Advertisements & Notices

... L I511-SI AND SCOTTIS11 As. i 1' E A SS SU A N C E t LOAN ASSO('1ATION. EleeCIS CO ?? WVATERLOO PLACE. ?? .1511.i, PRINCE'S STREET. CAI\kTAI -ONE MILLION. TII'E LIFE DlEPARTMENT -e~re dewllil~itit o/ ?? co/lithig llpDI Lire, anld nil eleoD the S:lfe.` -1ti m'ost alpproved priticipllc., laid , Ic Io tie ?? bosil of Scotlklild aod Elglulltl, so ir i t iltercsts of the Assored residing hi enild ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANTI-CORN LAW LEAGUE. fiE SUB-COCIMITTEE of ?? EIINBURGiI ANTI- T CORN LAW ASSOCIATION, beg Icea to intitmoteI to tbe Friends of the Coorc, thiat tile following Geotlemere hove kiodly ,reced to ruecic soy CONTRillUTIONS for the BAZEAltI, to ;bo Ireld 1i Loadon ill 'May vext, which shall be sent to their Shops otl or bhfore the 15th April next, immediiately alter which the whole vill be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HO1'LT(O-11MN MlOMS. ?? ib@o Ittosle rcittoaice, that li Ib 0labreted ENRTERl r.AiNM.%ENT on VlN- l tii e toeEVIN.INI(;IS of TUESDAY and s3 Alnd t.,* I3333 otn IEDNISSDA'Y 1i 41, s1 ?? eboi' k, i,, tbe idlos'a Retalls. Ta begin at EighIt ,fClock. gj 1gl ELECTORS OF IEBI.ES.SRIRE. f, bc7 tins do- ?? jleot'd a, our Bpcslcuta-a | i--ato1 I be setret o best ilinabis 1,~ p ,lliainlilt, I beg to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANiI. GROCEIY.AN) SPIRIT BUSINES/ Nold Established House to be let, w/4h Retail p Spirit License paid up to October next;l /turea con. plete. Address J. C., at the Office of this Paper GROCERI ESTABLISHMENT. 'W ANTED, in a respectable Ready-sbey T V Neighbourhood, a House in the above lin4,fwith Spirit License attached, ior which an adequate fi i ll be given. 17 Letters fiom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X T RR O RoiYAL, D UBLIN.A MlISS IIELEN FAUCIT for ?? nights, and will make her secondappear. 1Fau ?? rince her return from her most tri- ntt ngaumeltin Paris. STIIc' but Two of Mrdlles. FERDINAND [^1 ApP6 IENA4]). Mlonsieur SILVAIN. ~~IS P1LESEN'I' EVENING, February 1I, I the Pcrortlrnfnces will commence with Sheridan ' HUNCHBACK. Miralter, Mr. Caloraft ; Helen, Miss Chalmers Fi 51H ~cit. ui ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. mHE LOYAL NATIONAL, REPEAL ASSO- CIATION OF IRELAND will meet on MON- DAY, the 31st March instant, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. THE LIBERATOR WILL ATTEND. - W The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for A9SOCIATES enrolled within T Mele hbs they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the ?? the end gallery, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i HEATREY.R O YA L, D UBL biV. First AptI .aran0 01 Air. MALONE RAYMOIND E Ig~- Itrlayinynarher, and P, oprietor of the F- * ,, Charch *sreo', Liv rpool, who is eng5ged far Five VN:5 1th g' The THREE G.rCIrMAN DWARFS! h ?? EJI)'r T AM 'A1TY, are a'so engaged, and T ,ill make their First Appearance. 'ims;l - EVNI !G (Tursday). April 81i, 1845, wi'l le Pc f. rmednen Cinedv, in three acts, of I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TJIL',I 7IE.R 0 YA L, A, UBLl'. ?? Alarrane hbut ONE of Mi-. LEONARD. r EVkENING (Saturday), April the 5th, |Ilh orfortniaces will commence with the Comedy, o Tat of int' 7'° 1 IRISH AMBASSADOR. r pril O( Plenipo, ?? AIr. Leonard; the .Ii. ('ooke; Prince odolh, Air. King 0' iler'e ir. Ilarrett: l~siella. ?? Chalm~rs. i re,. A hickl the Comic nI terlotidpof A D)AY AFTER 'I'llE WEDD)ING (IPf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUBLIN AND GALWAY RAILWAY. TO THE LIBERAL ELECTORS OF THE CUSTOM- HOUSE WARD. GZKTLEKEzq, 1 OtT have done me the honour of electing me as . a Poor Law Guardian of your ward by a majority of nearly seven hundred, and I beg to return you my sincere thanks, and to assure you of my devotion to your interests and to the service and protection of the poor. But the propriety of my addressing you at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T fl EA TRRE R O YAL, DUBLI.N. I_ 11oit ?? the last appearance but Five of AMR. MACREADY. *cr to give every possible effect to the Plays about to produced Mrs. TERNAN, of the Theatres-Royal, eand Covent-garden, is also engaged, arid will I vith Mr. Maoready during his performances. PI is pRESENT TUESDAY, December 9, iill be performed Shakspenre's Tragedy of MACBET ?? rgbeth Mr. Mlacready; King ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INCOM:E TAX. PriceI Is, Cl OSI ERAION onthe INCOME TAX. ION By OEER VAOr tEN BuStHE, Esq. C By ?? n s ?? TO RD AUCKLAND and LORD ELLEN- BOROUGH. By a BENGAL CIVILIAN. London: Smith, Elder, and Co. .65 Cornbill. KNIGHT'S WEEKlLY VOLUME. This day, '1 H F[ CHINESE: (Supplementary Volnme.) lL A General Descriptirn of China and its Inhabitants. BY JORN FRANcIs DAVIS, Esq. F. R.S. &c. Governor of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S TREATRE. JT is respectfully announced that a GRAND' ~ MUSICAL FETE, comprising the unpublished manuscripts of the celebrated FELICIEN DAVID, will be executed en THURSDAY EV ENING, Mareh 27, produced for the first time with the most enthu- siasti success at the Conservatoire Royal, Paris, and for the first time its this country, with the original Melodies and Choruseo, Grand ...