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The Feast of the Poets

... ebtiiat of Me pt A feast of nectar'd sweets, Where no crude surfeit reigns! As a means of clearing off the accumulations of poetical contributions and extracts which come into our possessions but which the ordinary channel (our i poet's corner) is inadequate to dispose of, we an- nounced, in February last, our intention of iving, every quarter, a selection of original and extracted ieces ...


... THE NORTHERN STAR SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1&45. THE REPUBLICAN AND THE ARISTOCRAT CON- TRASTED. LAST weekl we drew attention to the fact, that the Globe, in the course of its observations on the cha-- racter of the deceased EARn GREY, had drawn an invidious distinction between that statesman and ANDREW JAcseoy, thle latter of whom it pronounced to have been the representative of a later and ...

To Readers & Correspondents

... Co ritabei! & Cotrrpon1Itutet RItCHARnD RlADFOnD, ?? reason why the agents in ?? lie names, were short of their number of Sklrs %was, we presume, that on Saturday ?? was an extra demand for it, e11 account of its notice of the Odd Fellotws' ?? learn this fact from other sources]. Mir. Ileywood not havineg reasoni toappreielid the increase, wtis not prepared with usore thaia his usual number. ...

Agriculture and Horticulture

... ogriculturcalizi 3wticulturr. ?? FIELD-GARDEN OP'ERATIONS. For the Week coommencing Jthsiday, Aug. 7th, 1I818. Lht'atu fi'omu a DIARY ?? IOperations on fiveI ollthrs ontheestates olthc late Mrs. 1). Gilbert, Smnl ltahlrns on ll thee u~ct~!c1o terov near EI' ?? int SuSelu ; and on several od|el filrm in Sherotates oho piatrl of' Dartmouth ait a icrcs ton xrin '1 byJcssire, lublisperl by Mr. by ...

Tit Bits

... Vit NOV. KINDRED Srisrrs.-Sonle pe-?ots are fond of comf paring Queen Victoria wit], Queen Elizabeth. In one point the resemblance is perfect-and that is, thlc patronage of both for the English driama. The age of Elizabeth produced a W illiamn Shakspere-thlat of Victoria is already immortal wvith the name of Alfred Bunn ! But let her Majesty only persevere in her frequent visits to tile French ...

Chartist Intelligence

... . ebartfist intelligairt. LONDON. Tun CHARTIST CO-OPEReATIVE LASD SOCrIET.- A numerous, respectable, and highly intelligent meeting was held in the Hall, 1, Turnagain-lane, on Monday evening, July 21st, to hear an address from Feargus O'Connor on the subject of the Land, at half-past eight. Mr. T. Cooper, late of Leicester, was unanimously called to the chair. The sleeting was opened by ...

Foreign Movements

... afnrdon Alobin nitz. IlttAd I will war, at least in words, (And-shltosid my chlance so happen-dedaL), With all wnto war vith Thought ! I think l ?? a little bird, who sings The people by and by will be the stro;ger.-lracn. ITALY, AUSTRIA, AND THE POPE. NO. it. In Italy, says Mr. Mazzini, tntihing speaks: . iknc is the coniiiotl law. Tle, people are silent by reason of terror; the ...

Tit Bits

... VIEW WME Posizim A ?? whotravels by the fqui 11an is Fas t Veler; but he who stays at homenalt day WithOutsaling of drifilk-n 'diFter. -The inot~ensive Frog is .often looked ?? eatell b~y mannyORphr1 is avery. Fine Painter: but Stu~bE the informer, is a Finer.-A good husU banfd and father is a good man; but he Whvo brings hamioneg wife apanid family to destruetion through A KURIOUS KUSTOMJR. ...


... se THE public has been favoured with a manifesto of InLord JOHN RUSSELLAS pr'eterrt ?? upon the ques tion of free trade in corn, through a letter addressed by his lordship to his constituents. This production is not only a gem in its way, but is a record of truculency, wavering, iinconsistency and folly, mn worthy of being preserved through all time. We n have here a perfect illustration of ...

daugere of a long and continuous calm-.thf, greatest dangers that can threaten a politician Thcrc is iijile ..

... a vessel going bfre a bieeze in the open sea; but there js great aon:iety about her management when be- calnod amidst shoals and rl'ks. We hlire been for now nearly three years in the latter position. The varied interests of class, and the torturous application of the law being so many obstacles in our course, while the calm created by temporary prosperity has left us scarcely a breath to ...

To Readers & Correspondents

... El abenr! & Cotgtpolltllt4I *Ne. THOMIAS CooPER AND Ma. O'CoNNOR.-Il relation to the ststenient made by 'Yr. O'Coltor at Manchester, affecting Mr. Cooper, we have received the following from Mr. O'Connor :-Ever anxiol's to lake atonement where I have committed errol, even under justifiable apprehension, I le not a mnomelnt ill testifying my sorrow at having done all inj lstice to Mr. Cooper-an ...


... ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED CARPEN- TERS' SOCIETIES OF LONDON. This grand annual banquet came off on Monday, I May 12, at the Ilighbury Barn Tavern, Islington. About 400 persons, amidst whom was a good sprink- I ling of the fair sex, sat down to a sumptuous repast, com prising most of the delicacies of the season. Mr. Jonas Wartnaby, a member of the King's I Arms Society, Marylebone-street, was ...