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... Iuiiie-liose, wOw, wNow,. IN davs of vore, to make a tour, ve jumped into the mnil, siir, 13it nowV, to get alonig ill style therc's notliig like the rail, sir IFrom I ivecrpool to ltali, ighlrm we nused to go in olow lime, iX bite now-ar-dayshowv Q1iriogeri thle case l- we seem to go in n1o tiltto. Chorltl-Rail, rail, rail ! All the world is craszex for tho rail, rail, rail. A volinker I II-s ...


... THlE FLO WEE OF THE FOLD. There is some one shiding-place On earth to which we cling; There is, too, some remomber'd face- Both blessings with them bring! There is a hope that looks abVec- The reed to wbich we hold; And is there not some heart wc love, Some flower of the fold ? Joy, joy upon the breeze doth come, It ushers in the birth Of one more link to home, sweet home, Ano ider child ...


... - aiterature. SELECTED POETRY' HE'S MIARRIED! ?? boyhood's blithsomne bappy lours, We first became acqusaintud; And then wha:nt real joy like onrs,- Bly Sorrow's touieli untainted. The golden time was past with glee, Our tales each breast delighted We prized no other company, For Friendship us united. \'hein manuhood's studious day had been Fast o'er us both advancing; And every object, place, ...


... ORIGINAL =OE2 . - - 0 RI G rNA L 1 0 E 2!P ?? SIN. Creation's heir, the first the last That knew tbe world his own, yct stood lie 'midst his kingdom vast A fogitive-o'erthrown. Faded and pale thc glorious form And changed the soul within, IVhile pain, and grief, and strife and storn Told the darl, secret-Sin. Unaided, and alone on earth He bade the heavens give cer, That every star that sang ...

The Court and Fashion

... ,Lrfjc Court alM S'loyWoll. The London Ti'forneisg Post of Thursday contains the announcement which we now cepy in the hope that the intelligenee may be correct :- THtE QIEEN'9 VISIT To IFlELAND .-W IhavP great satisfaction in announcing that the anticipated visit of her maijesty and his Royal Highness Prince Albert to the sister island is definitively fixed to taxe piace during the ensuing ...


... atteraturr. Valentine M'Clutchy, the IrishA Agent, or the Chronicles of the Castle Cumnber Property. By Wm. Carleton, A.4thor of Traits and Stories ofthe Irish Peasantry, 6c. Dablin, Jaines Duffy, 1845. This long promised work from the pen of Carleton has at iengti made its appearance, and vwith mixed curiosity and anxiety, we have hurriedly run over the three goodly volumes of which it ...

Fashion and Varieties

... SFato0on ant varietitr. It is rumoured that the Earl of Clare is to have the vacant Ribbon of-St. Patrick. We understand that the marriage of the Most Noble the Marquis of Bute with the Lady Sophia Hastings is to take place at London Castle, oa Thursday, the tenth of next ?? Observer. PRINcE A1,1a'T AND TrFE DuIcE OF ROTIrESAY.-It may not be generally known that his Royal Highness the Prince ...


... TuJE-' There is Dac luek about the hou1Se. An are you sure the ncws is true, Or is it only fun, '11vixt Gmardians and Commissioners, 'Bout clause called forty-one. The Guardians said our clerk is paid By us, aye, every one,. Com~nissioners said, we'll own the blade, See clause called forty-one. No money you can eall your own, Nor even a barley suon (live to the poor, \without consent Of us,. ...


... Ior. ONX A FADED BLUE-BELL. s1v THE HONORABLE GRANTLEY BERKELEY. And art thou falIlon, fair flower, e'en so low Tltat nameless things upon thy beauty feed, And not o'er the charms that used to throw A modest splendour on the verdant mead ? Who could have pluck'd thee, yet let fall again Thy form, whose colour might with heaven vie, And let thee lie neglected on the plain, To e'en excite the ...


... The annual Cattle show of this Society took place on the 10th instant, in the large yard of the Mansion House, at the Quay. The favourable weather attracted many spectators, and tho number and quality of the stock ex- Ihibited gave much satisfaction. Doctor AMoore,of Gavin, M). John Lyle, of Roseyards, and Mr. Robert Mlloore, of Clover- Hill, acted as Judges, and awarded the following ...


... aiterature. ORIGINAL POETRY. LINES, On reviewing a sprig of the Lily of the Valley which had been presented to me conveying the sentiment or return ofhappiness. Sweet Flower of the valley I tho' wither'd at last- Of bloom, life and beauty bereav'd, Still, thou axt a tolken, which clings to the past, From the hand of my Margaret received ! Oh, bright were its blossoms I so simple, yet true, ...

The Court and Fashion

... . Elie, Court alM HER MAJESTY'S DEPARTURE FOR GERMANY. The very deop iuterest taken by all classes of her Ma- jesty's sub jects in the Royal excursion, *as displayed on Saturday in a very striking manner, and with a degree of fervour which was mostgratitying towitiness. Theseette in the Dock-vard at Woolwieh was, as usual, gay and animated. T e baud of the Royal Alarines, and that of the Royal ...