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Morning Chronicle


... PRINCESS'S THRAl RR. On :Nfnday night Mr. E. FoRRaas, the Aiuej~0,ar 11 who even yeirs opo performed at DrUrY-la-e Thea te re-introdueed to a london audience in the prt of OI'el1 ?? regret that we canuot speak encouraginra! or ?? S formanice. We do not _ish to say much. Me contll ren lieve that in a certain range of characters, 55, tar imtit, in Spartaeus, in whicih Mr. FOItREST made it ds i ...


... L ITBRATURE. Military Bistory of the Irish Nation; comprising a Ie- moir of the Irish Brigade in the Service of France. By the late MATHSEW O'CoNon, Esq., Barrister-at- law. [Dublin: Hodges and Smith. There is something in the character and constitution of the Irishman peculiarly suitable to a military life. Ardent, eager, chivalrous, romantic, and brave to rashness, inor- dinately fond of ...


... --.A The ofllowing are the principal pieces in Mr. WALS ACE'S opera of Maritana, which have been published by Messrs. CsAMER, BEALE, aud Co.:- Tme Overture, arranged for the pianoforte by E. P. Rim. ,1 IAC tT. ?? on on, Old Tiame, thiite hour-glass; trio, sung by Bliss PooL E, Mr. HARRISON, and Mr. PHILLIPS. Remorse and dishonous their anguish impart; tiio, sangby Mliss ROMER, Mr. HARRusON, ...


... This association ha-s closed its proceedings for this season. On Tuesday, by way offieiale, the director, Mr. ELLA, gave a mmatine0c musioale in the concert-roam of the Princess's Theatre, which was attended by a numerous and moat fashionable assemblaige of members rnd visitors. The entertainment was of a very elegant and refuted descrip- tion, calculated for tihe gratification of the nost ...


... T j RYVR4 hOA. DS No poetry in Railroads! foolish thought of a dull brain, to no fine music wrought By mnammon dazzled, though the people prize The gold alone, yet shall not we despise The triumphs of our time, or fail to see Of pregnant mind the fruitful progeny Ushering the daylight of th s new morn. Look up, ye doubters, be no uorlorn !- Smootheyour roughbrows, ye little wise: rejoice, Ye ...


... A DELPHI YH7A TR E. A new after-piece, called The Soldier oJ Fortalue, or the Iriah ,eqtlep, was performed nt this theatre list night. It is from the French, and thoroughly French in its inge- unity, smitirtness, nnd laxity oft morals. The scene is laid b at the court of' France, at the tiate when the Dahe oJ f Anjon, ti'v grandson of Louis the Flourteenth, has IICsue- .(eedel to the crown of ...


... CON-FALOWVERS AND ORANGE- BLOSSOMS. They have spoken aguin, they have spoken again, These elegant, eloquent men of grain. :'No more to the Eiiglikl soil coufiued Are the flowers of the Agrieultural Mind; Bitt Scotland and Erin lend their aid A regular rustic wreath to braid, A N-otive wreath fronm kingdmiins three, As a N cw-year's gift tbr the ministry. To Lothian's swaius spoke Skirving tba ...


... THE FIVE E-TRA DL3 BAZAAR in COVENT- Si GR.DE)N TH.7EA T-RF ?? SECOND NOTICE. The contributions to the bazaar still pour in; and some of them halt at the door, because they cannot get in. At the private entrance, in Princes-place, under the tent erected there, we see a good Specimen of that new and useful agri- cultural machine, called Crosskill's clod crusher. It is contributed to the ...


... LITERA UJ?-- Autobiography of Hdtrick Zicfte ; No. 33.) Zschokk l* Autobiographies are gieneraliv pIea, rhapio tI : one of Heinrich Zschokke fullyj be sant a' ' one of the best of the many exellet fo e the Foreign Library has omad, ° readers. It presents us with a vivl e P torpo and life of a man worthy to be kliotc b striven with success, ihy operitlation and prove the condition of hlis ...


... T'HE1ii ITALIAN OPERA. Her Majesty's Theatre opened for the season OR day evening. The opera performed Onl this Ot't'siOni Wats E,'nani, the most celebi'a(.d production Of V aRDI, at itrt' 4ent regarded in Italy ats the rising sunl of ?? lyrical bori- 10a. Ilia reputtation, now1 of sotae Yeats' standing~, lavi hiteit g'lillted, tnot only by the composition of This, but of several othet' pieces ...


... FINE A RT'S. ENGRAVINGS. the S/ehool, the last great work of Wilkie, engraved by Burnet. Moon. Titls fine print is not so laboriously neatas many of the works of the Engli6h school of engravers; but the breadth and freedom of execution with which the engraver lias ren- dered the original picture, give an excellent idea of Wil- kie's last manner. The rich strenky light and sb:de, the easy flow ...


... A oUWE'S MELODIEIS, ILLUSTRAT4LED BY D. AIACLISE, R.A. [Longmuns, Somewhat the same sort of service Which the genius or Moonr has rendered to the music of his country, the peneil of MAJderl confers in this very beautiful volumle upon the poetry of the melodies. Whatever merit there may be, says Mr. MOORE in hls brief, graceful preface, in interpreting the voice that spuke in my cous: ...