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... - The surplice warfare of the Bishop of Exeter has im. rmortaliged his name by procuring him a niche in Madame Tussaud's temple or wax-cork worthtes3 T'rhe Edinburgh Chnir of Music.-The Edinburgh papers ltate that Sir Henry Bishop has declared his intention of standing for this chair, which he vacated only a few months back from ill health. The snow of Mount Zitna affords a considerable ...


... I BRIEF CHRONICLER OF THE TMES.. 'The Banik of England is lending money at 2J per cent- , interest. r It is stated that a French Operatic Company, now per- 1, forming on the continent, will shortly visit Liverpool. e Henr' Johnstone, the once celebrated Irish actor, died ynlast week, in London. The elevation of Lord Howard, now Earl of Effingham, to the peerage, by the death of his father, ...


... tORUIGINAL.] STAtN.ZAS WRITTEN AT BLACKPOOL. Once more I tread thy shores sublino, tl Thou vast illimitable sea; : OInce more tlhy beetling headlands climb, And feel that I n111 proudly free. rr The fresh breeze fanus my burning brolv, e I feel new life In every iltbu; oa And with a lover's fervour now , Could cltaunt that one sublimuest hynim, S lhllieh nature never silent breathes, fc ...


... urs, Os MAP OF THlE RAltWAYS oF GREAT BRITAIN.-We have received re ding a copy of this map, presented gratis to all six months' subscribers d, bato the Scottisl Iaf wela Gazette. It is construoted and engraved I of by Messrs Johnston. the eminent engravers and geographers, th and appears in all respeots carefully and faithfully got up. It is a mnap of Groat Britain, upon which are laid down ...


... IN- , - i V - .,Joel, I -n , I IP~pM_ I TO MY WILLY, (ACgrD NEARLY FIVE MONTHS.) (Original.) M~y youngest born-my baby boyI What words can tell my trembling joy When first thy helpless form I prest, In grateful rapture, to my breast? ?? first I viewed thy forehead fair, And first a kiss Imprinted there? In that fond, fervent, father's kiss, My throbbing heart ran o'er with bliss; And, when ...


... A .4L§4 - n S EL ECTED. 1l ORIGINAL AND SELECTED, TO THE SNOWDROP. (Original.) I bend o'er thoe, pale drooping flower, And in uwy heart revives an hour, When yet a child, I watched my father-now no more- As from the woods, well pleased, he bore Thy flowrets wild. The gems, within a vase Of water pure, I saw him place, With gentle care; The sight my bosom thrilled with joy, And never, ...

The Family Companion

... £T ceamitp 5ompaltoln.1 OIrGIN4AL AND SEfLECTEdD. TrUen BREED61NG.-Lord Chatham, who was almost as remarkable for 'his ninmers as for his eloquence and public spirit, has'defined good breeding-4 ...


... (rom ethe London and Paris Ladies' .llragazie of Fashion.) Whilst pompadour teetfout, pehin satins, and all rich materials in beautiful and lively colours are among the splendid novelties of the season, all lighter materials are preferred for ball dresses; crapes, ombrirs and em- broidered, and other silk materials, as well as oryanedy are worn. Yellow is a very fashionable colour for crapes ...

The Family Companion

... Epe ealuilp OonlpalvOlll. * with O IGINAL AND S EL CTEDb. arel1 TIZEelMAGNsTIC TicLtceaAs'1e Iis attracting' universal visit attoion itl United States. A Plan is about. eoar- su men o ac by its means the Atlantic states with thleI l-to ~~Itis said, that by arranigements .of t1 -i ill ho. comlpleted from Albany ke to Harugh n the Susquelhannah, by December cons net ad tthe 0 o at Pittsburgh ...


... ortat : -A TRIBUTH i TOTH EORy OF A CHILD OF GENIUS, met 5egu ?? gvIiSSS to woeri'ts'. nol ___gW -i -I B, FUAICX JKL55A5Zaf DAllas. AG a ~ lleidea purling rlv~ri 255no wild bird's lay vie 11Makes gushi music quiver ret ?? sweter sIII and deare1, H! FROMs her harp, to the goulwnrpt beei'Bpr1 ?? cadence true., or aA peecloucachild of genies ill ?? darling 81he, set ILTo many a loaving lisene ha ...


... BRIE CHRONICLER OF THE TDIES. I 're - nbry: Owing to the influx, of railway advertisements - most of the London evening papers have commenced ed giving sepplemens he The new public baths at Hull for the accommc- dationl of the working classes are now open. The charge Los for a bath and towel is one penny. I[trh Orders for the purchase of 0 e been re- on ceived during the last week from ...

Literary Notices

... 1LtprarD Notisto CAIN and AnEL, a DRAM0ATIC POEM; and MmINOR PIECES. By WILLIAM HARPER. Mr. Harper has al.ady-appeared advantageously before the Public, as aufbof of a clever effusion entitled The Genius, with su 4ry other poetic productions. The poem now ?? isntore formidable in design, and though not seiwo epic ev character, yet partakes somewhat of that class of the divine art of poesy. ...