... ViCE-CEIANCELLORS' CO URTS-MTONDA.; | (l~fe0'e ,Sl' J. L. K>'lCIIT BRUCE.) W\ARRE:N ii. POSTLETiIWAITE. -SHAME V. TAUNTON. Tire principal question iln these cases woas, whethier a lady, of the namle of Elizabeth Prr~stlethwvaite, bad or bad not, by her will, duly ox ecu ted a power of apmpoint moent. MI s, Postletirwnaito was sotated to have been one of the childrenl of Sir TV. Ehias Tirunton, ...


... UNEXPECTED TERMINATIONM OF TIEM I - -- - - INQUIRY.I On. Wednesday the post obroughrt a letter fromn the IPOoTrlV Commissioner in London, to Ilir. WVestlake, the medical officer, with iustructions to Mr. Parker thte Su Assistarat Commissioner, in accordanec with that letter. The Follurvirg is a. copy of the letter to Dlr. West. A tlake A- Poor-law Commnission-affice, Sonrlecet.hottse, 'GE Sept ...


... IPEPOItT OF THIE FACTORY INSPECTORS. 'r ?? ?? MIC -r1j, l . s S ro ?? Z Z!_ n Conrtrrucd fran~j the ?? If Fritfa~ the 27th/ June.) Vi, e extract tire following fromn the Report of Leonsard Hlorn~er, erI F¶q, Tspecrer of Factories in England. It isdatedl Manchester, ic May 1In 1845: c a The amending factor y act camte into operation oit the let oft a Octaber ]lest, and I lirrr~ the satisfaction ...


... MONUMENT TO THE S9COTTISH POLITICAL MIXRTY11S. The interdict granted by the Lord Ordinary (Robertson), on the 27th January la~st. interdicting and prohibiting thle erection of the proposed monumrent to the memory of NJuir, Palmer, Skin'- ving, Gerald, and Margaret, hii the Old Calton Burying-ground, wvas brought before ithe first di vision of thle Court onl Wednesday, by a reclaiming note at ...


... IR OSCOMhlON ASSIZEBSFEn. 26TIE. At half-past nine o'clock his lordship, Judge Perrin, took his seat upon the bench, when Mr. Walter Burke applied to his lordship and stated that there were two gentlemen, named Peyton and Waldron, to be tried for an assault-that they were under a great necessity to be in Carrick the day after to-morrow, and although the case was a bailed one,he hoped his ...


... I JAF ~ rLAWV ZvTBLLI T ' sCE. COURT OF CHANCERY-YESTERDAY The Lord Cbancellor-satyesterday at eleven o'cloolt, and having disposed of a few cases that stood over, rose about half.past twelve o'clock. His Lordship will not sit again until next term. ROLLS COURT_ YESTEnDAY The Master or the Rolls after disposingof several cauges, none of which possessed any public interest, rose yesterday at ...


... THE BALLINHASSIG SLAUGHTER-THE INQUEST-SATURDAY. (From a Second Edition of the Southern Reporter.) The coroner and jury were in attendance at ten o'clock. The proceedings were recommenced by Mr. Scannell ad- dressing the jury on the part of the accused. The learned gentleman concluded by calling his witnesses. Mr. Walsh-Whom do you call ? Mr. Scannell-Sub-constable Hickson. Mr. Walsh-Is ...


... V * LAWhtPLLidRN C - I COURT OF C11AEiCRY-XtSTN5D?. .. -tko9Lord Chancdl~i~rat- is'terday at theasual hoar to hear motions. In -re Grace, a Lustatic. Mr. Moore, Q. C, with whom was Mr. O'Erars, moved the court pursuant to notice, that the receiver in this case b6remd6ed~abid anotheir personi appoinited in hir. place. prom the statement of counsel, it appeared that, t-he receiver, wvhose name ...


... C-OUNTY GALWAY ASS1ZES. (FRO31 OUR O9N VCOlI ESPONDENT.) Monday, Alarch 17th. At three o'clock this day Judee Perrin having tuken his rt, the clerk of the crown Alexander B3te Esq,, read tile commiesion, and the entire of the grand jury not being a attendance, his lordship directed the clerk of the crown to read out the commission, which he then handed him it wvas the admiralty commission ...


... CITY SESSIONS-YESTERDAY. The Right Hon. the Recorder took his seat on the bench soon after nine o'clock, when a jury was sworn for the trial of prisoners. John Brady was indicted for stealing three breast pins out of the shop of Mr. Bennett, of Grafton-street. The prisoner pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to three months' imprisonment. Johan Kielly was net given in charge for stealing a pair ...


... IR[SII JURIES. Our readers will doubtless recollect the murderjtf unfortunate M-Caffry, who met his death int col; quence of having been stabbed in the abdomen oi L: ter Monday, 1843, immediately after the holding f. Repeal meeting at Clones, il the vicinity of Motumgj: Upon the inquest it was sworn by several pursoiio ti ,- police officer, named Smith, committed the act, a: accordingly an ...


... I TRE CORN LAWS. r WOcEiPORT, DEC. 12._.Last night a public meeting of the free traders of Stockport and its neighbourhood was held in the large room on the basement story of the new mill belonging to Mesasr. Leese and Co. There were eabout 4,500 persons present, almost all of whom had con. a gregated before the appointed hour for commencing busi- ness, eight o'clok. ',Sir R. Pendlebury ...