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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... FASHI1ONABLE INTrELLIGENCE. TEIT QtVEWw._Ifor Majesty has announced her inten- tion of revisiting Osborne I-louse at the latter end of this or the beginning of next month, and has issued her com- liands to have the Fairy tender in readiness to convey her from the Clarence-yard to Cowes.-Hanipshlire Tel. It is understood that her ?? will pay her long. expeeted visit to thle Marquis of Salisbury ...


... ilitcraturr. SELECTED 1POLETRTY. TIll ,11)WI)S O.F REAI VY. FIIOti AIANIGAN'S CER-MAN ANTIIOIiCy. I name you Tlhrce Words whilh ought to reuo l III thunder from zone to. zlle; Inut tile world ulindirstands thenm nut-they are found TI tihe depthl of the beart alone. That man must Nideed le uttedl lasc In whose heart the Tlnee Words no lotigeor find place. F ?? Is FiEtl, IS CliVA'TI I? FIIEE, ...


... SONG. AIR,-o The Deserter. Fareweel, fareweel, thou fickle mRid, Fareweel, for ever mair, Ye've left me wi' an aching head, An' heart that's unco sair; Yet, may the peace that I hle lost Be added to thy lot, May happiness thy bosom bless, Tho' mine was there forgot. I'd rather bear my aiirmishap To love an' honour true, Than tak' the han', or trust the heart, 0' her that breaks her vow,- Nae ...


... A MOTHER. There's music in a mother's.voice, More sweet than breezes sighing; Thcre 's kinldness in a mothelr's glance Too pure for ever dying. Thero 's love within a mother's brcast, So dee]), 'tis still o'crflowiing, And care for those she Calls her owl, That 's ever, over growing. There 's anguish in a mother's tear Waheln fiarowell fondly taking, That so the heinrt of pity moves, It sc: ...

Selected Poetry

... q?rivvm Lump. I'LL SPEAK OF THIIEE, I'LL LOVE THEE TOO. I'LL. ?? of tl(e, I'll love tllee too, loudly, nnd vitlt aectiou true; I'are as you shy's celestial blue My lows diall be, my love sbtll bo. In setislitie aud illu' *louds sshall low'r, III ut1irthi tad sorrol's seadld'llig Ihur ; Wt]ile( e maroy lives, tind life Ites power, I'll s IC of tlIei, II 'q s:etk oi' t iI e. TIlro' youth's gy ...

Selected Poetry

... - .. 1. - ? ?? ?? . g., r Y ic r t r -,.v ?? 0 r t r 1) - ''1111 MOTiEli'S FAIllH. ICY TI U1 LATi: MRI1S. JA3IrS (C1R.A ICCt blr Low the l\Vil) is 111istli::g, Mlother, jlist to the dl;:iv ],r ;il A11!. kisa, to thlib h that XCy ?? ?? i: t''edl (1 iiw sttolili' ?? TI Liedlr ?? ?? DleUC k e ?? IF;.u i ?? biO5!C to the stormily sily, Anll a uI ion it's isih :went ?? her brow As shte thoalijt of ...

The Court and Fashion

... Of3c ecurt timbf gaofjjoll. ITEM MAJESTY S LEVEE.-The Queen held a Levee on Wednesdlay afternoon at St. James's Palace. Her Ma- josty and Prince Albert, attended by the Royal suite, ar. rived from Backingbam Palace at two o'clock, and were received by the Lord Steward, the Lord Chamberlain, the Master of the Hor be, and the Groom of thle Stole to Prince Albert. The fo'lowir.g noblemen and ...


... MlIT MAGUIRE; OR, THE' BROKENt PLEDGE. ILY WILLIPAM CARLETON. Jhames Di1ftA, Anyfesea.SItret, Dublin Puiblishier, Trhi, work, jnst issued from thle press, by the ?? ,alithtor of the'1 Traits and Stories of the 16ish Peaoanti'y, k, all elabiorate panegyric onl the abstinence movemen Lt un-. (hi' Father Mathew. It Oontains, however, a wetlltold, graphiclctly written, Irish story, of much merit ...


... The annual Cattle Show of the Portaferry Farming Society, was held in Portaferry, on Tuesday the 29th ult. TheJudges wereo Messrs. John Martin, Inch ; Wnm. Davison, BalINstockart: Robert Boyd, Ballywilliain and Arthur MIolyneux, Templepatrichi, County Antrim- whose decisions gave general satisfaction. In the evening. forty gentlemen sat down to dinner, prepared in Mr. James Alorland's usual ...


... FR I E ND S HIP. BY7 THl lEV. FRANCIS SKURRAY. False friends, likc insects in a summer's day, Bask in the sinshine, but avoid the shower; Uncertain visitants,.tley flee away, E'en when misfortunes cloud begins to lower, Into life's bitter cup true friendship drops 3lalsamic sweets,. to overpower the gall: True friends, like ivy and the wall it props,. Both stanl together, or together fall. ...

The Flower Garden

... . .. ?? .. . - . . ?? .. . irpe 'flotuer Garzfell. iROYAL BELFAST BOTANIC GARDEN. The sprilnlg is not yet so ?? advanced is to ilmike gardens gene- roIl, interesting ill the oat-door departments; still wve do confess tbat we love to visit such gardens as this is, w lhere improvements are going on progressively, for as coming events' nre said to r east their shadows before, ilmprovements in ...


... ,VASLIiOtABLE AEILIGENCE. HEn MjESTY'S HtEALTH.-;-We are enabled to state that ber Miljist the Qieeni is-in a situation w hichi pro'o. mises to add to ler doniestie happiness, and whieff gan- not fail to excite the affeotioitiq.:olicitude of her peQple. _BEritacsnia - ;w}. . b ACCIDENT TO PRINCE AtBERT We regret to state that his Royal Highness Prinee Albeft Ihas. in wit h'an accident which, ...