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North Wales Chronicle


... TWESALT-Iff ILL URMER. -- I TRIAJL OF JOHIN TAAVELL. Atthe Aylesbury assi',&,es, ont W'ediisdriy,111 Ta'rweli. agedl atI riscrchrInt, was placed at the bar charge~d W it thU e wilfu Lii nnrder uf Sarahri Hart, aoit 1arialiiuon Pal, onl the !St day of Januanry W hist, by EIiiIiIaistcri7ng to hcr at large quantity, to ANit, two El aehisas, Of a deadly poison called proUS- sic ridd. 'T'he ...


... CARDIGANr ASSIZES. -I : of At these Assizes T/rinas Carrewe Phielh)s was Convicted of robbing Oliver Lloyd, Esq., solicitor, urt of £938, oni the 16th of Februarv, 1839-The ter prisoner wits a calbiket-niraker, carryinig on his 'vl- business in the village of' St. Dogamcils, anid the charge against hini. was that, oil tile 1 5t of Pc- bruarv, 1839, he stole certain moncys, the proper- tl ty of ...


... ALARMING AND; DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. Just as we were going to press last night, word reached the fire police station that the sugar- warehouse and premises of Messrs. Parry and Lightfoot, Ellenborough-street, woreon fire. Mr. Hewitt, immediately despatched several engines, water-carts, and a large number of the fire-bri- gade. By the time they had reached the scene of destruction, which was about ...


... TILE IRIREGOULARI ?? It's no usc to tork to me, for I won't h1ear y OU, replied a vcry fussy a and over-dressed woman, ]light Mary Jenkins, ] . to a droll and careless, and -withal half tipsy in- I a dividual, of thc /urd sex, who answcred to the Li name of Ephraimi Wright -You're a vcry ir- a regular nmain, sir, and there's no putting no con- c fidcncc in you. So, I-. -Commissioner W what ...


... | CAItDIGA NSILIRlE ,Ar 311 SESSIONS. I rim ! - 2 These Sessions wvere hold on Tuesdiay and IWed- lncsdaly wcek, at Aberayron, before E. Ll. Wil- p IiamI)s, of VOwcrilajt, Esq., (int)lo absence of D. n -A. S. Davies, Esq., MlI P.) chairman, and an un- _ usually full bench of miagistrltes. c i I'he lnw hall, then opeimd for the first time, a ..seemed to give gellernl satisfaction. It was ob- l ...


... CON'EisSIN AM) 3:XICUIION 01, TAVEt-L. A. Iltitoint wns preseutedi to the HIome OfficL, on M ondiy, signled by IG0 inlhabitantts of Ayies- buryt ptrriiitg ior a commutation of the senteonce cm Johnll lawell, convicted of thc murder of Sarahi lIart, at the late assizes for Biuckinghtamshire- A. petititon hadt also been presented by influen- tinl pcrsuinges to the Queen, but tthe Sunllining p' ...


... MERIONETHSIIIRUE ADJOURNED ' ILt. 'TEIR SESSIONS. 4, ,.l. 4 .1:_ I , ,1 - . - - At the Adjourned Quarter Sessions, ?? at E3.- la, on .Uvndaly the lutht, the followinhg Iit'giti ?? Were preccut ?? Lloyd, Esq., Chairinait i l. Llo.yd, Esq., Plas-yn. dre, and Edward \\ ilh Esq., of Vrondeouno, The Grand Jury having been appropr :lv m1-4 dressed by the learned Chairman, the fulo.u pisoniers were ...

Quarter Sessions

... it:irter Sessions. fl-- T) nxii i c~si it i i ?? . DFc. 1 ?? Befrei J, ?? llcatonl lgsq, l'l as-Ilteton, tChaiinali, l ol . Yale, ?? Rev. ld. ward lllheltal l, nbcdr Ec toryi T Downward, EI q, Bath iavarn J. Price, Esq., Llani lilaiad:r !i an idon VWynlive I\nne, Esq., (JUrthetwili ; J. r Joceleci' oui~cs,Esu., Eriviatt; Arcidleacon'Now- comne Iuthitin ionscud Main W dci agEsq.,1.1i.. Mar ...


... LLANERCIIYMEDD PETTY SESSIONS, Blfr 26e T 1r Before Rev. J. IV. Trevor, Rev. James Williams, Wr. W. Sparrow, Esq., anld W. P. Lh.oydi Esq. EXCISE 5NFOReI~tATON's. Two cases, in Which the parties were charged with ndulteratig16 Snuff Camne before the Court. Mr. Rtoose defended the parties implicated, who are snugf-iuanufacturers at LUlnerchyniedd. At the request of Mr. Wood, Collector of EU- ...


... SHIElIFF'S COURT, CARNARN'ON. 1.1 ?? . . . .. . .. 1R1D.AY, JANU UAY 10, 184G. Irenry ?? against Sneyid andln ?? was a writ directed to the Sheriff of the County of Uarnarvon to inquire into and adjudicate in a matter of disputed vages between the plaintiff and defendanits. The (leclalratio stated that the defendants were indebted to the plaintiffin the nomainal sum of £ I 0 for work done and ...


... DENIlIGlISII1RE ASSIZES. Tihc business of the Assize coinnmcuccd at 12 1 o1 clock, 021 'ial IsOlilay nil thle Ili)yl Ha2f111. After the C (.ir t I oid been Olle o~d Wvith ?? ?? lb 01l22 bY ?? WI. Lloyd, 1:sc , uleik (if Akssize, t1he fml' I0V g g 2221022m 212 o ard to thlioi 21212102 and I %Vere SNVora1 oil thle GtANil) JURY. 1d wrd M d 0l]on1 Iid do! pil, Es1q. C ljkCat, fo I L:l I 1-I ; Sair ...


... NION I GOMERYS'IIRlE QUARTER Sl.SSIONS. C, it The Getioriti Quarter .Seasions for NMOntgoilery- gth. shire wvas lield onl Thtursdtay last, at AMoitgomcery, vie* l~ft ?? WinI Leigh Itoti, chairumn, and o thera. luh, 'lThe magisteriad betich waus thitnly attendecdi, in tiiiti, Contseq~uence, wve suppose, of Oldt canto ty busiotess t t 1ot having been transacted in P'uol thc ?? day. ' ?? Several ...