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Selected Poetry

... ,*tierteu vortry. REMEMBIRANCE. By 5155s Z 1. KEATING. ;ly childhood !-those were joyous days I I have not yet forgot The peasant minstrel's cheering IUYs; Our mountain-shelter'd cot- Those heights, too, where the wild rose bluslh'd, And huug its graceful wreath Across the rippling stream, that rush'd In silver threads beneath. Bly youth, too, was a happy time I And, I remember well, I loved ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ,;SPaobion anr 1Tarictire. LADY E311LY HARDINCK _-We are happy to hear by the last accounts received from Nice, that her ladyship's health had greatly improved. The Earl of Roden is at present at his residence in Dundalk. Lord Viscount Castlercagh sailed from Belfast on Wednesday for Fleetwoerl, en roete to Seaham Hall, where the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry are at present residing. ...

Original Poetry

... Original Doetp. ON Th1E DEATH OF A YOUNG LADY. BY T. BEGGS. Id her maidenish day, She was lively and gay; In her womanhood, cheerful and wise; But her feelings at last, WVere piously east In the path that. leads to the skies. Though brief was her time, It this wintry clime- In this wayward world of strife, Her playful wile Was an innocent smile, A joy in the walks of life. Now the rank nettles ...


... Yiteratltri, SE L E C TEB D PO E 1' ?? Y. LINES ON' CONTEMaP1'LATING TIM ENGRcSAYINr OF THIE NOVICIA'IE MENDICANITS; Issued by ?? Royal If-ish AIUt- uniOsi. lnmised to beg-untutored iii tbe art Which feigns distress, or plays the suppliant's part; The orphais quit their once-loved bappy bome, O'er thc rude worl-l's wide wilderness to roam- Once they enjoyed a teuder mother's care: Blow'ed at ...


... CASTLES IN THE All. I'love to lie in lcofy woods, When summer days grow long, To hear the fidll of brooklets small, Or blackbird's mellow song: To watch the dipple clouds afloat, And tfaee upon the sky, lit hues of light, all golldn bright, A thousmand eastles hilh. Stay, 0 Truth ! thy hand relentleas,. And, I prithiee, spare .a hisers Of' lliss so beautilill- Miy castles in the air. ens or ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? antI varietfe0. HER MAJESTY AT CHRIST'S HOSPITAL. The Queen and Prince Albert honoured Christ's Hospi- l tal with a visit, to attend the service, and Witness the scholars at their evening meal. They arrived at balf. past six o'clock, alighting at a temporary entrance erected on the south side of the hall leading to the principal stair. case, where they were received by Mr Alderman Thomp- ...


... MR. HENRY RUSSELL'S MUSICAL ENTER. TAINMENT. VPe had the pleasure of attending Mr. Russell's musi- cal soiree, in the Music-hall, yesterday evening, along with a numerous and highly respectable audience. Mr. Russell was, for some time, a resident of America, and his popular enterfaipment partakes of the character of Amerfoan manners and music. He has the rare talent of engaging the ...

Farming Societies

... 4Farlninjj 'Stieitoe. DROMORE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S CATTLE SHOW. The annual Show of this old-established and useful So- ciety took place at Dromore, in the market-square, on NWednesday, the 6th instant. Although the number of cattle, on this occasion, was not so great as in some for- mer years, there was a marked improvemient in quality. In the article of butter, there was a decided ...


... SELECTED POE TSl'. MA It Y. BY' CIIARLCS SWAINT. The graceful end the beautiful, The gentle, kind, and airy, Together met, to mould the forn And gift the mind of Mary. T'here's naturo in each careless curl, In every grace a moral; Her month-' tis Cupid's mouth, sweet girl, And rich in pearls aned coral ! She 's like tlhe fceystone to an arch, That cousuimmates all beauty She 's like the music ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? all lnarietifc. It affords us great pleasure in being able to state that James Daly, Esq. so long known as representative for the county of Galway, and s0 universally regarded and re- spected in as widely an extended a circle, composed of the best and highest society in either country, is at length about being elevated to the Irish Peerage, under the title of Lord Dunsandle.-Evening Mail. M ...

Original Poetry

... orioina( Vottri?. THlE SCENE E S 6F YOUTFH. BYY CUPID. L IKE silver sound of fairy's horn, Soft floating on the breath of morn, Like b lissfitl visions of the night, Fair shadowed on the slumberer's sight; Like landscape, decked in summer pride, And seen at placid eventide, When mountain knoll and broidered wold Seem islands, in a sea of gold- Afresh, from memory's holy urn, The scenes of ...

Selected Poetry

... C?Qcirctrz; vortry. GO FORITH INTO TIHE COUNTRY. Bly TlE T.ATE 'IRS. JAMES GRAY. ;o fThrtl! bite tile country, Froi a,, orld of care and guile; Go firth to the untainted air, Anid the suishine's open snmile. It shall clear thy clouded brow- It shall loose the worldly coil That binds thyv heart too closely up, Thlou mal; of care and toil! Go forth illtO the country, I'Xhere gilsdsolne sights ...