Advertisements & Notices

... FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH.- FPrice 4. AId.-Patronieed by her Majesty, his Royal Highness Prince Albert, and her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kents-.t THOMAS'S SUCCEDANEUM, forstopping decayed teeth, however large the cavity. It is placed in the tooth in a soft state, without any pressure or pain, and will remain firm In the tooth for many years, rendering extraction unnecessary, arresting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMtTTANCES to CANADA WVEST-The X undermentioned agents of the Oore atik, at Haroliton, Gore District, are authorised to RECHEIV DEPOSITS of MONEY and to grant letters of credit for the same on the Gore Bank, which are paid by that establishment on presentation, at the current rats of exchange on England:- Reid, Irving, and Co., i6, Tokenhouse-yard, London. IBid, Irving, and Co., Si, North John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLATE GLASS. T AVERT & CO. beg to call the attention of their Friends and the Pablic to their extensive Li STOCK OF BRILLIANT PLATE CHIMNEY, CHEVAL, AND DRESSING GLASSES, wehich have all been finished since the repeal of the duty, consequently they are enabled to offer them full Twenty-five per cent. uwder the old prices. Dressing-Glasses, in mahogany frames, very best plate, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T S EY IEN, That atp- N 'O I icaltiosiai is' inten`ded to 'be madue to Parlima Iiat in tile cleiuiltg Sessioii foir leave to briin, fit a Bill or Bills for imaking aiid cnn'inta~iiliig at lailwvay, with the( several branches lherein- I after woulnd(, that is to say, thle miainl linec of' Railway to corn. laience aIt Svdiiey wharf, tiiitIlie parish1 of' Batlnicik, ill the coinuty ol' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOB H 1ItTSTMITIIS. opplycctlessgeo' I~orI in. At~s~ili1t't1~,lN' l'I CE, VA NTE D ANTHD, arCspC(ittible YOUTH, as an W I7N.Dt0OR1AltIIsIENTICG'. tort Grocer and rfeeiowr Chcanderli- Apply to Mr. 1I. WOODALL, Grocer, 'Tallow- Chandler, &e., Ahcrgavennfy. Anioilidte: t e Pe'seiltIe will b! requlire yA NTED, a FEIMALE to Assist inl a i mll Grocery trade. Shte will be required to do ties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sake Of an Etenuie Stock of Paper 'lloagings, of a rery superior 11,snlifaetrre. Mr. -ALEXANDER Bcgs to inforia the Public that he -:wiz r V I t ?r A tr C 21 Z O .X, At his Spaefous Rooms. No. 49, BROAD-STREET, Bristol, on W EDNELSDAY and THURSDAY, April 9th and loth, Vwithout the least reserve, ABOUT FIVE THOUSAND PIECES > A OF PAPER HANGINGS, Of the beet and nsost fashioriable description, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lr~mtoe to beIc t TOBE LET, ia WAREHOUSE, Tsituate at BL&CK-FitIAltS, back of Merchant-stretet, conitlining two lofts. about 27 feet by 45, and subdivideid onl the 4Ground-floor.-Apply to RICHARD HOWE. at the friends' liteeting-flouse, Blroad-weir.--lth Mo. 125th, 1845. T BE LET, a BEER and EATIN G- ThOUSE, with a good Skcittle-alley, in one of the greatest tlioroughifares in Bristol, doing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IL IIREB ACO0N. W ~ w oA tvioleirLt of line W LTrSTIT E, BACO, credon anowandun:.rovd panbeing maild, and a flu rih favur.parieilaly u~bleforInalids, and Persona Theabvenewonsae t te ILrS~l iEIkCCiN WARE- HOUS, 11 BRODIIED, Bisto, faingUnjont-street. D]ORETAILO~ & TROUSER -MAKER, F1. (Froml Bitrghtirl' London). No. 9, NICHOLAS- STREET, Two Doors froml Clarc-street, Biristol. M~jlAoderaet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? MILLINERS. M RS. HAGEN is in immediate WANT of M an experienced MILLINER, capable of taking the Mandgement of the Workroom. Apply No. 18, Whitefriargate, Hull. A YOUNG LADY, who can offer the Amost respectable references, would be happy to meet With a SITUATI 0N as ItESIDENT GOVERNESS in Hlrl or its Vicinity. In addition to the usual branches of a good English Education, she is competent to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR QU BECwith Goods F.CALVT and CD'asseLondonthe FastDsaililig Ship LOR MU GRIAVE, JOHN Lcaiss, Master, 417rTons. To Sa i a otail the Midd le , ofthis M onth. Apply to JOHN BRODRICK & SON, Hull, July, 1845. 21, High-Street. F OR COPENHAGEN, the fine . vessel ADOLPH, Capt.LYXnonRP, is now loading, and will positively Sail A k next Week, to be succeeded by the Chris- tine Marie, Capt.. Lorentzen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *bfpping. H ULL AND HAMBURG: FIRST CLASS STEAMERS EVERY TUESDAY, (carrying Post. O oc Letter Bags.) e HAMBURG TUBsDAY, 7th & 21st Oct., at 8 Pi M Se ?? Ditto, _14th & 28th Oct., at 6;.M. JOS. SANDERSON & CO., Agenti, Hull. R. M. SLOMAN, Jun. Broker, Hambro?. @6A1NSBRO', HULL, AND LYNN.t e y rHE fine: STEAIi SCflOI#IR IR S.1 LORD NELSON, CAxT. ?? Win; s C leaves GAINSBBO' every MONDAY, ~~And ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAGLE LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY; 3nCREScile, BIPIDGE-STIEERT, BfoACRhesake, London. Established by Act of Parliament;' 1807. DIRECTORS. John Richards, Esq., Chairman. Sir J andes McGrigor, Bar t,, F.R.Si, Deputy Chairman. Lieut. General Sir Jo-n WII- Charles T. Holcombe, lq. son, istC.B. W. Anderson Peacock. Eas. Sir A. Dennan Croft. bart. Peter Skipper, uers. Chas. B. Baldwin, M Jh Sprgin, M.D. ...