th ultiuo, the Lady ef RoDoet BROWN, Esq. of a son. At 10, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B I It S. At f, llotndeisn EDli, Edinburgh, ol the l22d earncet, lers JDIIa is Itac, of a son. 1cc, Su nav the 12L MISreat, a SlrAT.J;, SpriOghill, Don. !ee .Ic f adtraorhtotr. - * .,It ,l hrtol! tl~lh 11!1 ?? tith c-OrcCt, Ifra C. Yi'Grl.AlItUr, I *f, dnughtel, At II, t)c Terrac, ?? the 10th current, thce Lady of Cap. . ta 1ILLIA tt i Coa,, of 1 sc'Ic. At 7. Coret-s Il'llo, o1 tice i1h curr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 20th Instant, at Morikstownteld ?? er sMillcillja, I:1, n.~ti ?? lady of Chariera.1enr Mi _irEq, oft twins, a Bull arid daughiter. Iil Limerielt, the lady ?? HIa-tisng, Esq, of n son. On tile ilith intatnt, ait Cftstertasn Hail, Westmorelarr, i lre july r of Willhattl j Wilon Corns Wilsoll, Jun., Esq, Of a son arid heir. On th g ers, ofs intfat, MA IRIAES. 3 m tlhirelratinseanh t St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 3d Instant, In Lenno;-street, the lady of John Murphy, Egq, of a son. On tho 5th instant, in ilume-tritcet, the lady of John Christopher Dolinego, Esq, barrister-at-law, of a son and heir. At Balligawley House, the lady of Sir Hugh Stewart, Bart., of a daughter. 01 the ?? instant, at Greenvale, near Waterford, the lady of Josiah Shearman, Egq, ef a daughter. At lKilrush, county ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IlIRTHWI. On the 28th tilt., in Stepheni'a-gr-n Weat, the lady a! Fl LeeI, Esq_ of a son. At Fairs Hill, Clifden, the laky of W. If. G. Colles, Eoq. li of a son. At Cornfield, countey C)are, the lady ot Francis B. R'l 11 Esq, of a daughteV. Ott the 27th i4a., at Morgans, county Limerick, thc 1311Y cif Sandes, t.sq of a son. On ths 2th ult., at Sheppetton House, She lady of J lI iD'gh, ea8q, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 20th instant, at Kildare.street, the lady of Daniel Thorp, Esq, of a son. On the 22d inst., in Nelson.street, the lady of the Rev. Alexander Loeper, of a son. OIn the 16th instant, at Kilcairn, Navsan, the lady of the Rev. Rober, Hamilton, of' a daughter. On the 19th instant, at Clenbrock, Lady Clonbrock, ofadaughter. MARRiAGES. On the 24th instant, at St. Peter's Church, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... In Holleastreett BIRTHS. In Htleestret, te lay ?? Cregh, sq. of a son. On te 7t Intant atOakwod, n te Rig'scounty, the lady of On te 6h istat, n Blfat, he adyof the Rev. J. C. Flow.~ AtBailynboyHoouse, in the county TipperMry, the lady of Jaog H. O'Brin, Esqofaen. Att SCtucbpercthe hthladyd of Captain Farner, staff officer, of a s0n. At sione rs, ge~, the a aso of Lieutenant W ebster, staif ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Oat. l0, the wife of the late 11. G oldwycr, Esq. of this city, Of a posthumous child. Oct. 0I, at Arlingham-vicarage, Gloucestershire, the lady of the Rev. John Lloydl Crawley, a son. MARRIED. Lataly, at Heynsham, Mr. William Belster, to Jane, second daughter, of Mr. Thchdl. Breskinan, Oct. 20, at Walcot church, Bath, Mr. Edward Richard Hlenry Broad, to Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr. B ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... he as BIRTHS. tIc August14, the lady of Henry Worsley B Mnison, Esq. the Grove, Clevedon, Somerset, a son. of August 28, at Clifton, Mrs. Henry Paul, a son. Sept. 1, at Corsham-court, Wilts, the lady of the lion. F. H. raul Methuen, a son and heir. to fMARRIED. le Lately, at St. Paul's, by license, by the Rev. C. P. Bullock, Mr. e Sclim Bridges, of London, to Miss harriet Organ, of Trinity-st. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e3irths, Marriages, and Deatlas. , IRTIIS.-At 'Wotton-under-Edge, the lady of James Perris, Esq. a daughter (still borss)-At Teigonsouth, the lady of Dr. John Spens, a son-At l1sissguto, Ashburton, the lady of the Itev. W. Al. Paige, a son-At BLaeLsavon, the wife of Mr. Rieihd. Stccle,surgeo, ia son-The lady of R. 11. Miers, Esq. Ynispen llIvch, of at son-At Aberrnial~is park, Carmarthenshire, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Brtrhs, Marriages, and Deathis. BIRTHS.-In Portman-square, Lady Bellingham, a dau, -In George street, Hanover-square, the lady of Mr. Latnic Mur. ray, a daughter-At Gwynfryn, the lady of Major Nainaney, of a son and heir-At Crossmead, near Exeter, the lady of the Rev. R. Fulford, a son--The lady of the Rev. J. D. Lloyd, Tivertona dlauoliter-At Zephyr lodge, the lady of Captain Lane, a dau.- ...