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Foreign Movements

... I For- fobemrnto+ And Iwvill war, at least in words, (And-should my chance so happen-dends), With all who war with Thoughtl I tunl T heatlt liltte Dird, wso The people by and by will be the strongeril-treitv. ITALY, AUSTRIA, AND THE POPE. No. Vill. We resume our extracts from Mr. MAzzlxm's worki we shall probably bring the subject to a close (for the present) next week. In the following ...

Foreign Intelligence

... a;orri-qu in teltigerc. FRANCE. Tyn VNseY Or Louis PHILIPPE AND 1115 INFAMOUS GOVSESSMENT.-The carpenters still persisting in their strike for wages, we gather from the Debats that Go- vernment have resolved upon permitting soldiers to be employed in their place. We need hardly remind our readers that, according to the conscription, men of all trades are to be found in the French armv. The ...


... THE NORTHERN STAR. SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1845. A SLIGHT TOUCH OF ADVERSITY TO I SWEETEN PRESENT PROSPERITY. ON the 20th of April last, we sounded the warning Anote of approaching PANIO. We showed the le combination of causes that had led to the present of flush of Prosperity ; showed that those causes er were evanescent in their nature: and that PANIC 0- and depression must as assuredly ...


... HINT FOP THE DUKE OF. A IBAC JICA NORFOL11. To InE ZDITOR, bP THE TIMES. Sir _jBeing equally Unxious to curry favour v tital 1ultitude, we have sent his Grace the Duke . t>!r,1ll a sample of soup sent to us from, Sydney, f * jolists being desirous of furnishing the mother tile COv sith any quantity at a very cheap rate, pro- ti, wivent be found for its consumption ; and it his Gtace l on his ...


... GREAT CLIARTIST MEETING AT ASHITON, On Friday night the spacious Charlestown Chapel was crowded in every part wherestinding-room could l be obtained, to hear an address from Mr. O'Connor. Shortlyaftereight o'clock that gentleman entered I the chapel and was received with thunders of ap- plause. The veteran, James Taylor, delegate to the Land Conthrence was elected to the chair, and after a few ...

To Readers & Correspondents

... Co Ataber. & rop0onb4t FIPORTANT NTirj_- Henceforth all communications for the yore, must be addressed simply thus:- To the Editor, Nortlgrn Star Office, 16, Great Windalilsetreet London. I request particular attention to the above notice. Fs&EGa OONos, TO AGENTS AND SUBSCRIBERS ALL AoaRNs in Lancashire, Whe are short of Str this week, can be supplied on application to a a Heywood, Oldham ...


... MORE OF THIE FERMENT: | The following address was ad tead nsouninoliely by one of the greatest and most. influental public meet- ugs which has been held in the Country for ;the consideration of the Maynooth Grant. It IWas Ro posed by Mr. Mason, ad seconded by Mr. Councillor Baldwvin. The Town Hall, capable of containing ten thousand persons, wvas crowvded to suffocation. Ase Address of the ...

Tit Bits

... rit NOt. THE POLITICAL TsxNsR.-MOSt of our readers wil be familiar with an old fellow, who goes about bel- lowing and shouting in the capacity of a political tinker. His anxiety to get a job makes him some. times very noisy, and unfortunately lie is seldom en- trusted with repairs that he does not make a much larger hole than the one he has been employed in stopping. 'l'he old tinker is said ...


... Wz present our readers with the following specimen Df Irish moral force from the pacific columns of the Nation; and should much like to see our reviling friends of Conciliation Hall try to match it by any of the most physical force diatribes of the bloody-minded Chartists in 1838 or '39. From the fo]lowing the Irish will see the hopelessness of any change forced from England by i ...

Tit Bits

... I t BIM4 ?? ?? is rusimired niat Louis Philip'e is in trenty with the proprietor of the Eleg. tric Gtn for the purehase of thesecret ofit',: eonstr'O tion; for, 'since the statement has been ,uublished& that it discharges 1,000 balls a minute h is Majesty' has been most anxious to ot the cus, into his own hands, lest its deadly powers should ever be triea upon some of' the finest buildings in ...


... '1II STIATE OF GEtR.MANY. LETTiiM I. TO T11 EDITORs OF' TIIE NORiTHIERN STAR. ?? cotmpliattee with your wvish, I corn1- b this letter a series of articles onl the pre- ItiiC5 ho f Ily native country. In Order to make oeiij itins oil the subject plainly understood, and ~ ~ rtilo same as being well founded, I shall 1111e to irace with a few wvords the history of Gor- 0pltiv irosi thle event ...


... THE public has been favoured with a manifesto of a Lord JOHN RussaLL's present opinion upon the ques- Ei tion of free trade in corn, through a letter addressed un by his lordship to his constituents. This production ini is not only a gem in its way, but is a record of al truculency, wavering, Linconsistency and folly, tW worthy of being preserved through all time. We vi, have here a perfect ...