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Advertisements & Notices

... IEA TRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. MRS. TERNAN begs respectfully to announce that her BENEFIT will take place 11lS PRESENT FRIDAY, December 12, po which occasion Mr. AIACREAI)Y has in the 1oaot manner offered his valuable services. iiq FANNY TERNAN, the celebrated Juvenile Ac- trew5 rill also appear. 'fhe PerfornlanOcs will cemrnmenpe with the Play of THE STRANGER. Trhe Stranger, Mr Macready; 'Mrs Haller, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIMULTANEOUS COLLECTION O'CONNELL .TRIBUTI {X45, WILL BE MADE / IN ALL THE PARISHES OF IR AND, SUNDAY, NOV. THE16TH. A GAIN the Irish People are called upon to tes. Atify their gratitude to their great Benefactor-their pride in his wonderful ability, and their appreciation of bis unexampled services, They remember what they were, they know what they are. A province of trodden slaves, they have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OF IRISH STOCKS DURING THE WEEK. lEES. WED. TIIVB. F~i. EA7. lION. 3 per Ct Cons. 9, 98, 98 9 99 99 99 Rcduced do 34 per Ct Stock l~I 01J, 10111 llt lljt 1lt I~ 30, Debentures. - _ 934, L Annuities.. _ -. Bank Stock - 208 = 209 - R. Canal Stock - _ _ G Canal Stock - - Do Debs 6 pr ct _ 6 C8M0 C85 C9 Do Debs 5 pr ct - - -- Do Debr 4 pr ct 451 - - Do Debs I pr ct new . . .. _ City ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~L ifls' .k4)YAL, DUBLIN. aence of the overflow on Thursday to all parts of hoaru, and to afford the pnbio an opportunity of the Grand Ballpt-Opr. or- LA BAYADERE, l r. been repeatedly ioqairied for, Mademoiselle igtION' bits been preva'I 'd on to prolong her en. for rwo Nights more, TO-MORROW (Sa- 'j 1 ION rg(NDAY next. -POTIT STEPHAN and M. SILVAIN arealso ' ?? and will appear on these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATCHES, WROLBSALE AND RETAIL, JOHN S13RIBER AND CO., 20, WESTMORLAND-STREET, )I&NUFACTURERS Aov IMPORTERS or EN VA AND LA CHAUX DE FOND, R ESPECTFULLY a-aounce tbeir e y ten- 1 s aive and select Stock, and tbeir very m Orat Prices in 4 Gold and Silvr Watch e of every de!cript Gold Chaint and Ieibe1eWV, do. Musical Boxes, do. Time Pieces andti ClcAs, c,. 04e. P.9--.The' Repairing' Department ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SINULTANEOUS COLUNT WIh TOR THI O'CONNELL TRIBUTE or WILL B3E MADE IN ALL THE PARISHES Of IR1ED, ON SUNDAY, NOV. THE 16TH. A GAIN the Irish People are called upon to tes- Atify their gratitude to their great Benefactor-their pride in his wonderful ability, and their appreciation of his unexampled services. They remember what they were, they know what they are. A province of trodden slaves, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OP IRISH STOCKS DURING THE WEEK I TUES. WVD. THURS. FBI. SAT. mol. aperCtcons.. 98jf 9811 S8i 981 S8 981 98 981 Reducod ?? - - 3 Dper Ct Stock loi * c il mo ?? 101 mo 101 op 111 mo 3j Debentures, -. L. Annuities.. __ Bank Stock..- 209 R. Canal Stock I G. Canal Stock -- DoDebs6prc t - _ _ DoDebsopro t - = = _ _ Do Debs 4 prn c Do Debs 4 pr ct new . _ City do 4 pr ct. - al Do do 4 pr ct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... x OTUNDO. -r hENRY RUSSELL, THE INIMITABLE VOCALIST, on MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 30th. fflHE very limited period of Mr. Henry Russell's recent engagement at the Music Hall being insuffi to gratify the very general desire on the part of the ptbic to hear Mr. Russell, Mr. MACKINTOSH begs to that he has effected an engagement with him for SIX 'olERTS, the first of which will take place in the C nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TJEA TRE R O YAL, D UBLIX. S cilcd arid Last Apptnrance of Monsieur THALBERG, -yi W HITN4LL, and Mr. CALKiN., .5,Idisiss HERON. the Infant Power, is re-engaged for One and will also appear. ,swHIS PRESENT FRIDAY, Januarie 31st, 1845, tlhe performances will commence with THE SPOILED CHILD. ttlepickle, the Spoiled Child, Misi Heron: Ten, Mr. Baler; Old Pickle, Mr. Duff; Maria, Miss A. Heron; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... `jrI~AiRE RO YAL, DUBLTIY. | B Desire and under the Patronvge of the Right Hon. 4 nieitent General Sir Edward Blakeney, ?? Comn- 81 | andill! the Forces, &c. &c.; Lady Blakecey; Major- (;Pieral WVyndhams, Commanding the District; the SBaT, A Co mandi e Officers of Regiments; 'r Offlc t the Garrison. A Lct Appearance but Fouir of Mi;Ss Charlotte Barnes. nuesllS P'RESENT SAiTURtDAY, January 11th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MADAIME CELESTE AND- MR. 'WEBSTER, pssing through Dublin on their return to London frfm Cork, are engaged FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY, And will appear in Three Favourite Pieces HIS PRESENT WEDNESDAY, 2d July. T The Performances will commence with an entirely Nef Drama, in Two Act%, entitled the MYSTERIOUS STRANGER I A The Mysterious Stranger, Madame Celeste; -Moalet to Count Beausoleil, Mr. Webster. q ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OF IRISi STOCKS DURING THE WEEK. _AT. DION. TUES. I ND. ; TGIA. FRI. a pelCIaoDL. osgjj 98~ 9_ D 98* Reducod do.,. __. _ . I 3t per Ct stocl 1li 101 l0l& 101 lo0310nol 191 IC0 I 3a Debenture.. _ ._ Roduced StolII _ - _ _ . L. A. t0hb?. Bnnk Stock.-. P _ _ 20S R. CnlSo: ^ 7 G . {Dl$ tw:9__ -_ D , D eif c:O._ 701 elty d - 4 pr st. _ par 4 pr at si Ct Dolbs wIth~a Securhty . .. ..99 99,__ ...