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... BALLINASLO.E FAIR. (1110u OUR SPECIAL COIRItESPONUENT.) THIRD DAY. Balliuaslue, Tuesday Evening. The horse fair commenced and concluded this day. The number offered for sale much exceeded that of last year; and a considerable improvement was visible in the quality of most of the horses of the classes which constituted the great bulk of the fair. These classes consisted of hun- ters, carriage ...


... I FASHIONA0BLE INTEL COLOGNE, SEPT. 7.-His Royal Hiehness the Duke of Cambridge, with his suite and servants, arrived here yesterday, travelling under the name of Earl of Culloden. His royal high. ness goes from this city in the first instance to Rumpenlheim, where tile Duchess of Cambridge has been for some time with her family. Lord and Lady Claud Hamilton are on a visiting tour in Ireland. ...


... FASBIONABLE INTBLLIIGENCE. I WINDSOR,. SUNDAY.-Her Majesty the Queen Dowager arrived at the Castle about five o'clock yesterday afternoon.- Her Maesty, on alighting from her carriage, was received at the grand entrance by his Royal Highness Prince Albert. The ?? and Marchioness of Worcester arrived yesterday on a visit to the Queen. THE QUEEN.-Her Majesty has announced her inten- tion of re ...


... ?? &[110SN4BLE INTELLIGENCE. l Tsere a runtour abroad ttiat the Queen shortly intends ?? e .it to Hji- It is said, that in pursuance of her par. Y et itig till the lord-ijeutenasts of counties, her Majesty - yi*cauut Matynard with hier prcsence at Easton , tait tile itoble lord is already making preparations o- ' i-ttlc roya\ jtarty.-CnoLeseoSnRD CHRaONICLE. (;ratte the Mott liev. Dr. Crolly ...


... FASHIONA4BLE ITTELLi ENCE. - I The Marquis of Lansdowne arrived in London on Thurs. day from Bowvood, where the Marchtioness and Lady'Louisa Fitzmaurice still remain. The marriage of Lady Louisa Fitz. maurice with the Hon. James Kenneth Howard is expected to be solemnized during the early part of the ensuing month at Bowood. The Earl and Countess of Shelburne have arrived at Lansdowne House, ...


... I LrTEP.iA URR. I THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. (Dublin: Curry). r The University A.faqzine for April abounds in excellent articles, but by far the most interesting among them is that on Mr. Petric's great work on the Round Towers of Ireland-a work which can he only paralleled by the labours of the great Niebuhr, and which, as a single piublica. 3 otnl, is the most complete and nationally ...


... Our indefatigable lessee gave us, once more, the pleasure on Saturday evening, of witnessing Mr. Macready's per- formance, having availed himself of the opportunity afforded by that gentleman's passing through Dublin on his way from Belfast to re-engage for one night. Hamlet was the play selected. We have before spoken fully of the merits of Macread3's Ramlet, and we shall only add that on ...


... IT - Y THEATHE R(yJYA. M Rf Tl ?? A - _- I . .. . Mr. Henry Betty, an actor who has attained considerhble provincial celebrity in England, made his first appearance before a Dublin audience yesterday evening in Hamlet, and was cordially received, Mr. Betty, who is son of the tra. gedian, once so extensively known throughout the dramatic world as the 'Young Roscius, is now apparently about ...


... i I THE QUtEEN DOWAGER._We bear that the Queen Dowager intends setting out early next month on a tour through the Perthshlre highlands, and that her Majesty is ex. pected at Taymouth Castle by. the 9th ?? COURIER. VICEREGAL COUIRT.-HfisExcellency the Lord Lieuten- ant entertained the following party at dinner on Tuesday, the 2d of September :-Lord and Lady Masareene; the Dean of Clogher and ...


... I X~FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCR. I The Mfarquig and Marchioness of Clanricarde and family I Intend to leave London early In the ensuing week for Portsmna Castle, county Galway, where the marquis and marchioneas ton- template residing until the close of the autumn. The Duke of Wellington has arrived at Walmer Castle, from London. The noble and gallant duke purposes to reside at that marine ...


... FASHION.4BLE ItVTBTL/. -- 11 - I . - EV E- The Queen and Pritnce Albert arrived at li Palace, firon Brighton. om Thursday. f lnstructions have been reeeived at Wldsnr l a the privite apartmetils to be preparejl for ?? re, ( elae f Con1lt hy Wedn esday, tile ?? ?? e hid1 1t ?? jeaty anid his Royal Hlighli.ess Prillce Albert see r ) a- the royal flamily, are expected to arrive at 1; cd by Easter ...


... i FASHIONABLE INTEZLLGENCE. I The Duke of Devon-hire is at Bolton Abbey, surrounded by a select party. The son. George Cavendish and the Hon. F. Leveson have joined the cirde.-DCRnY Raroaman. The Marquis and Mirshioness of Londonderry and family lave been eojourning'during the week at their marine residence, Seaha. Hall DcRHAa ADVzaRTIsER. The Earl of Clare proceeds on Monday (this day) ...