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... NORTHERN DISTRICT. PERSONS desirous to Contract for the supply of QUARRY, RIYER, or FIELD STONES, IRON SLAG, &c., for One Year, for either one or more of the under-mentioned portions of Turnpike Road, are re- quested to send sealed Tenders (post paid) to Mr. JONES, Druggist, Aberdare, Clerk to the District Board, on or before the 3rd of October, stating the number of the Division for which ...

i&atltoag Intelligent

... MERTHYR LITERARY INSTITUTION. MR. STEPHENS' LECTURE. On Thursday evening, Sept. 11th, the members of the Merthyr Literary Institution and Debating Society held their fortnightly meeting. In tbe absence of Mr. John Thomas, the permanent chairman, Mr. L. Reynolds pre- sided, and some preliminary matters having been gone through, Mr. Stephens was called upon to deliver his promised lecture On ...


... On a moderate estimate, the railways already in existence and to be executea may oe taken to COlt. £ laO,UUU,UUO The gross profit on that capital, at 8 per cent., would be 12,000,000 From which a deduction of 35 per cent. for expenses (the lowest expenditure of any large company) would amount to 4,200,000 Leaving the net profit of quite 51 per cent. upon the capital. In other words, to afford ...


... MONMOUTHSHIRE. NEWPoRT.-On Wednesday last, the Brethren of the several Lodges of Odd Fellows, in Newport, celebrated their anniversary. They walked in procession to Saint Woollos Church, where an excellent sermon was preached by the Rev. E. Hawkins; and the Brethren afterwards returned to their respective Lodge-rooms, and dined together. IT is currently reported, and we believe with truth, ...

Shipping Intellignur

... BANKRUPTS.—^Frctm the London Gazette.) FRIDAY,—T,Reeve, Ann's-place, Hackney-road, & Castle- street. Long-acre, victualler. Constantine Wood, Ityde, Isle of Wight, hotel-keeper. John Winter, Hatton-garden, plate- glass-factor. Thomas Taylor, Nicholl's-square. Hackney road, wine merchant. John Marland, jun., Sun Vale Uoller Works, Todmorden; Lancashire, roller-maker. John Law and Eli Hudson, ...

NO NET-IS I'D C O.LA d )i'd.>i) i.N ,

... vvi M'L MORGAN'S HOUNDS WILL MEET On Monday Dec. 8J~i,at.. MarshiMd. Wedues.lay Dec. iOih, at Tredegar House. Saturday KAOU DAY AT o'ciLoen-L. T,ii: CO -YBilIDGrE HARRIERS MEET On Mou i-;y Dec. 8th Oa Ogm .re Down. Wedtus lay. 10th St. Mary Hill. it AO II HAY AT 1 \LF-s r TEN. ...


... ABiNfims.—The nomination took place on Monday, ivhen the Attorney-General, Sir K. Thesiger, delivered in admirable speech in defence of his principles Gene- -at Caultield, the opposing candidate, said very little. Vfter a second holding up of hands, the Returning 3;ticei declared it to be in favour of the General. On I'uesday the election took place. At the close of the poll, Attorney-General ...


... THE CARDIFF AND MERTHYR GUARDIAN. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1845. THE LATE DEAN OF LLANDAFF'S PORTRAIT.— 'bis portrait, by Sir Martin Archer Shee, late Presi- dent of the Royal Academy, is now in the hands of he distinguished engraver, Mr. Henry Cousins, who made some progress in it, and has promised that It shall be completed by March next-his other nu- merous engagements not permitting him to ...


... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. MERTHYR LITERARY SOCIETY.—In our fourth page will be found a report of an interesting lecture given by Mr. Stephens to the members of this society at their fortnightly meeting, held on Thursday night week. DOGS.—We have had several complaints lately made to us of the great number of dogs which are allowed to prowl about this town and neighbourhood. It is even said ...


... WELSH MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the SUB- SCRIBERS' AGREEMENT and SUBSCRIP- TION CONTRACT lie for Signature at the Offices of the Company, 14, Moorgate-Street, London at the Offices of Solicitors, Messrs. Barker, Rose, and Norton, 50, Mark-Lane, and Messrs. Cragg and Jeyes, 22, Bed- ford Row; and for the convenience of Subscribers resid- ing in the Country at the ...