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... LOVE AT FIRST SIGH'T. ?? TWOl of die Sioux Indianse. BY iVtlCY~ .. ST. 50510. To the veerv (entre of'one of the thickest and heanviest woods of t!i, .\inwrietin conti[mcii, where neow Stanids a butey nsuuoifactiu-ing ii tOrn IS.$I. ?? t' Ye:- itg' n 11flitl -Iicanp oecco- pied by a aittidl bend of the wild and warl ike Sioux. 'They wtere not ilnure titan fifivy it, nnitilibei, lhaving visited ...

Selected Poetry

... *ttCCIVZF 13091rt)- THIE OLD BACHELOR, IjLOVED th1C in life's early day; E'eu in my wildest glee, How oft I left my boyish play To think and dream of theo. I-wandered by the l0o1n1y sea, I fancied thee my own, And sighed, and wished a king to be, That thou might'st share my throne. I worshipp'd thee in manhood's prime, I lived but on thy breath, Nor thonght of chance, or change, or time,- Mjy ...


... THE COCK AND ANCHOR-A CHRIONICLE 0O' OLD DUJBLIN CITY. 3 VOL$. DUBLIN, CURRY & CO. 1845. This is one of thle best novels we have read- for a lengthened period. The tatle is exceedingly interesting; and it is written with unusual power and originality. Tihe characters are all admirably conceived and sustain- ed ; thle many and varied incidents are vividly depicted ; and like this April weather ...


... The Lord Mayor gave, on Thursday last, a splendid entertainment in comnmnemoration of the recent enrolment of Sir Henry Pottinger amongst the citizens of London The party, which exceeded fifty in number, consisted of the Right Hon. Sir Henry and Lady Potting-er, the E irl of Auckland (late Governor-General of India), Sir H. Willock, chairman, and Mr. W. J. Hogg, deputy.chair. man of the East ...


... ff itirature. - ORIGIIVAL AA'D SELECTED POETRY. TO CHIAtlTY. Charity, decent, easy, modestt kilnd, Softens the high, and rears thc abject mindm 1(solws with just reins, nnd gentleo lmid to guide Bctween vile shamiie and arbitrary pride. Not soon provoked, she easily forgives, And much she suffers as she much believes; Soft peace she brinigs, wherover she arrives, She builds our qeict as she ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ,fao0yiont alii yaritwi0. John Smyth. Esq. White Park, Ballyclare, has, on the recommendation of the Marquis of Donegall, Lieutenant of the County, been appointed, by the Lord Chancellor, a Magistrate for the County of Antrim. The Lord Chancellor has been pleased to appoint Henry Echlin, Esq. a Magistrate of ?? of Fermailagh. It is said that Thomas HI. Jones; Esq. Moneyglass, has been ...


... A FLIGHT OF FANCY. nv T. WESTIwOOM. f saw a flower in a isathless wvood,. Deep hidden in a mazy labyrinth Of rank ivild grass, briars, and prickly leaves. 'Twas a strange donjon for so fitir a thing, Dreary, and dark, and mude; but as I gazed On its transparent hues and bending grace, A golden sunbeam, stealing from a cloud, Alit on tbe green summit of the wood, And,.lover-like, heeding no ...


... Jfiterature. ?? SELECTED POETRY. THE USE OF TEAIM, BY LORD AIORPETI1. Be not thy tears too harshly chid, Repine not at the rising sigh; Who, if they might, would always bid The breast be still, the cheek be dry How little of ourselves we know Before a grief the heart has felt; The lessons that we learn of woe May brace the mind, as well as melt. The energies too stern for mirth, The reach of ...


... FASHIIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. of The Prince of Wales entered his fourth year on the 9th instant.. The Princess of Joinvillo was, at one o'clock on Wed- nesday morning, safely delivered of a Prince, who has m received the title of Duke of Pvnthievro. ROYAL VISIT TO PLYMOUTU' IN A RUSSIAN LiNa-Or- BATTLE Snmp.-Tbo Grand Duke Constantine, second al son of the Emperor of Russia, is expected to arrive ...


... SELECTED POETRY, SONG. BY THE LATE THOMAS HIOOD. 0 lady, leave thy silken thread And flowery tapestrie: There's living roses on the bush, Arid blossoms on the tree; Stoop where thou wilt, thy careless hand Some random bud will meet; Thou caust not tread, but thou wilt End The daisy at thy ibet. 'Ts like the birthday of the world, When earth was born in bloom;- The light is niado of many dyes, ...


... FAS.I1ONABLE INTELLIGENCE. The PMarquis ant Marchioness of Londonderry enter. tained at Wynyard Park, a few days ago, a large party of gentry at dinner, amongst whom were many of the county magistrates and deputy lieutenants. The hospi- talities at Wynyard are this season dispensed with all the magnificence and courtesy which distinguish Lord and Lady Londonderry in their entertainments to ...


... ILgiterature. SELECTED POETR Y. BRING BACK MY FlIOM 1l-lS. ii Iler gleo she firgot t ht ler tr i sm wrirr crowving leSe, ?? u, Ni I1,~ if?, ull' Li, I N tud los t e0 or t 1I 114]2 1-;^i it lX l, II .t i I M V11 l i ; ,d Lb 11 -I ~,h ! (I ?? i ill! ) llt tIhell, sevinlg Iiwr 1o50,slc 0iltg On, hir fevt, 10d, I ?? into tears, rilld nloud to the streaZ-' Bring back my flowers ?? -_ .L owr.os 0 ...